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The Original Unsocial Media. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures. Published Daily by Noon Since 2002. No Saturday Edition
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![]() Big Pine. One Bed One bath apartment in Eden Pines on canal includes all utilities Sat TV and Wi-Fi. Need first ,last and $400 security. Must show proof of steady cash flow and references. No drunks or druggies. $1300 per month. Classified Ads>For Rent |
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I bought a $150 netbook online loaded only great malware, spyware, anti virus, and keyboard touchpad software. I pay a total of $60, roughly, a month that covers wi-fi for other computers and the netbook that streams unlimited world wide TV. After the initial outlay if you figure Comcast TV cost, I probably saved over $1100 first year, plus the movie rental fees I don’t have to pay. And as an added bonus of having the cajones to pirate my TV I get HBO Showtime, Cinemax plus movies before they hit the Keys sometimes. Arrrggh, piracy is a fine Keys’ tradition! |
![]() Hi there from Springer’s Bar and Grill. Today’s special is a Shrimp Po’boy. This New Orleans original is always a palate pleasing treat. So come on by and enjoy this Mardi Gras for your mouth. Friday Special: Fish and chips There’s Always Something Special at Springer’s. |
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![]() The next meeting of our computer club is coming up this Saturday, July 12, 10 am at the Big Pine Senior Center. Hope to see you there. Events |
[“Nutria Invasion”] Can you east them?. |
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[Hamas vs Israel] Recall that it’s actually Palestinians vs Israel as they had their country (Palestine) dissolved to make way for the State of Israel. The Palestinians still exist, in Gaza, the West Bank and in neighboring countries in refugee camps. Israel controls their population as to maintain 75% Jewish and 21% Arab, why the Palestinians are not allowed to return. The creation of Israel was not for over-population issues like the United States was created by European excess, rather for religious reasons. Also the native Palestinians didn’t die off in great numbers due to disease like the Native American Indians did either, supposedly the Palestinians are multiplying faster than the Israelis. So militarily and logistically speaking, it’s a failure state as there isn’t a great influx of Jewish people to the country. It’s also hot as hell over there in the Middle East and the heat is what causes many there to be very radical. As the world’s superpower, it’s why America spends huge sums of money on the military and influence in the area. Link |
![]() [Oleander Caterpillar Rash] The clue is “Oleander” their favorite food, see this Link |
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![]() Next 4th of July I want an Israeli “Iron Dome” missile defense system for my house. |
It seems the Monroe County laws are only for the affluent money bags when building permits are concerned. Build what you want, don’t worry about neighborhood values. Make the area look like shit because you have no taste to conform and cherish the surrounding beauty of the Keys. Want a Mosque, build it! Want a bar, build it! Want a sifi[?] house, build it! Want a hotel on a residential street, build it! just pay the right people and build it! |
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[Sewers] Does anyone know when they will start digging for the sewer line on Caribbean Drive on Summerland Key? |
![]() This is Spinal Tape! |
Want to stop tailgaters and accidents? Stop trying to punish the people behind you and speed up. Or stay home and watch Matlock and leave the highway to people using the gas peddle more than the break peddle. Just drive straight ahead please |
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![]() Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance! Then click on “This guy takes 2 cups and a toilet roll. Actually, it’s a paint roller. Video |
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Ever wonder if your doctor is making you sick for profit? Some seem to be doing things not very logical, but are making it look like you have this and that so they can sell you medications or operations. This is a scary thought, but others are getting this feeling and looking deeper into who they pick to protect them from illness. If we cannot trust our doctors, who can we trust besides ourselves? |
![]() Watching Obama shooting pool, I got to think I might win a few beers off him. But technically speaking, he has a pretty good basic stroke. You never know though, he could get hot and that, along with getting some easy leaves (ducks), he just might run the table.. |
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![]() Why are old men so grumpy and irritable? |
Back in the days of small scattered tribes and villages, wouldn’t inbreeding be a problem? Even here, there sure ain’t much selection, but at least I’m not related to any of them. (thank God!). |
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2 Yamaha props for sale. Stainless 13 1/2 X 17 K. Also (from the same 90 HP engine) is an aluminum 13 1/4 X 17K. Both for $300. Bob Classified Ads > Boats |
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Re-elect no one; it’s time to give another crook a chance. |
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Contact Us. Send us your comments and attach any stuff you want published to this email. All emails go to the Editor and all emails get read. |
![]() I had the guy at RadioShack fix my infected computer a few days ago and today it’s as fast as lightening again and no more pop ups! Thanks to the geeks of the world and RadioShack! |
The safest way to get TV on the internet in full high definition is to purchase a streaming device. There are several popular ones out there but the highest rated models are the Roku box and a bit more expensive Apple TV. Both are available at RadioShack in Big Pine. We watch movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime with ours. Also if you are still paying for a home phone or want an inexpensive home phone check out the MagicJack at RadioShack. Very cheap, you can keep your old phone number, all you need is an internet connection and a phone and you are ready to save money. Paradise is not cheap but we can save a lot of money by using our internet service for TV and telephone. |
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I saw on the news that a team of experts came up with ideas for not leaving a forgotten child alone in a hot car for hours. It is to leave something really important you will need like a handbag, cell phone or brief case on the back seat next to said child. Really? All that to remember one of the most important things in your life, your child? It’s a sad world we live in. |
![]() I’m glad I don’t own a boat. Too much maintenance with all those pumps, motors, switches, electronics and corrosion, alarms going off, worrying about it sinking and finding someone to tow me in when it breaks. Oops, it looks like I’m getting a grinder pump for my sewer connection. That looks like the same headache to me, but apparently the County Commission believed the engineers who said it was “low maintenance”. |
Is there any valid, sane reason to go more than 1mph in the Big Pine Winn Dixie parking lot? |
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Contact Us. Send us your comments and attach any stuff you want published to this email. All emails go to the Editor and all emails get read. |
![]() If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn’t help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we’ve got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don’t want to do it.” ~Stephen Colbert Video |
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[The Project on Accountable Justice at FSU] The courage and brilliance that you have repeatedly demonstrated in rescuing the wrongfully accused and convicted, from a life confined in the filth and insanity that has become Florida’s Department of Corrections appears to be in short supply. |
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[“I’m in my 80′s now and would like to flush and watch TV before I go”] Your age is showing. When you were younger I bet you would go and then flush! |
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Dear FTR, I believe Mr. Bush created the law that gives the immigrant children a hearing before deportation |
Isn’t it obvious? Obama wants to let all those illegal little Mexican kids in here so that, years from now when they are all growed up, they will all find ways to illegally vote Democratic |
Yes, FTR, Democrat governance is in the public’s interest. Republican governance is in the interest of Republicans and none other. At least, the Democrats try to good for all. Someone wrote here: Democrats = US and Republicans = me. |
How many think that Obama should have genuflected to Texas Governor Rick ,shootem up, Perry? |
What a joke, loser nobody Palin says” jump” and some actually elected Government officials ask “how high?” |
[Repubicans] I really think all of us want to see the President at the border leading from in front rather than hiding from behind. The southern border must be secured first, the people getting a free ride in are bringing diseases with them. Let’s get real or this crisis will sink us. |
Obama going to border BS: Republicans are just trying to get him to jump through a hoop of their choosing just for the hell of it, so they can laugh about it later.
Hey all you Righties, put this in your pipe and smoke it. Link |
Maybe Sarah Palin is upset President Obama didn’t self-impeach halfway through his term like she did |
Obama sounds and is so smart. What would anyone else do, realistically, we are lucky to have him for our President. |
The “little gal” against “big government”: Perfect, get this on Fox News [right up their alley] as soon as possible and blame it on Obama. Obviously someone needs to be waterboarded and then fired as soon as possible. Anybody will do. Link |
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![]() Now we know that a slick Florida politician has made the exact same pledge. “No New Taxes.” In 2005, then Attorney General Charlie Crist signed a pledge not to raise taxes if he were to be elected Governor. You can read all about it at Link and Link The electorate believed Charlie, he was elected Governor. Shortly thereafter he raised taxes, fees, and tuitions……, massively. Even with the increased revenues, Crist managed to explode our debt and he presided over Florida sinking into deeper recession than that of our nation. Charlie has more flip flops that Kino’s Sandals in Key West. Do you trust Charlie? I don’t!