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[“What’s the plural of sergeant major when referring to a fish”] Ummm, filets? |
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[Good News] The number of foreclosures cases filed in the first three months of 2013 were the lowest amount since 2007, signs finally that the worst of the housing crisis may be over. |
I now understand that Advanced Sober Deficiency Disorder (locally understood as Keys Disease) can be detected early with a positive test result for the Lackanookie virus. I am relatively new to Big Pine and wish to practice responsible indulgence in our local libations without risk of spreading the disease, so I was wondering if CT readers might suggest an establishment where I could find a vaccine. I don’t have a lot of money so was hoping the inoculation could be provided by a free clinic. Please help! |
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I’ve always wondered what good purpose a hooded sweatshirt serves when indoors. Now I know.
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A few days ago I saw a notice here that Fanci Seafood was making their last batch of stone crab cakes of the season and I went and bought a bunch. No one puts more crab meat in their cakes than Fanci does. That’s a fact I can attest too. I love them! |
At last healthy Banana Oatmeal Cookies (no added oil, eggs or grease) 3 ripe bananas 1/4 cup almond milk 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/3 cup apple sauce 2 cups old fashoned oats 1/2 cup raisins 1 teaspoon vanilla Mash the bananas and add the rest of the ingredients. Grease a cookie sheet with coconut oil. Bake at 350 for about 15- 20 min. Reach in and feel of the cookies before taking them out. If they feel mushy let them cook a little while longer. I like to pour honey on mine while they are still hot. Yum! Chopped walnuts are also excellent in these. |
An opening reception to be held Saturday, May 4th from 3-5pm. Meet the artists and enjoy a self-guided tour of the Key West Art Garden. Light refreshments. Free entry to the opening reception. Come enjoy a Garden of art showcasing large outdoor masterpieces made by local artists. Each piece is crafted from recycled materials and fit into the natural beauty and backdrop of the Gardens. 10 different artists and 20 different pieces. The Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden. Located North on College Road, Stock Island, just over the Cow Channel Bridge. Bulletin Board |
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Learning about climate change? A good place to start is the PBS special Earth The Operators Manual, Your Planet Is Due For An Oil Change some of the natural orbital variation is discussed at about minute 14 jump in at the 12-13 minute mark to get a little intro to why they know this. The whole episode is about 50 minute long, first of three part series. Video |
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High diving giraffes. What you’ve all been waiting for! Video |
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[Health Help] ] Florida is eligible for $51 billion in federal aid over the next 10 years to provide health coverage to uninsured Floridians of modest means. If state lawmakers don’t act to accept this help, our tax dollars may go to provide health coverage to uninsured residents of other states. We need your help: Link |
[Dolphin The Fish] Ok, let’s try it this way: has anyone been finding mahi-mahi (formerly dolphin) out there, either in close to the reef or way out? |
[Crook] I’m wondering whatever happened with the iThief (Lisa Druckemiller-the county employee who stole iPhones and iPads) and her sentencing. It was set for April 1 and postponed last I had read. I know she is trying to bring others down with her in hopes of a reduced sentence, but send her the road already, before she finds a way to steal some more. Does anyone know how this thief is still out roaming the streets of Key West, like the queen of Stadium Trailer Park! Yeah, she is a classy broad isn’t she. If anyone knows when she will finally see justice for her crimes please keep us posted. iThanks. |
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[Eat Your Vegetables] The power of food to heal is simply amazing. Watch this clip for a gripping story that demonstrates that well.Might encourage evaluation of one’s own eating as well. Video |
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Where the wild things go to get wild. |
It took the citizens of Detroit less than ten days to raise the $50,000 required to build a life-size Robocop statue. |
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Taking your ex back is like going to a yard sale and buying back your own crap! |
[Sugarloaf Fun Fest] The MM 24 Band Saturday, May 11,10:00 AM-6:00 PM at Sugarloaf School Field. Music, Food, Vendors, Kid Games, Bounce Houses Family Fun! $10 Wristband gives kids all access to games & bounce houses Outback lunches pre-sold at Sugarloaf School $12 All proceeds go back into the classrooms. Bulletin Board |
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[BBC Lied] In an act of civil disobedience, Tony Rooke refused to pay a £130 TV license fee, alleging that the BBC intentionally misrepresented facts about the 9/11 attacks. Facing a judge Monday, Rooke was not convicted and did not have to pay the fine. Video |
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[Priorities] With God all things are possible; but with money all things are probable. And with a good accountant, they’re all deductible. |
Senior Center May Calendar. More … > Continuing Events |
[Tree Crime] If a specially protected tree falls in Key West, somebody has to replace it. That’s the law when it comes to tree protection in the city, which is reviewing the 26-page code of regulations that governs tree removal on private and public property. So, if a hurricane knocks down a tree in Key West on private property, the property owner has to go to the expense of replacing that tree which was knocked down by an act of God? If a tree on private property is destroyed by disease, say a white fly infection, which disease infected and destroyed many trees in Key West not long ago, the property owner has to replace that tree at the property owner’s cost, even though the property had nothing to do with the tree being destroyed? Even if the property owner was not allowed by the Tree Commission to trim that diseased tree enough to try to save it, without paying substantial fees, or fines, to the Tree Commission? |
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Technically grown-up, yet still have to chant, :lefty loosey, righty tighty” to figure crap out. |
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[Captain Doom and Gloom] Going to KW and observing the road work being committed – yes, committed as a insult to our intelligence – is a laughing stock about what is being sucked out of our wallets. The whole scam of this Beautification Con and the Sewer project is so obvious, it is sickening. Ask who is in charge or who are the ‘contractors’ and you get stared at as though you are an enemy or worse. Wake up people, you are taking it up the gigi for sure! “Climate change” Amazing how people will not admit we humans are polluting our air and water with greedy profiteering of useless products and over population, but blame God or Mother Earth for the natural changes. This is pure bubble logic and if you people do not get it, that is proof we are not going to make it much longer. Stop breeding like insects, stop over using our resources and above all, delete the nuke crap. Amen! “Using centipedes for bait” The ability to read the words surely has passed this posters thought patterns. Where the hell was anything mentioned about fresh water fishing, Northern fishing or such baits in the original post? All that was asked was is it possible to use the small centipede-like bugs for fishing. Period. Maybe it is the Keys Disease that makes posters see things that are not there. |
[US keeps Cuba on state sponsors of terrorism list with Iran, Syria] Removing Cuba from the list is “a missed opportunity. There’s no doubt about it,” said Philip Peters, a longtime Cuba analyst based in Washington. “It would have been an important step. It would have removed an accusation that the whole world knows is false” (except the Miami Cubans). |
[“Romney did not lose because of an anti white vote, rather he lost because his message did not resonate with minorities and he was not an attractive candidate to minorities. That’s not racism, that’s fact.”] His message didnt resonate with me nor was he an attractive candidate to me and I am not a minority. That’s a fact! Keep digging that hole. You think you can post anything without bashing minorities or liberals? I’m an Independent.. What’s that make me — a liberal? |
[Benghazi] Deer Right wing old people, You are the only ones who care about Benghazi. The subject has been discussed and investigated to death. Do you want to bring back Ken Starr to have more hearings for the next three years and change nothing? |
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FTR the point of the postings wasnt about calling anyone a racist. The only thing that really matters is that 100% of the voters were Americans. It really isnt that confusing. A majority of American voters elected our President. Thats it. Theres nothing else that matters. If you stand in your local waterway and keep throwing out buckets of water chances are you will simply find more water. To continue bailing and thinking your going to find the reason why the waters there will just confuse you more. Americans picked their President for a million different reasons. But hell keep on bailing. |
Romney lost because Americans didn’t want his kind of America. An America for the privileged few |
The Tehran assaulters were a vast mob and apparently there were no US assets within an effective action distance. In Benghazi there was no mob, only a relatively small paramilitary assault that lasted about 8 hours. We now know that American rescue assets were between 3 and 6 hours away. Stevens and his comrades did not die until near the end of the 8 hour attack.. Their is one commonality, both Tehran and Benghazi were horrible failures of American policy. A more accurate simile would be the fall of the US embassy in Saigon. In that instance, like Benghazi, the embassy was in imminent danger of military assault. The State Department, the President, and the military were well aware of that threat and had a sizable military security contingent in place. They also had had developed a contingency plan for their rescue, it was called Frequent Wind. When the Saigon embassy was at the verge of being overrun, all Americans and many Vietnamese were rescued. Certainly Obama et al were well aware of the threat in Libya, yet they purposefully did not have sufficient security, nor did they have a plan to evacuate our people. That certainly is strong evidence of incompetence or of a purposeful political decision to present a politically inspired “smiley face” light foot print presence. I can agree that Benghazi was “awash” in arms and fighters, certainly our government was aware of that. Failing to supply adequate security to the civilians in our embassy borders on criminality. And most certainly making a reasoned decision to deny them security for political purposes is an abomination. Then the poster wrote: “. I’m sure our brave people knew what they were getting into.” The evidence seems to contradict that opinion. First of all we must remember that Clinton had actually reduced the security footprint in Benghazi prior to the murders in spite of repeated requests for an increase in security. As I recall, the last request for enhanced security by Ambassador Stevens was mere hours prior to his murder and the murder of three other Americans. Hence we know that the even though victims were aware of danger that they begged for help. They were denied, instead of Team Obama throwing them a life jacket, they threw an anchor. This issue should be old news. The issue should be settled. But Team Obama for purely political purposes chose to lie and to obfuscate. As the Gordian knot of lies untangles we learn more and more. Now there are at least 4 State Department and CIA staffers who are prepared to tell us exactly what happened. The story told by Obama and Clinton beggars belief. Finally yesterday’s poster would have you and I believe that saving the lives of our official representatives in Libya was simply not worth the risk. That of course is a judgment call. Personally I hold the lives of Americans in higher esteem. It is my judgment that the Obama administration not only refused to rescue them, and in so doing they dishonored every American who serves in an embassy. He further tarnished our reputation for resolve. The Obama administrations conduct in this entire affair is an abomination. On the other hand, Team Obama has now tacitly admitted their embassy security failure. They have just deployed substantial numbers of Marines to a base in Spain to be the beginnings of a brand new rapid reaction force to respond to situations such as Benghazi. There is merit in closing the gate after the horse has escaped. But not a lot. Yesterday Obama press flack, Carney told us that Benghazi is “old news.” Not worthy of further examination. Deer Friends, if Team Obama has nothing to hide, they have a sterling opportunity to embarrass the hell out of the Republicans by simply encouraging all persons involved to tell their recollections to the press or to Congress. Don’t hold your breath.