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[Conundrum] You’re having this dream and your third grade school teacher is leading the army of the damned across a bridge to conquer you, so you blow up the bridge with one of those roadrunner cartoon plungers — boom! and you pop awake to an electrical transformer blowing up outside your house on the pole. How did your dream know there was an explosion coming? is it because our subconscious can manipulate time? |
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[Punctuation Police] Damn, that person writing about conspiracy theories and naive people must have some kind of illness causing him/her to use way, way, too many commas. I agree with everything that was posted by this person, but the halting and confusing sentence structure made me dizzy. I hope this CT poster is ok and not having a stroke. Perhaps this poster needs to revisit elementary school grammar basics. |
Vicki Walker with the Big Kahuna award! Left to right: Good Health Clinic executive director Jennifer Rickmann, 2013 Big Kahuna Vicki Walker, 2012 Big Kahuna Capt. Skip Bradeen |
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[Crooks] Key West’s very own Norma Jean Sawyer is tentatively set to be released Nov. 30 from Lowell Correctional Institution in Ocala after serving about one year of a two year sentence for scheming to defraud more than $50,000 from the now defunct Bahama Conch Community Land Trust which she ran to the ground. |
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[“Vacuum pumps in Mathews County, Va have been used with no problem and that the county is exactly like the Keys, flat and mostly 3 feet high”] Hmm, Matthew County’s sewage report (see link below) has some interesting statements: 1) elevation ranges from 5-25 feet. 2) septic tanks are still being used in some areas, and 3) there were power outages and flooding during Hurricane Irene — grinder pumps don’t work without electricity or during floods. By the way, damage (sewage backup) caused by grinder pumps is not covered by most homeowner’s insurance policies. Link |
Incidents have occurred where vulnerabilities have been discovered, product vendors like Apple (seek: Finfisher) or Microsoft were notified and no patch for the public was issued. Why? Because the vulnerability is given to or sold to the surveillance industry. By widespread abuse does a public patch be issued, sometimes the discoverer of the vulnerability will go public with it to force vendors to fix it. Big tech companies do not have your back covered, they like to make you think so. All smart tech is spying on you. Link |
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Most of the black snakes I see in my neighborhood are the ones that people liked running over in the street. |
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[“Contributing forces behind government corruption”] It’s not just who gets the jobs, it’s the temptation of all those billions of dollars floating around just to reach out and grab some while it’s drifting by. |
[Constitution Question of the Day] Answer to #8. C, Giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Article III, section 3, defines treason. The definition is very narrow and most things that many people refer to in conversations as treasonous, in fact, are not. Question #9: The Constitution establishes a Federal government: Copies of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are now available for free at Jigs, Coconuts and Molly’s Pawn on Big Pine. Another good resource is the Constitution Club at Link |
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[Dan’s The Man] Danny Kolhage voting against the proposal to spend $5 million of sewer money on Rowell’s Marina. Kolhage has said he would rather see the sales tax money be put toward sewer, road and bridge projects. |
[Fan Mail] When I lived in Key West I had a small shop on Truman Ave., Harry Powell ran for office.This wonderful man went to every function he could, be it a poets gathering or a political must. He loved his island and all it stood for. He had more love for us than anyone I had ever met. He paid the price for his heart that no one else I’ve ever met in the Keys. I truly feel this man deserves a bust with a plaque on that island. Harry Powell is the person that best represents why we all live here. Viva Harry Powell! I still have his political t-shirt, never worn, safely stored away. Love you Harry! |
I know the Commissioners and FKAAers no longer read the CT or they would do everything in their power to change the grinder pump problem, once and for all time. |
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County to buy Rowell’s Marina for 5 mil after Key Largo residents spoke in favor of the purchase as a good investment for the future. Note: Key Largo residents already have sewers. |
[Still Hot] We’re about to set a record for the longest period of temps not going below 70 degrees. We’re at 227 days. The record is 240. Go Keys! |
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Where’s Captain Doom and Gloom? He must be off on another adventure that he can gripe about. |
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[Plan Ahead] The only way the County should take ownership for the Old 7 Mile Bridge is if they have a plan in please to fund the eventual total replacement of all its parts. Salt water and wind makes a harsh environment. |
The 2022 World Cup Stadium looks like a…err…vagina. |
<@)}}}>< A cool little keyboard drawing. |
[Grinder Pumps] I guess the County Commission sprung for another $10M to take some lucky homeowners off the individual grinder pump list and switching them to an alternate system. So what about the other people? Since it is a matter of dollars I wonder where they can find some more funds lying around? Any ideas? |
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When your grinder pump backs up after a Hurricane the sewage will not just be in the yard. Sewage will be in all ground level homes along with your neighbors backup. |
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I like the Internet because I can write whatever I feel at the moment, without doing any research for accuracy, just gut feelings. |
[Conspiracy Man] Here’s an actual conspiracy that sounds highly ridiculous. The only problem is that there are plenty of real documents proving this conspiracy wasn’t so ridiculous after all. “After witnessing a humanoid looking corpse that was floating in a small fishing village in Grenada. That was over 7 feet tall, had 6 fingers on both hands, had large almond shaped black eyes, and an extremely large elongated head, and was declared “Not Human” by the chief medical examiner. Adding, that prior to the finding of this alien corpse, numerous UFO sightings were witnessed throughout the Island Nation of Grenada for several months. The Prime Minister of the Island Nation of Grenada took the following action (continued below in Long Winded Tomes). |
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My doctor told me that the best cure for chronic constipation is frequent bowel movements. |
The church is located just south of Rock River at the corner of West 2nd street and Highland Ave. That information is completely irrelevant but the story is pretty much finished and I’m not really sure what else to say – other than the fact that the church’s slogan is “Rising Up.” |
[HealthSherpa] This site lets one check out ACA health insurance and subsidies without the sign-up hassle and weak security of the real ACA website. Link |
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[Old Septic Tanks] Many moons ago I was converted from septic to sewer (way upstate in the I4 corridor). The tank was pumped, filled and the top replaced and sealed by a licensed contractor – probably inspected too, but I can’t recall for sure. I don’t know if the bottom was holed or not. But the endgame is, it’s a done deal and won’t be used again — for anything. |
[“Conspiracyman Punctuation”] Just, to, answer you. Yes, I do, speak like this. People, think, I’m imitating, Bill Shatner, when, he did, his role, of Captain James, T, Kirk, but, I’m not! |
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Flush the grinder pumps! |
[Bring Back Slavery!] Just think, if people worked for nothing like when we had slavery, goods and services would really be cheap. Let’s find a new group to enslave this time, it’ll be fun. |
[Citizen of the Day Says] He calls the island Paradise, saying its small town feeling makes it a very comfortable place to live. |
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The next meeting of our computer club is coming up this Saturday, November 23 from 10 am – noon at the Senior Center. Hope to see you there. Events |
[Jury Nullification – An American Tradition and Right] Most people are not aware of the concept of jury nullification. Certainly Judges and prosecutors do not want you to know about it. It is however legal, Constitutional and moral. Incarceration rates in the United States (the land of the free) are the highest on the planet. Russia is second, but they are still way behind us. The establishment likes the system the way it is. Incarceration has become big business in this country. One of the many benefits of the war on drugs. There is an old adage “War is the health of the State”. We have the War on Drugs, War on Poverty, and War on Terrorism, all of which have spawned a multitude of high profit government contractors to facilitate those “Wars”. If you’ve read this far then here is a link of interest on Jury Nullification. Link |
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[“Hair sticks”] Try Local Color in KW, the location is across from what I think is Turtle Kraals, I think. They have two locations. Also there’s a shop on Duval, Earthbound Trading Co. I think too, it’s been a while since I’ve been shopping in KW, but they both had them last I looked. |
[Redux] It’s a lamp post. Seriously, what were you thinking? |
Roostica on Stock Island has only been in operation for less than a year. The service is excellent and the food is out of this world good. Finally someone (Bobby) has opted to clean up part of Stock Island and some punks try to tear it down. Please try it and give your opinion. Yes, there is ample parking in the rear if needed. |
Why doesn’t Harry Powell run for Commissioner Nugent’s seat? I know he’d have our best interests at heart. |
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[“Keep my flowing trusses organized”] Not to go grammar nazi on you, but flowing trusses sound really uncomfortable, and I’m not sure how sticks would help! Thanks for the chuckle! (Ed: Okay, so my flowing tresses it is. Not to work on my tan.) |
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[Cocaine] The Southwest Florida Congressman arrested for cocaine possession is Trey Radel, not Henry Radel. Please give Henry an apology. |
Winter flats fishing report for the lower Florida Keys. Link |
I, too was happy to see Harry Powell still in touch with things. In talking with him over the years I find him most knowledgeable about most anything. It must be his schooling he had in Virginia. |
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The stock Island restaurant, Roostica, is nothing but excellent! The prices are very reasonable also. Clearly yesterday’s poster is more of a McDonalds connoisseur. The dinner salads are gourmet and quite reasonable in price. It is our favorite place to hit after volleyball (daughter) practice, on our way home to Big Pine. We are far from rich and we would not be going there if it was “way over priced”. I usually get the “our pepperoni pizza”. I can’t think of the name of it right now, but It is delicious and I expect to pay a little more than at Dominos. I have had a small wait to get service on busy nights, but the servers aren’t outside smoking like at ZaZa’s – they are hustling to catch up. Generally it’s great service. |
Winn-Dixie’s job fair in Big Pine Key is today with more than 50 positions available! Events |
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Marco Rubio said diplomacy and foreign aid should vastly outnumber the country’s use of military force abroad. |
I’m not a rainbow Polly Anna, I love puppy dog optimist. I’m a ..The-harder-I-work-the-luckier-I-get kind of optimist. I will work hard to free us from the liberal/socialistic movement. I must say, with President Obama’s help, we could move along much faster that I thought. My hope is Ted Cruze, Tea Party, and Libertarians, will gain the support of many Independents, center to center right wing Democrats and Republicans; and they will see this liberal/socialistic move in our great America is not a good one. In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. ~Mark Twain |
Not requiring people to buy health insurance as the Obamacare individual mandate requires, is like telling people that they don’t have to pay taxes if they don’t feel like it; and still benefit from government sponsored projects and organizations whenever they need them. |
Will Obamacare’s collapse bring about the end of liberalism? I’m not sure. At the very least it will poke its ugly eyes out and cut it’s legs off. This is a teachable moment for America. The Soviet Union showed us that the Central Planning Committee was a very bad way to run a country. Big Government makes nothing. It only takes. That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves. Our Government is too big, too costly, too out of touch with the people. If nothing changes, nothing changes. Vote. |
[Universal Healthcare] Can’t get there from here? There still appear to be quite a few folks here who believe that Europeans have it made with their egalitarian healthcare system. After a number of conversations with them and personal experience, please let me disabuse you of such a notion. The English are especially disgusted at the trickle down medical system with which they are grappling. Even simply appointments with a doctor are a laborious process, not to speak of more complicated procedures or surgery. Many have taken refuge to France after retirement where they find the hybrid healthcare system to be more efficient and cheaper. That is not to say that the French healthcare system is a cat’s meow. A doctor there this summer diagnosed me with gout instead of taking x-rays to find out whether I had a broken toe. As a US citizen, I had to pay for the doctor’s visits, pills, and lab test (all within norms) upfront but was seen promptly and received timely results (however faulty). None of the healthcare systems is perfect as none provide for indefinite hospital stays and expensive procedures and diagnostics for all. However, the VA medical system comes close to fulfilling such criteria, even though it is limited in scope and resources. To truly come to grips with the issue, emergent care could be covered for the young and healthy by a number of insurers, while others, especially those who are more prone to using medical services, need to be part of a government covered healthcare system such as Medicare. It’s that simple and that complicated. Now if we could just keep the lawyers at bay, we might, just might, get there… |
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[Regressive Hypocrisy #10] Republican Michele Bachmann recently called herself a genius. However, according to Politifact, 13% of statements made by her and checked for accuracy were considered mostly false, 35% were false, and 27% were considered ‘pants on fire’. A genius? |
The Government shutdown was costly, but pales in comparison to the cost of the disastrous Obama health care act. Let us remember that the Government shutdown was to stop us from falling off the Obama/Democratic health care cliff. You grew angry with the Tea Party & conservative Republicans for doing all they could do to warn you to stop the law from taking effect or at least to slow it down. The law that our President and his Democratic party voted for, and made into law, without one Republican vote. Not one! The effect so far is 5 million people losing, or have lost, their insurance. As the small business part of the law is implemented, 50 to 100 million will lose their insurance. Yes 50 to 100 million. You think you’re safe, think again. This law must be repealed. Now, and by both parties. How many times must you be hurt before you get it. President Obama and the Democrats have done you a great disservice. They lied or they didn’t care enough to read the law. President Obama and the Democratic party is not worthy of our support |
[“Never forget Republicans had not a single damn thing to do with ACA”] And they have not a single damned thing to replace it, nor to get the uninsured insured either. Fact! |
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[“California’s air pollution is from China”] Really? You can tell Chinese pollution from, say, European pollution or Russian pollution? I think all of California’s pollution and BS comes directly from California. |
The only “socialist” programs that conservatives want to eliminate are the ones that encourage people to sit on their fat asses and let everyone else take care of them. Those are usually the ones that are most abused, but ignored by liberal politicians because the abusers always vote Democrat. |
[“FTR – the substantial decline in the employment/population ratio is more proof that our economy is waning under Democrat governance”] Actually the decline started when Republicans had both the White House and the Congress. The economy was doing so well under their leadership that the baby boomer generation started retiring early and exiting the workforce. They will continue to exit the workforce until 2050, so the percentage will always go negative until then regardless. A sudden and more downward drop occurred about 2008 when the Treasury Dept seized Fannie and Freddie, thus stopping the socialized subprime mortgage mess that the then Democratic Congress was ruining the economy with. So to be correct, there are two factors at play with the lower civilian employment rate. One can’t be avoided as one can’t expect many retirees to work, but the Democratic mismanagement of Freddie and Fannie, causing 47 million on food stamps certainly could have if they listened to Alan Greenspan’s warnings. |
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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, fewer than 3 percent of U.S. workers earn the minimum wage. Those who do tend to be entry-level workers – people with little work history, less education and fewer skills than those who earn more. About one-third of minimum wage earners also earn tips, which, in many cases, actually puts them significantly above the minimum wage in reality, if not officially. In the end, the minimum wage affects very few workers. Their average family income of minimum wage earners is $65,900 per year. Most have not finished their education. A third have not yet finished high school, while almost a quarter have only a high school degree. Another two-fifths have taken college courses but have not yet graduated. Many of these are college students working part-time while in school. Only 3 percent have finished college and obtained a degree. 60% of people living below the poverty line didn’t work last year. They don’t need a raise; they need a job, period. Hiking the minimum wage doesn’t make people more valuable in the job market, especially those with no experience or proven skills. Minimum wage hikes make it more difficult for them to find jobs, especially in the short run. The raise proposed by Obama would increase just the straight wage cost for a business by 24 percent in its entry-level positions. Businesses will have to absorb that increase in cost in one of two ways. Either they raise prices without providing consumers with a commensurate increase in product or service value, or they have to reduce staff to cover the increase. An increase in minimum wage will result in fewer jobs. Forced to pay a higher cost for employees, businesses will stick with experience rather than look to younger workers who are trying to enter the workforce. As a result younger workers will never get a good chance to earn their stripes. That has long-term implications for their ability to earn in the future, as well as the social costs of high unemployment and restlessness of youth. The Democrat/Progressive/Liberal push for a major hike in the minimum wage may make them feel good about themselves, but so does a Big Mac with fries and a chocolate shake. Both are unhealthy. Part 2) The anvil chorus of Democare screw ups just keeps growing. The other day, the boss of the whole mess, Secy of HHS Kathleen Sibelius, was in Miami giving a dog and pony show about Democare to a group of true believers. The Tuesday afternoon show time was clearly a highly orchestrated media event to focus on the positive, after so many negative media reports about the Obamacare sign-up process. It didn’t work out that way. As a part of the Secy Sibelius dog and pony show, a laptop was brought out to demonstrate how easy it was to use the web site. During the demo, the Democare website crashed. The Democare dog won’t hunt and the pony is spavined. |
(Continued from above …) [Conspiracy Man] Sir Eric M. Gairy, Prime Minister and Minister for External Affairs of the Caribbean Island nation of Grenada, spoke before the United Nations, General Assembly, Thirty-Third Session, 32nd Plenary Meeting, on Thursday, 12 October 1978. Prime Minister Gairy proposed the following at the U.N. General Assembly. “The establishment of a department of the U.N. for undertaking, coordinating, and disseminating the results of research into Unidentified Flying Objects.” The U.N. realized the seriousness of P.M. Gairy’s attitude towards this proposal, and voted to establish this proposal in the agenda of the General Assembly. During which, P.M. Gairy lobby’s the proposal for 2 years, presenting documents and credible witnesses like U.S. Astronaut Gordon Cooper. The efforts made by the United States, and Great Britain on behalf of the CIA, NSA & MI-6, to block this United Nations resolution was by exerting various forms of pressure on a number of other member nations. Regardless of the fact that Dr. Eric M. Gairy, was responsible for the “Democratic Independence” of British colonization towards the island of Grenada. It was suspected by the U.N. General Assembly, that the U.S. & the UK obviously had plenty to hide concerning this UFO topic, and were not willing to share any information on the topic under any circumstances. All attempts made by the U.S. & the UK to block P.M. Gairy’s proposal were futile. 2 years later in 1980 the U.N. passed the proposal. “The General Assembly has taken note of the draft resolutions, documentation and credible witnesses submitted by Grenada at the 33rd session of the General Assembly regarding Unidentified Flying Objects and related phenomena.” On the very day that P.M. Gairy was to visit with Kurt Walheim and discuss the UFO resolution, it was learned that a Cuban sponsored Marxist group, known as the New Jewel Movement (NJM), had overthrown him and his government. The NJM was led by a young attorney named Maurice Bishop, who along with 46 others planned and executed the coup using weapons smuggled into Grenada in a barrel of petroleum jelly. Really?Coincidentally, on the verge of the U.N. passing of his proposal, P.M. Gairy is forced into exile. His government is overthrown by a military Coup D’etat. Hmmmm? In 1983, the island quickly fell under American control. They were met by considerable resistance from the Grenadian army and Cuban military units stationed on the island. Heavy combat continued for several days, but as the invasion force grew to more than 7,000 troops. The defenders either surrendered or fled into the island’s hill country. Some fighting continued as U.S. troops hunted down those who resisted the invasion to the bitter end. U.S. combat forces left Grenada, after a pro- American government was established on the Island. Does this ridiculous conspiracy theory still sound ridiculous now? |