2019 February

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Letters to the editor with pictures since 0202. Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage days, Tuesdays and Fridays.

[Medical Marijuana Monopoly] I just applied for medical pot in Key West. $250 for the visit, $75 for the card and an exorbitant price for the juice (no leaf) and another $75 in six months. You vape the juice from a battery powered pen-like vaporizer. I can only buy the juice from one place, including the vaporizer. It’s an unfair monopoly like all monopolies are. I can’t buy from other dispensaries in Florida only from the dispensary the doctor has a secret deal with. Just imagine the money involved in having a monopoly on marijuana in Florida!
To top it off, the doctor thinks it’s like heroin and was not open to discussion. He thinks it’s a dangerous drug like Oxycontin. It’s a shame he’s not more open-minded because I’ve forgotten more about pot than he’ll ever know.
[“Rip-off dental prices”] Dental insurance companies do contracts with participating dentists and agree on specific prices for procedures which then can only charge those insured under those plans the contract price. This is due to those with insurance who pay monthly premiums all year and participating dentists usually receive more business due to taking insurance. Whereas those without insurance only pay when services are actually rendered. So if your dental premiums cost $1,000 a year, the insured is automatically out that expense and those without insurance may only go to dentist once a year, so in many cases those without insurance pay less on a yearly basis.
[“Alan Archer’s speed talking”] I swear since someone rightly criticized the local radio weather report by Alan Archer as talking so fast you couldn’t understand him, he has actually slowed down.
6th grader arrested for refusing to pledge allegiance to the flag in Tampa area. Says it’s raciest to black people.
[“Black face”] I just now got to read Fridays CT.  You got hoaxed.  The picture of the woman in black face and the male in hillbilly (I’ve got a similar outfit all set up for Tennessee) is a hoax. It is not. Repeat, it is not Hillary and Billary.  No idea as to who it is, but it isn’t them.  I wish it was, but it isn’t. ~FTR
[“Restrict whose living here”] If what you wish were to come true, who do you expect to wait on you at places where you wish to spend all your money? If everyone in the Keys were rich no one would need a job and you’d have no stores, restaurants, gas stations, etc. Also, who would you get to help maintain your mini-mansions. Restricted living is snobbery at its worst.





The living hell of Maurice, Jacques Cousteau’s cat.

Who controls the information, controls the world.  ~G. Orwell



[Winn Dixie] Weekly ad. Link

[“Garage sale rules”] Piner forgot rule #7. Don’t have a garage sale if you are that big of a jerk.
Join Terry Cassidy and friends at Boondock’s Grille and Draft House, 27025 Overseas Hwy on Sunday, February 24th for the 20th Annual Island Grass Music Fest. There will be live music from 1pm – 6pm featuring Ty Thurman & Cory Young, Terry Cassidy & Friends, Glenn Harman, Pat McCune, and Howard Livingston. Come and bid on your favorite items in the HUGE silent auction with over 150 items from your favorite keys businesses! There are vendor spaces available for a small donation. Proceeds will benefit Habitat for Humanity’s hurricane recovery and affordable housing programs. For more information, contact or call (305)294-9006
[“Using God as a defense is the last refuge for those who can’t defend themselves against rational argument”] That’s an interesting point of view. I always thought that argument was for global warming.
We will never be completely rid of stupidity because even if there were a vaccine against it, anti-vaxxers wouldn’t use it.





Arguing over a woman’s bust size is like choosing between Coors, Heineken, Miller or Budweiser.  Men may state a preference but will grab whatever is available.

[Zombie Deer Disease] What is it, and could it affect humans? An expert researcher claimed humans could soon be impacted by a zombie deer disease called chronic wasting disease. Here’s what you should know. Video

Should we drive with our flashers on during a National emergency?

[“Rip-off dental prices”] At just about every major intersection in Los Angeles you find an Asian dentist office. They do tooth implants for under a thousand dollars (here the same thing costs 3-4 thousand). If you’d like to see the sights in LA you can get a new tooth at the same time and the money you save will pay for your trip. The dentists are fully licensed and insured and the success rate is the same as in the Keys. The only difference is, like everything else, it’s expensive here and there’s no Universal Studio tour


Can I dress as a Chinese coolie for Halloween or is that like blackface?

Drag Queen headlines children’s story hour at public library. Video



[Coding] I would like to use the money for the Wall instead to tech coding in schools. I think our children are the future and the future involves coding and computer sciences. Let’s get these kids ready. Coding needs to be added to the school curriculum.

[Climate Change] A common sense discussion about climate change/global warming, by Burt Ratan.  If you don’t know who Burt Ratan is, he’s an aerospace engineer noted for his originality in designing light, strong, unusual-looking, energy-efficient aircraft. He also developed SpaceShipOne, which won the Ansari X-Prize in 2004. Link
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has done our country a great service. By helping to drive Amazon out of New York, the young progressive congresswoman has reminded us, and her colleagues, that political grandstanding can have real world consequences.  She has also brought home that businesses large and small, and not the government, create jobs and are the source of our nation’s income and progress.  They are not, in fact, the enemy. Link

I can’t figure out if the press is trying to be funny or if they’re just testing the IQ of their readers.  Why else would they print some of the absolutely ridiculous things that come out of the mouth of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Maybe they’re just trying to show that the dumbing down by the public education system has been a complete success?  It’s a puzzle. Link

If I took a picture of a President and made it black face could he press hate crime charges or sue me? Sure he could, because it is slander and that is a crime.