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The Original Unsocial Media. Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures. Published Daily by Noon Since 2002. No Saturday Edition
[Ruckus] Last night around 11 p.m, loud growling, snarling and hissing sounds originating in the far corner of my yard and just about jarred me out of my chair. I grabbed a flashlight to go investigate. The sounds were very loud and sounded like a couple of huge dogs fighting to the death along with loud hissing and some squeals thrown in. It was not dogs as none can get into my yard and it was way louder than any raccoons I’ve ever heard. By the time I found a flashlight and climbed down all the steps and out into the yard the encounter was still going strong, but it took me several more minutes to get closer to the vegetation where the animals were tangling. They stopped before I got close enough to locate them with the light. I’m not sure, but they may have been part way in a tree that’s surrounded by vegetation to thick for me to climb into–not that I really wanted to, but my curiosity was peaked.In all my many years on this property I’ve never heard such a ruckus. I’m wondering if maybe a large, hungry raccoon messed with a large sleeping iguana? Does that ever happen? Any ideas? It truly sounded like a battle to the death. I looked around in the daylight but found nothing. I live on the wild and untamed side of Ramrod Key. Tonight I’m ready with light, recorder and video! |
Finnegan’s Irish Pub is closing June 9. The property has been sold. I didn’t like it in there it seemed grungy, dark and dirty. |
Tomorrow is Uke Night at Coconuts, this Wednesday, see ya there. Rock’in ya Right at the Light, down town Pine Key. Video |
A wide study concluded that kids don’t learn any better in single sex schools than they do in mixed sex classes or schools. |
[Poop Patrol] I understand there is a guy that lets his dog run and poop in people’s yards while he rides his scooter in the Palm Villa Sub Division. Anyone know about this? Do you know who he is? |
[Plants vs Zombies] Game of the Year Edition. 100% discount! Download Free |
Contact Us. Send us your comments and attach any stuff you want published to this email. All emails go to the Editor and all emails get read. |
Usually caterpillars will not defoliate an ornamental enough to kill it. First ID the type of caterpillar, as you might be killing a good type of butterfly. Yesterday’s poster neglected to mention what the beautiful yellow flowering vine is; that could be an important clue, as many, if not most, butterfly caterpillars have only one plant Genus that they will eat. That being said, Bacillus thuringiensis israeli will do the trick. |
[Something Fishy] Detectives are looking for 400 pounds of hot snapper. Yellowtail snapper worth about $1,200 was stolen over the weekend from a commercial fishing vessel. The fisherman told deputies he docked his 37-foot vessel at Sea Lobster Marina on Fifth Avenue on Stock Island late Friday and went home, leaving some 400 pounds of snapper on board. When he returned the next morning at 6am the fish were gone. |
Happy Tuesday from Springers Bar and Grill. Do we have a special for you, mango poppy seed chicken with red cabbage on a hoagie roll. A tropical spin on our classic chicken. Your going to love it. Don’t forget it’s also pizza Tuesday. Any menu pizza or 2 topping pizza $10. There’s Always Something Special at Springers. |
[Mark of the Homeless] A van dweller I know wrote that 4-5 years ago he was stopped for something by a local cop and given a hard time over nothing. The cop kept holding the license and bending it back and forth, and finally he returned it to the guy, who later, because of what the cop had done to his license, went to the drivers license station next to the airport on South Roosevelt Blvd to get a new license. When he told the woman who waited on him what the cop had done and that was why he had come to get a new license, she said the police bend and even crease drivers licenses to let cops who later have dealings with the holder of those licenses know they are dealing with a homeless person. |
[Bocce Party] Friday night under the lights bocce party and potluck. June 6 6-10pm at Bill and Dixie’s, 31562 Avenue E BPK. RSVP please text 305 797-0474. BYOB, ice, and eats to share. Dixie and Bill’s bocce party rain date is June 13 from 6-10 in case this rain keeps up all week! |
It’s been reported that 70% of Americans suffer from hemorrhoids. Does that men 30% enjoy them? |
I bet Obama micro chipped those 5 Gitmo guys so that the first time any of them go out into the open an Obama drone can home in a Hellfire missile up their keyster. Go O! |
[Coal Under Fire] Companies that generate electric power with anything other than coal, or that produce power-saving technology, are likely to benefit from the Obama administration’s new proposed limits on carbon dioxide emissions from power plantsNatural gas producers, nuclear generators, wind farm operators, solar panel makers and efficiency technology companies may all come out winners in the Obama administration’s plan, announced Monday, to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 30 percent by 2030.
Coal stands to be a big loser. Last year 78 percent of carbon dioxide emissions from the electric power sector came from coal. |
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2008 216 CC Sea Fox, 150 Suzuki 4 stroke, chart plotter, VHF, AM/FM CD player, T-top with T-bag. Tandem axle Magic Tilt trailer. $17500. Call Chris Classified Ads > Boats |
[“Gun control at nation level”] We can never have this discussion because the Right changes the debate to suit their fear. Yesterday a poster responded to national gun control implying that we want to disarm the police. The Right live in fear. They are the armed ones. They are frightened. They are the problem. |
[“How to get rid of the caterpillars”] If they’re caterpillars they’re probably on their way to becoming something else and may not be something you want to be rid of. If they work at night, go out with a flashlight and collect them in a paper bag so they don’t suffocate, then take them out to the refuge and shake them out on the native greenery they’re supposed to eat. |
[Miss Firecracker 2014] What’s hot just got hotter. This year, for the first time, The Miss Firecracker Pageant welcomes female contestants to the competition line-up. Not just Miss Thang, Blanche and guuuuuuuuurl. Real, biological women. Why? “Inclusiveness”, pageant producer Smyrna Emphezema a/k/a Terry Paulson says. “The pageant has generated over $100,000 to date for local non-profits, with AIDS Help its main recipient,” states Smyrna. “And you know what? It’s time for a makeover. Last year was the 25th Anniversary since its origination by Charlena Sugarbaker (the late Charlie Powell) in South Carolina. So many women in this community give to AIDS Help, in volunteerism, dollars and support, on this 26th year they too can celebrate Independence from gender rules.”The competition will scorch Key West on Tuesday, July 1st at AQUA nightclub, 711 Duval. The evening will include appearances by former Miss Firecrackers, the reigning 2013 Miss Firecracker Diamonique, plus the presentation of the Ronda Riviera Humanitarian award, named after the late Ron Wright (the 2001 Miss Firecracker). Hosting the festivities are Dana Douglas and Mr. Randy Roberts. “Personally, I cannot wait to see our local women take the stage in red, white and blue to compete for a prize package worth $3,000,” Smyrna adds.
Aqua will begin selling general admission/standing room tickets for The 2014 Miss Firecracker Pageant at 7 p.m. (the pageant itself begins at 8 p.m.) Reserved table seating ($100/4 seats) is still available by calling Paulson at AIDS Help: 305-293-3666. |
[Principle Versus Law] To understand how evil controls people, it is necessary to understand the difference between principle and law. A principle is a truth that creates freedom. A law is a lie that creates slavery. Principles describe reality. They are knowledge that help you to make use of your world. Because of your intelligence, you recognize principles in everything you do. Every true thing you learn is a principle. The movements of your hands, which foods taste good, mathematics and empathy for a friend are all based on principles. Laws are artificial ideas created by evil men to restrict the thinking and understanding of people. Laws mask themselves in authority so that they can impersonate principles. When people mistake law for principle their freedom is restricted. When people mistake truth for the ideas of authority, their abilities and their wisdom are diminished. This is the purpose of law. |
[“Smithfield Farms sold to China”] That’s a shame, but I’m not going to start eating my neighbors. Well, maybe one or two, but that’s it! |
[Who’s a racist] Easy. If you hold an opinion about, or say something about race that I don’t like, you are. |
[“Is there still a phone number to call for the time“] Well, there’s a website, if you need it, complete with sound effects! Link |
Contact Us. Send us your comments and attach any stuff you want published to this email. All emails go to the Editor and all emails get read. |
[“Product that will rid us of house ants”] The best I’ve found is Terro, comes in a tube. The box was orange and blue the last time I looked for it. One tube will clear the neighborhood. You put a couple drops on a square of cardboard and leave it on the ant trail, where you regularly see them. First three days you’ll think every ant on the planet has gathered on that cardboard and worry you’re just providing a banquet. After that they’ll be gone! Even my twenty something bachelor nephew, whose housekeeping skills are dismal and who was ridding his apartment of ants with a fireplace lighter (one at a time), raved about the effectiveness of Terro at ridding his place of ants. Yes, he lived in FL at the time. |
What good has fifty years of foreign aid done for Africa? Aid groups build them concrete homes and come back years later to find the buildings are used to house animals and for storage. The people are living in huts in the back yard! |
I pay Vincent Di Mauro in Marathon $225 a year for nothing. Yes, nothing. They are supposed to maintain my aerobic system on Big Pine Key. Recently I needed it maintained. It broke. I called DiMuro for their maintenance and they charged me an extra $95 just to look at it. To get it fixed was an additional $769. Beware who you deal with in the Keys, we have a long history of piracy. ~seemus@hotmail.com |
Microagression and microinvalidations are real. Don’t you mock me! |
[Citizen Of The Day Says] “I love the island atmosphere and being part of our ‘One Human Family,’” he said. “I also enjoy creating the world’s largest corsages.” |
[“Ants”] Trim any large steady vegetation away from the house, they may be using the house as a nesting area and use branches to avoid the ground and get to food (like sap and whiteflies), they will leave eventually if they are out of your reach as you cut off access to the food source. Clean your house and make sure it’s dry, including the shower basin or sprinkle Comet down there so it’s poisoned. Put a towel down where the pets drink their water as to absorb any drops or food. Wait a few days for the ants to get really thirsty. If you have areas of the floor where you can leave water, like tile and concrete, also where the ants are, or outside in their ground nests, then mix Comet or boric acid in water, some sweetener like sugar or honey, plus a dash of a sweet smelling shampoo. Pour a few gallons of it all over where you can, not puddling where animals can drink. It will wipe them out. Ants come in for three reasons, food, water and shelter. Water is the really big one in this high heat and your greatest weapon. Seal any openings, tape or caulk any cracks. Where you can’t, like the door, use a perimeter/barrier spray around the frame and threshold. You can also go around the foundation if you wish. |
Contact Us. Send us your comments and attach any stuff you want published to this email. All emails go to the Editor and all emails get read. |
[“Smithfield Farms sold to China”] Which is why there were no pigs feet for stone crab bait last season. I called small to mid-sized farms and they said the Chinese were buying from them too! The Chinese are exporting every last piece of pig they get here, and prices to us are about to go up. |
[Gremlins] If you have a gremlin in the basement, remember that sunlight and water will kill them. And never, ever, feed them after midnight! |
Was the VA scandal timed to coincide with Memorial Day when out patriotism and respect for the military was at its highest? |
So Capt. Doom and Gloom wants all sports to be “armature”? Rather limits the players to EEs doesn’t it? |
[Whistleblower Protection] There are a bunch of public employees at the County, FKAA, and DEP who know just how deceitfully the entire Cudjoe Regional Sewer System has been planned and is being implemented. They also know of numerous other unethical and/or criminal goings-on and have at times leaked information or would love to, but fear job retaliation. They should know that there is an organization specifically formed to assist and help protect them when they grow weary of keeping silent, or have already spilled too much. It is called PEER, an acronym for Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. They have a Florida branch with an attorney to advise members. “PEER is a national non-profit alliance of local, state and federal scientists, law enforcement officers, land managers and other professionals dedicated to upholding environmental laws and values.” Link |
2005 Crossroads 5th Wheel Camper, 30 foot. $9950 or best offer. 50 amp, two slide outs, A/C, furnace, stove, water heater, 8 cu ft refrigerator and freezer, queen bed and sofa bed, Paradise Pointe upgrades. Call 305-872-9647 for information. Big Pine Key. Classified Ads > Autos |
[Privacy] It bothers me not one bit that my phone calls, emails, ect. are listened to or recorded. What tunes me up is that some lazy-ass government douche bag gets paid to do it! |
Contact Us. Send us your comments and attach any stuff you want published to this email. All emails go to the Editor and all emails get read. |
[The PC is Dead] I was just looking for a new desk top computer and went to Intel.com to see what the latest motherboards and processor chips were like. I was shocked because it seems Intel, the world leader in computer processors, has dumped all but a few models. The real work horse is a desktop system, not those useless iPads or All-In-One toys. I suggest if you think you may need a new desktop soon, go by a high end system now before they are gone! |
Get rid of the VA. Expand Medicare and let the veterans go to regular hospitals. There is no need for the VA. Our veterans deserve better. Let them in our regular hospitals and let the Medicare apparatus pay their bills. |
You can still phone for the time and temp in southern NH, 603-529-7511. |
[Gerbil Earring] Keys version: iguanas? |
[Bingo Reminder] Today, June 3rd, from 6-8pm please join Safe Harbor Animal Rescue of the Keys at Boondocks and play Bingo for charity! Bingo, 50/50 raffle and a huge silent auction! See you there! |
[“Hamas and PLO united”] Recall your history. Israel was created by force, by taking over the preexisting country called Palestine which there are still refugee camps in neighboring countries to this day. Unlike the take over of America from the Native American Indians who many have since disappeared, it’s quite the opposite in the Middle East. The Palestinians greatly outnumber the Israelis and didn’t forgive, forget or die off so easily. Arabs, Jews and Christians all equally shared the Holy Land in Palestine in peace while under Arab rule, but now that’s all flipped because of Zionism. Was it right to reconstruct a 2000 year old dead nation and displace millions of people for the sake of a few radicals? Perhaps it was, perhaps it wasn’t, but it sure was a huge logistical mistake that one day will rectify itself in a horrifying manner once balances of power shift in the world. Talk about creating one’s own self fulfilling prophecy! Just hope the horrifying deaths for anyone don’t occur on my watch. Religion is a stupid thing to whole-heartily believe in. It’s even stupider to die for or cause others to die for. Peace will not rule unless religion is abolished and people simply live by the golden rule. |
Contact Us. Send us your comments and attach any stuff you want published to this email. All emails go to the Editor and all emails get read. |
[“Ants”] Terro still seems to work for sugar ants, grease ants, piss ants or whatever you call the little ones. I know one guy who sprinkles diatomaceous earth around his cat bowls. He says the dust gets into the ants’ exoskeleton joints and the abrasiveness of it cripples them. |
[Dual Citizenship] It is interesting that there never seems to be anyone complain about people holding government jobs that have dual citizenships or foreign citizenships. How can one pledge allegiance to two separate countries, or another country and serve this countries best interests ? How many in our Congress alone have dual citizenship? How could anyone vote for a candidate for a governing position not know who they may be subservient too. The law should require that anyone holding a civil service of government position of any kind, appointed, elected, or employed be a citizen of the United States and of this country only. It is bad enough illegal aliens are taking as many jobs away from US citizens as they do, but for the most part these are jobs that the welfare state clientele do not want because of low pay and loss of benefits, but that is another whole subject that should also be addressed. |
Any post on this CT that has the word ‘folks’ in it is automatically skimmed over because I know it was written by a redneck. |
[Ukelele] This Wednesday, June 4, we’ll hold our monthly meeting of The Coconut Ukulele Orchestra at Coconuts on Big Pine Key, 7-9.PM. If you don’t play or don’t have a Uke we’ll show you how, we always have extra Ukes and people willing to help. This is also open mic, Sorry Ukulele’s only. Come on out for a fun time. Thanks to Joe and Meri-Lynn for their support. If you can’t make it this week we will have another night this month, June 11. |
[Baffled Nation] In just about any realm of activity this nation does not know how to act. We don’t know what to do about our mounting crises of economy. We don’t know what to do about our relations with other nations in a strained global economy. We don’t know what to do about our own culture and its traditions, the useful and the outworn. We surely don’t know what to do about relations between men and women. And we’re baffled to the point of paralysis about our relations with the planetary ecosystem. To allay these vexations, we just coast along on the momentum generated by the engines in place the turbo-industrial flow of products to customers without the means to buy things; the gigantic infrastructures of transport subject to remorseless decay; the dishonest operations of central banks undermining all the world’s pricing and cost structures; the political ideologies based on fallacies such as growth without limits; the cultural transgressions of thought-policing and institutional ass-covering. This is a society in deep danger that doesn’t want to know it. The nostrum of an expanding GDP is just statistical legerdemain performed to satisfy stupid news editors, gull loose money into reckless positions, and bamboozle the voters. If we knew how to act we would bend every effort to prepare for the end of mass motoring, but instead we indulge in fairy tales about the shale oil miracle because it offers the comforting false promise that we can drive to WalMart forever (in self-driving cars!). Has it occurred to anyone that we no longer have the capital to repair the vast network of roads, streets, highways, and bridges that all these cars are supposed to run on? Or that the capital will not be there for the installment loans Americans are accustomed to buy their cars with? The global economy is withering quickly because it was just a manifestation of late-stage cheap oil. Now we’re in early-stage of expensive oil and a lot of things that seemed to work wonderfully well before, don’t work so well now. The conveyer belt of cheap manufactured goods from China to the WalMarts and Target stores doesn’t work so well when the American customers lose their incomes, and have to spend their government stipends on gasoline because they were born into a world where driving everywhere for everything is mandatory, and because central bank meddling adds to the horrendous inflation of food prices. Now there’s great fanfare over a manufacturing renaissance in the United States, based on the idea that the work will be done by robots. What kind of foolish Popular Mechanics porn fantasy is this? If human beings have only a minor administrative role in this set-up, what do two hundred million American adults do for a livelihood? And who exactly are the intended customers of these products? You can be sure that the people of China, Brazil, and Korea will have enough factories of their own, making every product imaginable. Are they going to buy our stuff now? Are they going to completely roboticize their own factories and impoverish millions of their own factory workers? The lack of thought behind this dynamic is staggering, especially because it doesn’t account for the obvious political consequence which is to say the potential for uprising, revolution, civic disorder, cruelty, mayhem, and death, along with the kind of experiments in psychopathic governance that the 20th century was a laboratory for. Desperate populations turn to maniacs. You can be sure that scarcity beats a fast path to mass homicide. What preoccupies the USA now, in June of 2014? According to the current cover story in Time Magazine, the triumph of transgender. Isn’t it wonderful to celebrate sexual confusion as the latest and greatest achievement of this culture? No wonder the Russians think we’re out of our minds and want to dissociate from the West. I’ve got news for the editors of Time Magazine: the raptures of sexual confusion are not going to carry American civilization forward into the heart of this new century. In fact, just the opposite. We don’t need confusion of any kind. We need clarity and an appreciation of boundaries in every conceivable sphere of action and thought. We don’t need more crybabies, or excuses, or wishful thinking, or the majestic ass-covering that colors the main stream of our national life. |
National politics is back. Click on this link to send your national political post anonymously. No one will know your name or email address, [Well, maybe the NSA will] not even me. FTR is going to be the new national politics editor. Do not fear, FTR promised to post everything, even if he hates it, he’s that kind of guy. Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil. I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here |
As we send millions of dollars of support to Mexico, military support and training, weapons and other support, Mexico still openly continues to import to the US tons of poisonous drugs, literally thousands illegal aliens yearly (that you warmly embrace in hope of votes), invite the illegal immigrants to freely join our military forces and do nothing, NOTHING!, about a Marine a mile away from our border.You, Sir, Mr. President, are a disgrace to our Country and us as a nation. You are a joke in the international community and deserve nothing but impeachment for your continued lies, denials and mis-handling of literally everything that you swore to address as you campaigned under “Hope and Change.” Mr. so-called President, we’ve seen your hope. It’s a nightmare for our country. We’ve seen your change. Another nightmare with your ObamaCare fiasco, IRS targeting, denial of the Benghazi debacle and deaths of 4 Americans as you and your lap dog Hillary spin the story, and now , finally, the scandalous treatment of our veterans in the VA system that you were well aware of since at least 2007 when you pledged in one of your meaningless speeches to “take care of our military veterans.” You, Sir, are a disgrace, an embarrassment to our nation and totally incompetent to lead our country. |
[Marine in Tijuana Jail] Where is our President, Kerry and others on the Obama team who pledge to “take care of our military and our veterans” as one of our Marines languishes in a Tijuana jail just a mile or so across the US border. A two tour Afghanistan vet who saved the lives of numerous comrades and himself badly injured in a combat zone, is left to live chained to a bed like a POW in Mexico, treated like an animal and abused while our President and his regime seem to not know anything. What’s new here? Obama, the Chief of “I wasn’t aware” denial, is of course ignorant and un-aware of this Marines plight. (Sure Mr. President, it’s been all over the media, more than 100,000 signatures on petitions have been sent to the White House, numerous national news outlets have covered this story and yet you are once again “in the dark” as usual. |
[Cleaner Air] I wonder what FTR will do now that the President has taken a big step to clean the air. That’s something everyone should embrace, except of course, the Right. Making coal burning energy companies clean up their act is a direct threat to the Republican mindset, “Me, me, me” and their support of big business, no matter how it affects our breathing or lives. It appears the Right is only concerned with money; never morality. And they wonder why I hate them. If FTR replies to this I’ll bet it is with a bunch of dollar signs. Here’s one for him, 15% of coal fired plants have already switched to natural gas. |
YESTERDAY A POSTER WROTE: “Does the Republican Party think we are stupid? When the fees for auto license and registration were raised they claimed that was not a tax increase. Now that they are lowering them — it is a tax cut (per Holly Merrill on US1 radio ad). What a deal for them! I guess they hope we don’t remember past actions.”FTR’S RESPONSE: Several years ago when Charlie Crist was Governor, he raised taxes and fees. Charlie Crist then claimed to be a Republican, it was Crist who claimed that the increases were not increased taxation. Half way through his term, he apparently grew tired of raising taxes and he quit governing and started running for the US Sentate. When it became obvious that his butt was getting kicked by Rubio in the primary, he then morphed into an Independent. Certainly you have not forgotten that he promised on national TV that he would not change parties. Charlie has not a clue as to what a promise means, he has no core beliefs.
Like Obama, promises mean nothing to Charlie. Now Charlie is showing his true colors, he is cuddling up to the Obama admin and is in favor of raising taxes on everyone. Charlie is now a Democrat. Look, if you want to pay higher tax bills, higher energy bills, and have the government’s nose into every facet of your life, vote for the brand new and fervent Democrat, Charlie Crist, who has sold his integrity in a bid to be your next Governor. Florida’s Republican Governor, Rick Scott lowered taxes and fees, lowered college tuition, and is working his skinny butt off to fix the flood insurance mess. Obama refuses to cooperate. If you want lower taxes, more efficient and smaller government for Florida and for our Nation, vote Republican, and reelect Republican Governor Rich Scott. To get where we want to go, it will take Republican governance at the state and national level.
I came across a very interesting data set that chronicles the US import of oil from Iraq for many years. In September of 2001 we imported 36,501 bbls of oil from Iraq. Last month we imported 9006 bbls of oil from Iraq. Oil imports from Iraq to the USA have steadily decreased since 9/01. Today we import less than a quarter of our oil imports from Iraq in 2001. Yet another item of malicious Democrat propaganda is proved to be totally and absolutely false. Link ———————————————— A POSTER WROTE; “Your biggest problem/shortcoming is that to you, anything “liberal” is “criminal”. FTR, with that kind of mindset, your musings are irrelevant. Jesus was a very “liberal” individual.” FTR’S RESPONSE: Ah c’mon, get real. Are you trying to convince anyone that Jesus was a proponent of abortion on demand? Jesus by all accounts was fully committed to charitable giving, yet all studies reveal that Republicans are far more generous with their charitable giving and philanthropy than Democrats. On the other hand, liberals tend to use government to force charity. Forcing others to make charitable contributions that one is disinclined to do without external compulsion is called hypocrisy. And hypocrisy was among the most serious charges Jesus laid on the Pharisees during the New Testament era. By any standard, Jesus was a charitable man, not a socialist. Jesus preached that wealth and family are valuable possessions, but should not stand between you and Jesus. The moral of the story is sacrifice, not socialism. There is not a single place in the bible wherein Jesus advocated it was the function of government to do what loving human beings ought to do on their own. And of course we must contemplate the biblical imperative “thou shalt not covet.” How can that be squared with the liberal/socialist imperative “redistribution of wealth?” It can’t be. |
National Politics. Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil. I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here |