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We are very proud of the ‘NUT and what we enjoy doing to help those on Big Pine Key. I really don’t think many folks know what a big part the ‘NUT has played in helping folks and groups on our island over our 30 years in business. No bragging, just a fact. On March 10th, Coconuts celebrated their 30th Anniversary in business and held a party and fundraiser for the Boys and Girls Club of Big Pine Key. Shown are Joe and Meri-Lynn Britz and Betty Rondeau (owners of Coconuts) handing CeCe Williamson (Boys and Girls Club Director) a $4,000 check. Along with two late, very generous donations, over $4,000 was raised. Coconuts would like to thank Eagle Brands, Gold Coast, Premier Beverages, Republic National and Southern and Coastal Distributors for supplying all the raffle gifts and donations. Steve Miller (M.C. Extraordinaire), and Terry Cassidy, along with many talented musicians, donated their time as well. Many thanks to the folks who have supported Coconuts over all these years! Click this link to watch the party video and see many of your friends. Video |
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Tomorrow is Spring and the birds will sing. |
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I had a new experience last night that scared the crap out of me. I picked up this woman in one of the local watering holes- we were both hammered and decided to make the beast with two backs. When I tried to undress her I could not even get my fingers under some kind of body armor she was wearing. It was like Spandex, only much tighter. I don’t know how this woman could even take a breath. I finally got it off of her and her nice trim figure was replaced by a rather plump one. It was like Bruce Banner turning into the hulk, only the female version. I guess this is some kind of body girdle that is trendy in the northeast, This is the worst case of false advertising I have ever seen (or felt). I would mention the state this woman was from, but I don’t want some dildo to accuse me of having a small pee-pee. |
[Fishing] Meet the man who changed fly fishing forever. How a refugee from Hungary invented a reel that would tame the biggest, baddest fish in the sea. Link |
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Sinkholes are Earth’s way of reminding us we’re living on a rock hurling through space. |
March 19, 2013 is Veterans Day at the Capitol. Florida lawmakers are honoring Vietnam Veterans with a resolution making March 30, 2013 “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day”. Honoring Vietnam Veterans means a lot to me. While I appreciate the sacrifice of Vietnam Vets, one in five soldiers returning home from duty in the Middle East today report symptoms of PTSD. As my husband Bob is a disabled Vietnam Vet, his years of service and experiences with the VA make what our troops face coming home very real to us. Although we know CBD, an active ingredient in cannabis, would treat his PTSD-related symptoms, Bob chooses to save my life over making his own life easier. While CBDs don’t make you high and you don’t smoke them, getting the products from a legal state, transporting them to Florida and possessing the cannabis-based drug would be illegal under Florida law. Link |
[Cats] Please leave the cats be. Enough already! There are too many dogs that “go” in someone’s yard that’s not picked up. Cat hater go away. You write this cat crap too often. Stop it. |
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[Gun Conbtrol] Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper will sign gun control measures Wednesday that pose limits on ammunition magazines and expand background checks for firearms. Score one for sanity. |
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[Critters] “Zygote Engineering” Some of you complain that foreign countries are bio-engineering babies to be superior beings so when they grow up they will have the brain superiority to take over what the smaller brained people cannot handle The CT is a perfect snapshot, one of thousands across our country, that allow our American people to reflect on and comment about everything that truly affects their everyday lives. So in this local snapshot, citizens are concerned about whether the marsh rabbit was scared by a feral cat, a dog, or a dog’s owner. Or if marsh rabbits even exist here in the first place. Not to worry, there are other places in our land that have bigger quandaries. One more example in this microcosm is why did the chicken cross the road? That’s one for all to ponder all across our intelligent nation. Every one of these thousands of local microcosms has corrupt political leaders that are repeatedly re-elected. That plays a very backstage role in comparison to the marsh rabbit issue. Or whatever it is in your hometown. Why wouldn’t any smart progressive society take over the foolish ones just as they have done since the beginning of time? Didn’t our ancestors seize this land from the stupid Indians that lived here? I think today’s Native Americans may have some good insight on where our society is headed. If the biggest quandary in your (local perspective) life today is marsh rabbits, cats, dogs, etc., then we’re all in for a rude awakening when the superior thinking foreign brains come in and dictate to us how this society will now behave. We have a speed bump coming in our perfect little lives, and if you don’t wake up now it’ll be way too late later. Wake up America! |
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[Blue Water] A friend of mine visiting from Michigan asked, “What kind of stuff do they put in the water to make it so blue?” |
[Noise Advisory] NAS Key West Blue Angels High-Intensity Training Thursday. U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Team “The Blue Angels” will conduct familiarization training called “circle maneuvers” on Thursday from noon until 5:30 p.m. This required training allows for the Blue Angels to familiarize themselves with visual references in preparation for their performances during this weekend’s “Southernmost Air Spectacular” air show. Residents in Key West and neighborhoods surrounding Boca Chica Field will notice an increase in jet noise during the circle maneuver training period. More information regarding the “Southernmost Air Spectacular” can be found at and “NAS Key West Southernmost Air Spectacular” on Facebook and @NASKeyWest on Twitter. -USN- |
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[Phone Carriers] I don’t know how much you need, but I used to have Sprint and paid $45 a month for 400 minutes or free after 7 p.m. or weekends. I got tired of keeping track of my minutes and panicking the last few days before they ran out, cutting people short on calls. I live in Key West and checked 3 different carriers. For unlimited calls and texting, Sprint wanted $99 a month. AT&T was just as bad. I discovered Metro PCS. No credit check, no contract and I get unlimited calls and text for $40 a month. You pay in advance (online payment is best because it’s free) and if you don’t pay on time, they cut off your service, but they text you a reminder every month. You have to buy one of their phones, but it was worth it for me and I have been with them for 3 years now. They have upgraded services, but I have all that I need. I’m not sure if they have stores up the Keys, but their local office here in on N. Roosevelt, just above Duncan Auto Sales. |
[“Pope Francis only condones the missionary position for sex”] What is the missionary position? All my life I have been researching and studying and practicing all the known positions for sex, and now you befuddle me with a new one, can you please further enlighten. |
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[Cats] For those of you who believe, or want to believe, that cats are eating all of our birds, and if you want some actual facts, check out the following article: Link |
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I watched Sarah Palin’s speech and it confirmed my low opinion of her. Her speech was designed only for sound bites not content. She actually said nothing. How could CPAC give her credibility when she’s nothing more than a political bimbo. |
In the first foreign trip of his second term in office, President Obama will visit Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan. The trip is an important opportunity to meet with the new Israeli government and speak to the Israeli people — as well as to meet with the Palestinian leadership and the King of Jordan.Nothing will come of it, but the President has to try at least. |
I usually post a political comment on here every day. But after reading what the current batch of Palins and Donald Trumps the CPAC had to offer as their best all I can say is. Nothing. Keep up the great work Republicans. I’m glad you are still sticking with the same ideas and folks you used the last election. Carry on! |
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[Climate Change] I once asked a meteorologist friend what the difference between climate and weather is. Climate, he said is what you expect, weather is what you get. Recently our Majasty, the King stated he will bypass congress along with democracy and “take Executive action…now and in the future…Trotect us from the consequences of climate change”. I have seen often the anti science left comment on this blog. By comment I mean hurling demeaning pejoratives such as “denier” or the tragically cultish “skeptic”; Yes let us not dare to question the authority of the Enviro-Prophets, so I would like to clarify for the readers what the actual debate over climate is. What is it that sends the left into a frenzy of righteous certainty. For the left the term Climate Change has four infallible points and believe it or not that the climate actually changes is not one of them. So first, what is climate? The current accepted definition is the statistical examination of weather data gathered over a thirty year interval. Climate change would be the same examination of the same weather event over a different thirty year period. If there is a difference then we have climate change. Dispite what the adherents tell you no one disputes that the climate changes. We All know glaciers carved the valleys of California’s Yosemite and Greenland… Well Greenland was greener than it is now. Climate change for the left, as I stated has four distinct points. I will give each of the points with a brief explanation for why denying any of them will subject you to a wrath of hate and sneering contempt not seen often in humanity. Point 1. The current climate changes are unprecedented. Never before in all the history has the earth been this warm…they say. And it must be for this reason; if the changes in climate have been seen in past records then there is nothing to fear. There is no reason to initiate executive orders banning certain types of behavior and allowing others. If this sort of climate has happened before no one would care there would be no fear. Point 2. The current climate change will be catastrophic. Oceans will rise famine will kill hurricanes will become stronger. Even if the changes were unprecedented if the consequences were benign or dare say beneficial.. noo ne would care. There would be no fear. Point 3. The current climate change is Anthropogenic. It is caused by human activity. It has to be human caused because if the root of the changes were driven by primarily natural causes, even if it were unprecedented , even if it were potentially catastrophic you would not have support for the transfer of the hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars into the greedy pockets of corrupt leftists politicians and nefarious left wing NGO’s. Point 4. The Unprecedented, Catastrophic, Anthropogenic Global Warming is caused by CO2 emissions generated solely by the burning of fossil fuels. This is the old guard 60’s leftist fall back position. “oil companies are evil” The Cult teaches this. There is no actual reason to dislike oil companies. It is just a focal point for haters. Something distant enough so that the members of the Cult won’t begin to wonder why they hate. Yet just tangible enough to create a sensation of virtue. Carbon dioxide represents thirty eight thousandths of one percent of the atmosphere yes 38/1000 of one percent. Fossil fuels generate only about 40% of the annual output but they must be the sole cause So the debate is not about whether our climate is changing it is that it is unprecedented, catastrophic, anthropogenic, fossil fuel driven change. The cult of the left demands strict adherence and an absolute belief in this. The Enviroprophets know they have built a very flimsy house of cards and only have a very narrow window of opportunity to take advantage of the ignorant fear and willing followers to initiate the ideological, political, economic and social disruption that they believe will create utopia. |
The Republican National committee’s autopsy acknowledged FTR is a major reason they lost the election and will he will continue to be a major problem to winning. Asked to describe Republicans,they said that the Party is “scary, narrow minded,” and “out of touch” and that they are a Party of “stuffy old men.” This is “consistent with the findings of other post-election surveys,” the report states. |
[Trolling for Comments] I want my food stamps and my Government check every month and I will vote for the person that will keep my Government freebees flowing and there are millions upon millions of us that are like me. I could care less if our country is in debt. Ha-Ha-Ha |
Deer Friends, let’s examine the complaints against Governor Rick Scott that were posted here yesterday. One of the complaints was that Scott’s company, HCA/Columbia had paid the biggest fine in US history. The company did pay a huge fine, I have no idea if it was a record or not, nor is it relevant because Scott had no part in any wrongdoing. I do know that the Feds assaulted the management of that company, including Scott, with a massive and complete investigation. As a result of their work, three execs were charged with federal crimes, two were convicted of felonies. The government, after a massive effort, was unable to find evidence that Scott had any part, or even knowledge, of the criminality of his underlings. Most certainly the Feds tried to fry Scott. He was a huge fish. They failed, they should have failed. Even Scott’s most staunch enemies presented no evidence that Scott was guilty of anything. The complaining poster suggested that Scott’s campaign promise to deliver 700k new jobs to Florida was a “ha – ha”. Now that is a really classy example of analysis and contemplative thinking. The fact is that in the two years of Scott governance we have seen our state unemployment percentage decline at a rate nearly twice that of the nation. Also, we know that we lost 850k jobs under Governor Crist. Since Scott has been in office, at least 200k of those jobs have been reclaimed. We also know that there are about 260k job openings that have been posted on the net a huge increase from last year . When those jobs are filled we find that Scott will be well on his way to fulfilling his campaign promise.
Another poster panned Scott’s efforts to clean up our voters rolls. That poster apparently feels that proof of citizenship should not be a requirement in order to vote, perhaps he/she agrees with those who say that everyone, even non citizens have the right to vote. I disagree, so does Scott. Rational thinking, folks will conclude that in order to vote, one must be a citizen, one must vote only once, and one must be alive in order to vote. Scott is a rational thinker. Scott acquired Homeland Security data and had it forwarded to Supervisors of Elections state wide. Then the individual Supervisors, (all elected officials, Dems and Reps) compared the HS data to their own voters rolls. Many errors were found, it was discovered that some persons who had been voting for years were not citizens. Scott’s efforts resulted in identifying numbers of persons who were not eligible to vote, but did vote. Yep, the Scott initiative to authenticate, to clean up our voters rolls, worked. This Olde fart thinks that is a wonderful thing. Words have meaning and words have nuance. The choice of words wields great influence. No one knows that better than the media. The media have labeled Scott’s efforts a “purge”. That term certain has deeply negative connotations. It brings to mind Stalin’s purge of dissidents, it brings to mind Cuba’s Mariel expulsion of so many dissidents and convicts. It brings to mind certain unpleasant bodily functions. The media purposely elects to label Scott’s work as a “purge” to color the thinking of the reader. A truly accurate descriptor of Scott’s efforts is “authentication” of the voting rolls. Part 2) A tip of the FTR fedora to the voices from the right that we have enjoyed here recently. These sensible postings reveal that the writers are thinkers. The posters from the right have demonstrated that they know the facts. They are a breath of fresh air. Sensible postings from sensible folks from both the right and the left are always a pleasure to read. Please keep it up! Thanks. Respectfully submitted: |
No Name Electric |
Yesterday’s poster asked a great question when he said, Why? “What is the real reason why the BOCC does not want No Name Key to have Electric? Why do they spend over a million dollars, and still counting, to keep No Name Key folks from getting a county permit to hook up to the lines just outside their door? Why?” Surely, there are many folks who would like to know the answer. The BOCC will be meeting in closed session this Friday in Marathon with their high priced consultants. After the closed session meeting, you have an opportunity to do us all a favor and ask that question. I hope you will post what you learn, here. Warning: The answer might make you dizzy, and additionally puzzled. |
The No Name Key debacle shows what happens when petty bureaucrats decide not to approve something because it may harm the environment. A classic example of this happened to the working-class couple in Idaho. Mike and Chantell Sackett. The wanted to build a house, got the necessary permits, but were blindsided by the EPA. The EPA deemed the area wetlands and told the couple to restore it or be fined $70,000 per day. The EPA bureaucrats would not even allow the couple to challenge the wetlands ruling. They wound up taking it all the way to the US Supreme Court where they won by a vote of 9-0. Check it out- it seems that that is what is going on with NNK. Link |