2012 November

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

[Early Voting] Sucks. There is too much confusion. Either there is early voting up to Election Day or there isn’t. I got showered and dressed yesterday, took my sample ballot and drove to the BP Library only to be greeted by a sign on the door saying no early voting. I’m totally disgusted with the whole mess. 


absentee ballot request forms for my kids who are away at college. Speaking with them tonight I find out they still have not received them. They are both registered to vote here in the Keys but are away at college in Tampa. I wonder how many others may not get to vote because of this problem. My daughter is willing to drive from Tampa to the Keys to vote but has to be back for class the next day. As much as I appreciate her enthusiasm about voting I do not want her to drive 16 hours round trip plus the wait at the polling place to vote. Any one else have any problems with the absentee voting?



Voting is an important Constitutional Right. You can vote early in Big Pine Key at the Public Library at 213 Key Deer Blvd. and avoid the rush. Early voting will continue through this coming Saturday, November 3rd from 7AM until 7PM. Early vote in other locations at the Supervisor of Elections offices, in Key West, 530 Whitehead St. Suite 101 and in Marathon, 490 63rd St. Ocean, Suite 103.

Whoopee! The last day of elections! I got up at 3 am to work a polling place for you, as did some of your other neighbors. Please show up and vote no matter what your decisions. 

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[Correct Charity Figures] I checked out the Charity comment from yesterday’s poster and found it extremely outdated and incorrect. Why do people post data without researching it? Lazy man, just lazy! Link for current stats. Link

Re: Yesterday’s donating to charities post. Please go to before posting nonsense.

[Hurricane] It’s unbelievable the vicious comments made here on CT regarding the victims of Sandy are you people mentally deranged or what, it is a lot easier to go through a bad storm in summer, than in 20 or 30 degree temps. We had help immediately after George, the Red Cross was in the Keys before us, so please stop your BS. I would say have some compassion but you are most likely the people or person who is always bashing N.J. women, because one dumped you.



[Election Results] In 1861, voters in the Confederate States of America elected Jefferson Davis president and in the United States of America they elected Abe Lincoln. We all know what happened next.

iPad Mini is Apple’s first misstep since Steve Jobs died. He was against producing the Mini and did not want it produced. The new leadership under Jim Cook hasn’t come out with a new product since Jobs ‘left’. They’ve only tweaked existing products. They new Mini is too big to hold with one hand and too small to do much work on, plus it won’t fit in your pocket like the popular 7″ tablets do.



Tour the world from your bar stool or easy chair. Link




Sour Diesel? I remember diesel weed years ago that was saturated with diesel oil from being in the bilges of shrimp boats. You couldn’t give it away!

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Lost set of keys. Two car keys, one truck key, and others. May have left at a local business. If found: Classified Ads

I remember when the No Name Pub was worth going to too.  Last time I got talked into going there the wings were raw, the fritters like rocks, the pizza just nasty and served on a old greasy piece of plywood that seemed like it was found on the side of the road. Have not been there since. I don’t recommend that place to anyone.



The original 3D printer as seen on the second Jurassic Park movie was actually invented by a Big Pine resident.

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Rick Ramsay Republican for Sheriff

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Wildlife Services has killed more than 18,000 animals in San Diego County since 2005, including some of the county’s most dynamic species like mountain lions and bobcats, songbirds and ducks. Wildlife Services’ records offered no explanation for many killings. Trappers shot dozens of other kinds of ducks. Three species of teal, a surf scoter, a northern shoveler, lesser scaups, ruddy ducks and buffleheads were also killed.

Wildlife Services trappers have killed 54 beavers since 2005. But it’s not clear why. In the last seven years, beavers have caused only $30 in reported damage  (to an irrigation ditch).

The agency shot and killed  Western meadowlarks, a small bird with a vibrant yellow chest and a warbling song. But no meadowlarks have caused damage inSan Diego County. The list of animals they killed includes dozens of great blue herons, hawks and long-tailed weasels. The federal agents also shot, poisoned and snared thousands of other animals. Not all the killing here was intentional. Trappers  accidentally killed  horned larks and common songbirds, which were snapped by mouse traps.  House finches, another songbird, were unintentionally killed in traps.  Wild turkeys were accidentally caught in  leg snares and killed.  Raccoons were also accidentally caught in traps and killed. 

Two different Agriculture Department employees laughed when  asked if the database of animals killed would be released.

If you don’t like what Forgotten Felines does then don’t donate. Pretty simple, eh?



[Unnecessary Lights] On this election eve I noticed the large amount of outside lighting that was on but did not see anyone outside discussing candidates. Then I realized their lights were on for no reason. We live under one of the most spectacular skies in the world. If you are not outside turn yours off.


Remember, your vote is important. Politicians have spent over 6 billion trying to buy it.
Think for yourself and question authority”  ~Timothy Leary 



The concept of a 3D printer was thought of by Gene Roddenberry when he created the Star Trek series.  He called it a replicator.

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[“Think Before You Donate”]  I agree with yesterday’s post. It is preposterous what some of those executives at the top of charities are paid. You can research the charities. For example, if you look up the American Cancer Society, you will see under “Compensation of Leaders” that the CEO makes 2 million! They can’t find someone competent that cares about curing cancer enough to do the job for say, $200,000? Link 

The NJ obese-women-denier is at it again with the cute charts and graphs, but he or she is missing the obvious. Nowhere in any of the posts did it say that all NJ women are fat, obnoxious and ugly. I am sure that there are some nice looking, thin and pleasant women that reside in the Garden State; unfortunately the only ones that make it down here are the big, loud, mean ones with mustaches and wearing a quart of perfume. My poor dog still has a checkerboard pattern on his nose from the screen door incident.



Thanksgiving is coming. Song and dance

Fresh Tuna Salad is in the case at Fanci Seafood, not that canned crap!


The Vineyard has been showing some great movies once a month. It’s a first class operation. They have a commercial cotton candy machine and pop corn. Yes it’s free. Going down to Key West to see a movie with is very costly, most folks just can’t afford it these days. No strings attached my friends, just come and enjoy yourselves. Have a blessed day! Bulletin Board

Citizen’s policy holders face deadline to find other insurer. Link

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Free Discovery Saturday teaches children about our Magical Mangroves. On Saturday, November 17, children in kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to participate in a free educational event at the Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center— Discovery Saturday “Magical Mangroves.” From 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. participants will learn about the importance of mangroves to Florida Keys wildlife above and below the water. Discovery Saturdays are scheduled the third Saturday of every month. Attendance is free, but preregistration is recommended. For more information: Bulletin Board

[Red Cross] Please note that if you donate money to the American Red Cross, thank you for your support. If you want your donation to go to only Hurricane Sandy, then you must specify that on your check. This is called dedicated directed donations. Donations that are not directed are called non-directed dollars, and the Red Cross – either on the national or any local level – is free to use non-directed donations any way they want.

I have been active in Red Cross fund raising for 15 years, including working for a RC Financial Director, and so have seen many instances of people donating but not realizing their donations were not going where they intended.

Further please note for Monroe residents – regarding the operations (and internal policies) of the Red Cross Miami office, which includes Monroe County, the folks running that office are starving for money, and not meeting their donation goals. So be careful sending the Miami office donations.  If you want to specifically donate to Sandy, possibly a better choice is to send your donations to Red Cross HQ in Washington.  And that includes electronic donations.

So if you want to donate for Sandy, direct your donations, so you know you are directly supporting Sandy’s relief efforts. And thanks again for your support.




[Play Pissy for me] Make music while you pee on the ‘strings’ 

[Sandy Devastation] This link to a British Newspaper shows a large group of excellent pix, taken from air & ground of the horrible destruction of the NE states from hurricane Sandy. Many of you have seen some news on-line & TV covering the event. None have shown such a true look at the reality of the damage so many encountered, than these pictures. After living 26 years in the Florida Keys and seeing many terrible storms (Andrew, Wilma, etc), even I found these pix amazing to say the least. Very little of this level of devastation has been has been shown on the major media sources in this country. The articles do not show the bodies of the lost, it’s not that kind of coverage. Please look at and read it all. They show the real truth, with very little political spin as the US media is doing, especially during this nasty campaign. I don’t consider this a political thing, but the best up close coverage I have ever seen. Caution, you may find this disturbing, as it is very real. If you feel the personal need to offer help, please do it through real foundations, like the red cross, and not through some of the fake, bad guy stuff that just keeps your money or goods sent. (Ed: Link doesn’t work so we may never see it!)

[Captain Doom and Gloom] “Government spending out of control” Of course it is, because the sheeple have been brainwashed to think they too can get a slice of the pie, they do not care anymore. This is the start of any form of government downfall. Divide the funds only to those in charge and the sheep will obey or die off. What happened to the American Maintenance Department we use to have, it became full of greedy useless eaters.

“Fat Jersey women, etc” You are one are you not? It is as much a gross fat problem as it is a mental health problem for people who are obese. Ship them all to Ethiopia Resort International for a great diet plan!

I am very proud to say I voted for the President that will continue leading the next 4 years — President Obama. The terrorists will not be happy. The families of American troops coming home will be very happy.


I heard today that Mitt Romney as a candidate for the republican party was like the choice between meats that were going to expire and figuring out which one you were going to cook first. And I totally thought of FTR guy. 

I hope you realize if Romney Ryan’s “rape-and-pillage-conomics” is elected the last pussy you will see for the next 4 years was on Monday November 5th, 2012. Vote your collective conscience. 

[Benghazi] According to Ed Klein yesterday on Wilkow, the legal counsel of Hillary Clinton told him that she had actually ordered more security in Benghazi before the attack, however Obama turned it down. In fact he also reports that Bill Clinton wants her to release proof of this to protect herself even though it would likely cost Obama the election. 
EXAMINER- Last night, it was revealed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had ordered more security at the U.S. Mission in Benghazi before it was attacked where four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens were murdered by Al-Qaeda but President Obama denied the request.
The news broke on The Blaze TV’s “Wilkow!” hosted by Andrew Wilkow, by best-selling author, Ed Klein who said the legal counsel to Clinton had informed him of this information.
Klein also said that those same sources said that former President Bill Clinton has been “urging” his wife [Hillary] to release official State Department documents that prove she called for additional security at the compound in Libya, which would almost certainly result in President Obama losing the election.
Klein explained that everyone knew what was happening in Benghazi from the CIA to the National Security Agency and that there’s intelligence cables that have not been released.
Wilkow asked, “If everybody knew this including the White House, who would have given the order to go in and save the ambassador?”
Klein, “The President…he should have given the order to use the rapid reaction force…”
Wilkow, “Not Petraeus?”
Klein, “Well it has to come from the president.”

If true, and it sounds like it, not only does this reflect very poorly on the Obama administration, but also on the propaganda media that has been trying to protect him every since this happened on the night of 9/11. This is likely one of the biggest scandals this country has ever seen and it’s been hidden by the Obama administration and the media. 

[Racism] They are signing people up to be poll watchers. What is a poll watcher you ask? Well it’s a zombie hired in some official capacity by to make sure naggers don’t vote more than once. Or at all. A woman in Hamilton county Ohio received an intimidating letter from truethevote. She is a tax paying black American, and these people are out there selectively intimidating black voters and I am completely outraged. One man one vote. If you had seen the representative from truethevote she looked like she was in a trance. Like some evil villain had a ray gun on her head. I hope you republicans and Romney supporters are really happy with your cohorts. I am totally disgusted. I have never seen anything like this. Intimidating billboards in black neighborhoods with no person of record responsible? Voter intimidation? A campaign of lies and flip flopping.  Seriously? Shame on you all. 

I saw a special on

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Did you ever notice when ever the socialists advance their agenda for income distribution and equalization their spiel for higher taxes always seem to be couched in the same words, “if the wealthy would increase their share just a little bit more” then after they pay just a little bit more, the next election cycle you hear the same tired words, “just a little bit more” those liberal politicos are like a drug addict always just a little bit more, they never seen a taxpayer they couldn’t grace with just a little bit more, with the price of course being his vote, so he could as practically all of them retire from “Public Service” with enough money to choke a Gov. mule and a pension plan equal to about a dozen of his contributors plans, but not to worry just brace yourselves for another onslaught of “just a little bit more”.

Ah, yes those wars are for distributing income, got the words down fine but the ramifications are endless, says nothing about evenly distributing, in fact says nothing about the by product of said distribution, bloody bodies and all, but I suppose one must admit the poster did get the distributing right. Nothing wrong with alternative energies Per Se. only problem is they wouldn’t begin to solve any problems, only create many more, but then again I suppose one must remember that the poster is right as they are free, at least that is what they say, so much wisdom gracing these posts that it simply boggles the mind.


Vote Romney and say goodbye to Row v. Wade, Planned Parenthood, FEMA, The EPA and any other thing that benefits every American in favor of business’ interests.

Here’s a little prediction, Romney sweeps 315 electoral votes as America decides it doesn’t want to be a Socialist Nation yet.

 From the Right

Deer Friends, this election is a turning point for America. It is a time to strive for greatness, it is  a time for big change, and for bold action — not more idle words and vainglorious posturing. We’ve endured the changes wreaked on our nation by idle words, failed policies, and promises unfulfilled.

We are at a turning point. If we chose Mr. Obama and his policies, the last four years are but prologue for the next four years.

Mr. Romney will not merely talk change, he will accomplish change.  Mr. Romney has an unblemished record of accomplishment. Mr. Romney will restore common sense to Washington. He will cut spending and will restore us to fiscal sanity. Mr. Romney will restore civility and mutual respect in the legislative process by his calm leadership. He has a proven record of comity with Republicans and Democrats. Mr. Romney is a “doer, Obama is a dreamer.

The sparring and posturing are over. It’s time to decide. I continue to ask you, to urge you, to vote for Mr. Romney, our future depends on it.  God BlessAmerica!  ~FTR

Part 2) Only now that the media have turned the page on the devastation of Sandy, it’s now old news. Now that Mr. Obama has fled the devastation, we are beginning to get a picture of just how screwed up the FEMA response has been.Sandy’s victims are now inconvenient old news.

There is a northeaster storm bearing down on the northeast with NYC likely to be ground zero. 1.4 million homes and businesses must still endure nights of near-freezing temperatures without power or heat. There is nearly no electricity in the ‘hoods that have been devastated, there is no heat. There is no gas so that folks can drive away from the horror.  Block after block of homes are now kindling. Looting is in full bloom, people who live in apartment buildings are defecating in hallways. Bloomberg is now saying that 40,000 may have to be evacuated. Trash is piling up and clogging the streets. Price gouging is running rampant. Link1, Link2, Link 3

And so, after the Sandy photo op, Mr. Obama went to Vegas to campaign. After all, he must set priorities.