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Coming over the 7 Mile Bridge at Sunset yesterday. I don’t text and drive, but I do take the occasional picture going 65. |
[“Why do we need sewers in the first place”] In reality we do not. This was mandated from Tallahassee and it is a huge lie. The percentage of excess neutrification that reaches our reefs that is generated in the Keys is miniscule. The real problem is agriculture. Everything that is fertilized between the Apalacian and Rocky Mountains including all of Texas and Mexico is dumped into the Gulf of Mexico, where it follows the currents to and through the Keys. It is impractical to tell every farm and golf course in the country to treat their agricultural runoff so they just make themselves feel better by blaming the source closest to the reef. Central sewers are no better at removing nutrients from the effluent than a properly working septic tank. But none of the Bubbas can make money from your septic tank. They think that by pumping effluent 3,000 feet down that it won’t be working its way back to the surface eventually. It is a pile of BS and we are being force fed the whole stinking pile. |
Engrish |
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[Sewer Conspiracy] Sitting in a bar in KW last night, I overheard three guys talking about their jobs being in jeopardy if they opened their mouths about what was really going on with the Keys sewer project. No, I did not pry, but wished I had. These guys were scared, really scared to even talk at the bar. It scared me to. |
On this day in 1975, Muhammad Ali defeated Joe Frazier in the “Thrilla in Manila” boxing match in the Philippines. One of the best boxing matches in history. Highlights Video |
[Grammar Pro] Gee wiz, Dude, lighted up with da Engrish class, and close your bathroom door next time! |
[“Tell me in plain English why we need central sewers“] Our septic tanks leach shit into the ocean polluting it. |
[Prayer in Schools] When I was in little school we had to say the Hail Mary (a Catholic prayer) and it ends, “blessed is the fruit of thy womb–Jesus.” All us kiddies used to say ,”blessed is the fruit of thy room, Jesus” They never did explain what a womb was, but we all knew what a room was! |
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[Affordable Care Website] Let the confusion begin … I just spent 1/2 hour on the new government site, The site looks like it would be easy to use if it worked. It does not! No one’s home. My task was to open an account and shop cost and benefits. I now pay $12,000 dollars a year in premiums with a $10,000 dollar deductible. Maybe they have a better deal. I will give it a few day & check again. |
[Ad Brainwashing] The DVR was the first breakthrough to get rid of the ads, but then TV guys started putting ads over the content. They’ll always find a way to make their programming less attractive, but all it does is drive the public to Netflix and YouTube which now has feature length videos. YouTube has only one short ad at the start of the popular stuff. |
[“Millipedes imported into Keys in the dirt brought in for fill after hurricane George”] It’s a scam by the developers to drive us out! |
[Let the Confusion Begin …] I just found out that you can’t switch insurances unless your present insurance is 9%or more of your payday. |
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[Blocking Advertisements] ADTrap is the name of the device that blocks most web adverts for a local area network. For those who get a router/modem combination (AT&T), will very likely need another third party router and perhaps geek services to set up the new LAN. Otherwise for those with ISP modems (Comcast) ADTrap is basically plug-n-play with existing LAN configurations. Check out ADTrap on for details. So if sites want to track and profile, annoy users, etc., then it’s only fair to deny them of their reward. Eventually they will have to tone things down to make any money at all, which they need to survive online. Of course if all websites were as polite with their adverts as Deer Ed is then there would be no need for such devices. Link |
[“Late term abortions”] Keep your nose out of my womb, it is mine and mine alone. None of your business in it anyway! |
[Life is Long, Come to Find Out] People say life is short and that you could get hit by a bus at any moment and that you have to live each day like it’s your last. The reality is that you’re probably not going to get hit by a bus and you’re going to have to live with the choices you make for the next fifty years. |
Roger Maris of the New York Yankees hit his 61st home run of the season on October 1, 1961, breaking Babe Ruth’s record of 60 set in 1927. |
[County Website] Now no one can bitch and moan about not being able to find out what Monroe County is up to, unless MC uses the old Catch 22 BS to hide their actions. Link |
Anti-GMO campaigners claim victory as “Monsanto Protection Act” stripped from Senate Bill. Organizers cheer, saying the voices raised against genetically modified foods and giveaways to biotech giants were heard. Link |
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[Jazz] Allyn Robinson Project — “Dreams Realized-My Life in Music” Legendary drummer, out today, listen here. Audio |
[The CT Question of the Day] Are militant atheists using chemtrails to poison angels? Link |
Pearl Harbor was not an actual act of war, just a limited air strike with no boots on the ground! |
1999 Ford F-350 Dually Crew Cab King Ranch for sale. 7.3 liter turbo diesel international engine with automatic transmission. Beautiful interior in amazing condition. New brake booster, master cylinder, rotors and pads. New front wheel bearings. New front tires. Auxiliary reverse lights. HID headlights. ready for cb radio. New transmission fluid. Class 5 hitch. Newer style 6.0 front end. Newer style tailgate with ladder and step. New speakers. 4.10 gears. Electronic brake controller. This truck can pull just about anything. Asking 15k firm. Call (786)219-9832 for more information. For more information Classified Ads > Auto |
[Downstairs Enclosures] The County has the Catch 22 going for the FEMA illegal downstairs enclosure inspection so you have to get inspected before you can sell and move. Seems to me that to have to pay some bureaucrat money so you can move is like paying the Mob Insurance Co not to break your windows or burn you out. What goes around comes around! The Big Guys will get our islands one way or another. |
[“Judging Lunatics”] Wow man/broad, how thick is that bubble you live in? Can’t you see the so-called gun nuts are just scared people worried about the country and world falling apart? Sure the crazies are out there too, but who is to say which is which? Look at generals and political rulers, at religious nuts, at professional criminals. There is no way to stop guns, ask Australia, England, S Africa, and the rest of the countries at war. Get out of your dream world of phony religious crap and get real. |
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The local AARP calendar for October. Events > Ongoing Events > AARP |
[Affordable Health Act Live Chat to a Piner] Thanks for contacting us. My name is Johanna. To protect your privacy, please don’t provide any personal information, like Social Security Number, or any other sensitive medical or personal information. I waited 20 minutes for a real person. Nothing. Lets give it a few days. |
[Grammar] What’s in a comma? |
NOAA’s Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary will hold a public meeting of the Sanctuary Advisory Council in Islamorada, Fla., on Tuesday, October 15. This meeting features presentations related to the sanctuary’s marine zoning and regulatory review. See Events |
Derby divers land 707 Lionfish! Link |
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Kiss your local cat ladies and cat men who trap neuter and return outside cats and tame feral kittens. I am starting to do this up on the mainland and it is a very difficult job. The best kitten ever was from Forgotten Felines tamed by a special lady, who has it down to an art. She needs to write a book for the rest of us. You have no idea how hard it is to tame them and all the details involved in picking up a feral for neutering and how it can ruin your vehicle. On top of all my hard w-o-r-k and worry, I now learn that feeding them is illegal and I must register with a specific entity which does not serve my area, which is way out in the country. Wish I could ignore them, but them are reproducing and I have a heart and want to help fix them, keep feeding them and supply warm cozy winterized boxes. I have already “fostered” (a.k.a. adopted) two baby kittens and one friendly adult which really means I could turn into a collector and you may see me on “Hoarders” one day soon! Any help or special tips would be appreciated. Link |
Is Zaza going to open for the season? Seems like they should have bought the whole Sugarloaf Resort and made it what we need here, a decent place to go at reasonable prices and great things to do without turning it into a grotesque playground like Key West is getting to be. |
1992 Jeep Wrangler YJ for sale. 4×4. Manual transmission. No title. Ready to hit the mud. New fuel pump and fuel tank. Manual 4×4 conversion. New battery. New brake calipers and pads. 2.5L inline 4 starts and runs great. All gears shift flawlessly, including 2 high, 4 high and 4 low. New seats and 5 point racing harness. Hard top and soft top included. Off-road front bumper. Asking 2k for quick sale. For more information Classified Ads > Auto |
[Advert Brainwashing] Twice as many ads on TV and websites because more people are using ADblock add-ons for their web browsers and using the $8.36 a month unlimited Netflix via a $99 Roku, $35 Chromecast, PS3, or X-box connected to their TVs. There is even a branch router that will filter out adverts for tablets and smart (aka “spy”) phones where parent companies won’t allow ad block software in their stores. So the options to be nearly advert brainwashed-free exist. I have been commercial free for years now and my blood pressure is way down. I only see some if it’s necessary or like on the CT — low impact and respectful. So have a geek come in and set you up, take control and enjoy stress free entertainment. |
[Polluters] Put in any zip code or county and see all polluters. Link |
Our chaning sea world/ Mote Marine Lab/ Summerland Key. Link |
Overheard at a New Mexico grocery store by someone waiting in line behind a woman speaking on her cell phone in another language. Ahead of her was a white man. After the woman hangs up, he speaks up. |
[Jaco Pastorius] Crazy bassist, nude garbageman. Great, totally, believable story without question! |
[Captain Doom and Gloom]“Why do we need sewers” For the NWO Hotel Chains and mass home development, also for the idiots who think KW will be a jump-off port for Cuba! It is all over but the dredging, yacht basins and Dem Guyz! |
[Here! Here!] Now that our Government is shut down the majority of Americans demand the all Congress Members be let go. This means that the entire Congressional branch of our Government is now void and abolished. Each State Governor is now responsible for running their own state and will pass the laws to represent their own interests including health insurance. |
[Government Too Big] If the Sequester is shutting down all but essential services, I am for a permanent sequester. If it is not essential why in the hell is it in existence in the first place. |
The US government is closed. I thought that the idea of citizen legislators was an official elected and sent to Washington to vote their conscience. Selecting a person of good character to represent your geographical social and moral compass. Instead we have career politicians serving special interests and bully caucuses. This is disruptive and should be looked upon diligently and with great impunity come Election Day. |
Regressives: Save us from having healthcare–shut down the government instead. |
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[Property Tax] There is a chance our property taxes will go down if Obamacare is successful because we homeowners pay all emergency care bills for the uninsured. I’ll bet the Tea Party never thought of that! |
Are Congress federal employees? How come they still get paid when the radical element shuts down government? |
President Obama says that the Republicans are throwing a wrench into the economy. He should have said “another” wrench. They have done nothing but throw wrenches into the workings of our Government since he was first elected. They must have a wrench factory someplace because they never seem to run out. |
[Shutdown] The gentleman states that while listening to T.V. that the GOP. politico stated that the Dems wanted to shut down the Gov. while he had just heard over a T.V. station that the GOP. wanted to shut the Gov. down. he then made the statement why can’t the GOP. get anything right, my question to this fellow would be what were the reasons for the one station to be wrong and the other one right? |
[The Lies People Tell] The person saying our President supports late term abortions still has not showed me the words they say they heard him say. I have heard him say he supports a woman’s ability to make her own choice. It’s the same as the Right’s rhetoric that says he wants to take away their guns. Yet not one single person can find him ever saying he wants them taken away from our citizens. There’s even more. The Right keeps telling us over and over that Obama told people that they will get free health insurance. Not. When I’ve posted challenges for Conservatives to back up their statements they can’t. The challenge still stands. Obama never told anyone they would get free insurance, he never said he wants to take away your guns and he never said he personally supports late term abortions. Prove me wrong! |
I do not care about the right or the left. I despise both at this point. Do you not understand how dysfunctional the Federal Government is right now? Is there anyone in DC left that cares anything at all about this country? |
Good Lord, where on earth do some members of the CT community who are so enamored of Obama get their information? How addled can their thought processes be? Yesterday one such poster was bragging that Obama overpowered Putin and Assad with diplomatic moves and that those moves are heading us toward a more peaceful middle east. That poster has completely forgotten that Obama first threatened a military strike against Assad unless Assad surrendered his chem warfare ability. Assad gave Obama the single finger salute. Then Obama said that the military strike was still in the wings, but that he had to get Congressional approval. Assad gave Obama the single finger salute. Then Kerry said that any attack by the US would be “amazingly small”. Another single digit salute for Obama. About then Putin jumped into the game and urged that the entire matter be taken up by the UN. Putin saved Obama’s craven butt. In the process he upped his street creds and showed that once again he has tweaked Obama’s nose. Putin intimidated that any unilateral American Syrian incursion would be defended against by Russia. Yet another single digit salute, this time from Putin and Assad. Putin even posted an Op Ed piece in the NYT humiliating Obama and the US. This issue has been kicking around for many weeks, and yet Assad has done jack squat to give up any of his chem warfare inventory. The UN is investigating reports that there have been at least 3 new uses of chem warfare after 8/21/13,( the episode that kicked off this tempest), and after Obama’s first vacant bluster occurred at the tail end of August. The UN is now fuddling through the process, and Obama has even been forced to add a US promise to the UN resolution that we will not use any force. Assad, and Iran are playing Team Obama like a bad fiddle. They are wasting time, growing stronger, and never forget that Iran is getting closer to the bomb every day while the UN and Obama dither.. Then the Obama true believer actually said that the Muslim Brotherhood had “fallen” in Egypt. Nothing could be further from the truth. It, like Al Quada, is alive and well. The secular military junta now running Egypt recently outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood because it was/is getting very, very powerful, it is a threat to the junta’s government. The Brotherhood is the oldest and largest opposition group in Egypt. It has had widespread support among Egypt’s middle classes, and its members control many of the country’s professional organizations. Last week thousands of MB types protested against military rule in Egypt. Protesters marched in Cairo, Port Said, Assiut, Alexandria, Mansoura and other major Egyptian cities. While the Muslim Brotherhood has been outlawed, it is not dead, although I wish it were. It has simply gone underground. You can be certain that it will continue to be a huge player in Egypt. Part 2) Deer Friends I may, or may not, be going silent for a couple of weeks. Today, Mrs. FTR and I are traveling to a tiny town in the Adirondacks, Old Forge, NY. It is very possible that the place(s) we will be staying will have no internet connection. Cell phone coverage in Old Forge is, at best, spotty. We’ll be in Old Forge for about 10 days, then will drive to Chambersburg. Pa. to visit family. It’s quite near to Camp David. Maybe I’ll give Obama a call and try to set up a skeet shooting match. That would be “entertaining”.
Part 3) Yesterday Obama speaking about the looming government shut down said: “Congress needs to pay it’s bills on time, and must not threaten the full faith and credit of the United States of America.” Deer Friends, that is pure utter crap, the looming shutdown will not affect the payment of any of the government’s bills. It has absolutely nothing to do with the credit of the US. It will not shut down any important government services. The latest Rep bill only requires that Congressional employees be stripped of the special privileges that Obamacare has heaped on them. Obamacare now gives Congressional and Presidential staff a much better deal on their health insurance than the rest of us will get. They will receive special subsidies. That’s wrong, fundamentally wrong, and the Democrats are prepared to shut down the government temporarily to protect the special privileges of Congress. |