Since 2002. Published Tuesdays and Fridays
Letters to the Editor with pictures
[Zika Fighter] A test project that could be used to locally battle the Zika virus and other tropical diseases and the mosquitoes that carry them has gained federal approval. However, the test still needs authorization by the state Department of Agriculture. The private company MosquitoMate Inc. has partnered with the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District on a program that uses mosquitoes against themselves, but does not require genetic modification like a controversial plan the British company Oxitec has proposed in Key Haven, which is garnering extreme opposition.
MosquitoMate plans to release male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that have been infected with the bacterium wolbachia. According to the plan, the lab-reared males mate would then mate with wild females, and the wolbachia bacterium would prevent mosquito babies being born. |
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[Welcome to the Keys] State wildlife officers arrested a drunk homeless man Friday afternoon after he reportedly was seen riding an adult manatee as well as a manatee calf in Islamorada. |
![]() [More Rules] The South Atlantic Council, agreed this week to reduce the bag limit for hogfish caught off South Florida from five fish per day to one fish per day and increasing the size limit from 12 to 16 inches |
[Crooks] State regulators late Friday announced that it had approved premium hikes being sought by Citizens Property Insurance. They haven’t paid a claim in 7 years and have too much cash on hand and want to go to Vegas and gamble it all away, but want to have some cash in the bank when they return broke so they are raising their rates. That’s the only logical reason I can think of. |
![]() [“Name that snake”] The pictured snake is a Red Rat snake also known as a corn snake. They are a beneficial constrictor who prefer to eat rats and mice. Looks like someone dispatched it without even knowing what it was. I hope that they are over run with every rodent that snake would have eaten |
[Publix] Big Pine Key residents who like our island to be what it was when you moved here please pay attention to what is now trying to take place. Another big store Is trying to build on Big Pine Key. Publix is trying to buy the Flea Market property for the third time, which will put about 60 local people out of business! Do you care? Well, I do. My wife has a business at the Flea Market and between her income and mine as a carpenter we are able to pay our bills. Take away her income and we may be another Keys fatality who have to leave because of big business.
People talk about the traffic problems when the Flea Market is open. Well, folks, that’s only two days a week, six hours a day, eight months a year. Imagine if Publix gets their wish. You will have traffic seven days a week from whatever time they open until whatever time they close. I get the fact that some people do not like Winn Dixie and feel that competition is good, but to me the negative impact this will have on our quiet island does not justify having another massive development. Get this, 213 parking spaces means how much more traffic are we looking at? The Big Pine Flea Market is a tradition. People from all over the country know about it and they come to Big Pine to visit and spend their money at the market and other places on our island. Take away the Flea Market, and guess what? They just blow through Big Pine on their way to Key West and never stop at other businesses on their way. Maybe they really need to stop at Publix to get a taste of the Keys instead of stopping at the Flea Market or any other of the local shops that really do have items that express what the Florida Keys are all about. Am I being sarcastic? you bet. I just think that the feel of the Florida Keys will be destroyed by all the big corporations that want to take over whatever revenue is out there and kill the small business owners just like what happened when downtown USA was basically put out of business when big suburban malls took all their business away. Now you will have another store that does not know you as a person, but just a demographic on their spread sheet. I remember when the local grocer, or the hardware store knew my name. Is that what you want to happen to what we call paradise? I don’t |
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Winn Dixie has really stepped it up. I have to admit I was a bit skeptical at first with all the interior changes & layout. It is a big improvement, the meats are fresh, nice produce and plenty of stock with all the items. For years we were stuck paying at least a 1/3 more from the small grocery stores in between. No more having to drive to Key West. Big Pine Winn Dixie is back. Yes, I do wish there were more trees & landscaping. O well, I’ll have to find a palm tree somewhere to sit under & enjoy this fresh fruit & ice tea I just bought. |
The old bridge will be closed for yeas while they fix it. I wonder how much more it will cost than they planned? It’s always a lot. |
“Hedi Lamar was the first woman to appear naked in films.” She also was a successful inventor and invented Wi-fi! Link |
![]() Known as Phil Peterson’s Poker Run, over 10,000 riders from all over the country enjoy this classic motorcycle ride. Starting in Miami, they rumble their engines all the way to Key West, crossing over the many bridges to our island paradise. During the Phil Peterson Poker Run, the motorcycle riders make 5 stops and draw a card at each stop. At the end of the ride, the person who draws the best hand wins! Plus, if you draw one of the top 10 hands, you get a chance to play one round of Texas Hold ‘Em at Cowboy Bill’s on Duval Street! In addition to poker game, Key West blocks off 8 blocks of Duval Street for the Phil Peterson Poker Run, where a huge bike show is held in front of Rick’s, Durty Harry’s, and Sloppy Joe’s Bar. Locals, tourists, and bikers enjoy this mini-Mardi Gras with its carnival atmosphere, music, food, and cold beer! After riding from Miami and Key West, there’s no better place to rest your body than The Inn at Key West. Enjoy comfortable guest room accommodations and complimentary WiFi at our Key West hotel – just minutes from Duval Street – where all the parties occur. Here, guests can enjoy delicious onsite dining, a large pool, and pool bar. Book your stay with The Inn at Key West during the 2016 Phil Peterson Poker Bike Run! You won’t want to miss it! Coconuts has been a biker friendly bar way before it was mainstream or cool or a good business decisions, why? Because they do much good work. Joe & Meri-Lynn are lifetime members of ABATE & have supported the group for a very long time. Blessings & safe travel. ~The “NUT” |
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Remember that Wednesday evening is the Season 8 Premier party for the TV reality show Survivor, which features the local band Haywire’s lead singer as a contestant in Fiji. It all happens at the Looe Key Tiki Bar on Ramrod, with the CBS camera crew filming Paul in his native wild habitat. Show the TV world how we can party even on humpday in Ramrod! |
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This is in reply to the post last Friday, November 15th, about Ron Saunders, candidate for Monroe County Clerk of the Circuit Court. Consider the facts as it relates to the Clerk of the Court since 2012. Under the leadership of the current Clerk and her imputed #2 staff person, Ron Saunders, it is a fact that staff turnover throughout this tenure has been like riding a merry-go-round, and because of this the Office of the Clerk is in disarray. The mandated use of up to date generally accepted accounting technologies, requisite internal controls, audits and annual reporting have not been met, and had to be outsources at great taxpayer expense. To add fuel to the fire, the current Clerk, with assumed knowledge from her legal advisor and #2, Ron Saunders, cancelled Monroe County’s contract with the accounting firm necessary to complete the annual audit. It is a fact that lobbying and related political services can be useful outside of the Clerk’s office but these supports have little to do with the overarching job requirement – managing Monroe County’s money.This November 8, 2016 … vote for Monroe County’s Kevin Madok, CPA. Why? Unlike the disappointing outcomes we’ve seen at the Clerk’s office in recent times and in direct contrast to the other candidate presently campaigning, Kevin Madok is the ONLY candidate when choosing Monroe County’s next Clerk of the Court. He truly has the requisite accounting and auditing knowledge and the proven leadership skills imputed in this job’s description, roles and responsibilities, and his many years of successful business experience within Monroe County Government and the Office of the Clerk of the Court bears out this fact. Kevin had demonstrated an ability to bring together, mentor and lead a trained and cohesive staff who internally (not outsourcing) will have the talent to manage the County’s daily accounting and financial transactions. Additionally, Kevin embraces advancing mandated accounting and fiscal technologies critical to improving staff productivity and realizing Monroe County taxpayers the cost savings cost saving they deserve.With complete respect, Ron Saunders has been a successful politician and lobbyist for Monroe County and remains a true “native son. His experience and background are valuable to the residents and taxpayers of Monroe County, as they have been in the past, but only in venues outside of Monroe County’s Office of the Clerk of the Court. |
The Big Pine Winn Dixie looks great both inside and out. I just strolled around and looked at the new add-ons. Everything was great until I reached the checkout counter. 20 minutes in line during the slowest month of the year! Many thousands were spent on remodeling this thing, but they can’t spend $10 an hour to put another cashier in there? There should be somebody monitoring this and taking care of this problem. |
[Conflict for Truth] One wonders how thorough, impartial, and openly inquisitive a journalist can be when just prior to an interview with Kirk Zuelch on the Morning Magazine, an advertisement is broadcast with FKAA sponsoring the Morning Magazine. |
This snowbird ran aground without even putting his boat in the water. |
What is happening to now Habitat for Humanity’s building? Why are the problems with their building suddenly becoming a big issue? Think it might have something to do with Publix looking for more property? I wonder.
Howard Livingston has it right, “Something fishy’s going on” |
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[“Name that snake”] It is a Corn snake, non-venomous and good to keep around. Stop killing them! |
[Freesia] Deer Ed, It was nice of you to include a blooming flower with the Orchid Society info, but the image you chose is of a freesia, not an orchid. |
[Sewers] We have been so scammed on wastewater. We were sold a very expensive bill of goods based on junk science, and have only made the problem worse.
I discovered a scientific research report archived on the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Water Quality Protection Program website from July 2000 that concluded that although some septic tanks were found to be leaching into a few canals, that septic tanks were not affecting the reef at all: “The data produced by this study indicate that there is no discernible direct evidence for sewage contaminants from the Florida Keys reaching the reef tract.” However, shallow injection wells (as mandated for effluent disposal from wastewater plants discharging under 1 million gallons per day) were found to be upwelling as far as 4 miles offshore: “The fate of sewage effluent injected into Class V injection wells in the Florida Keys has been studied by Shinn, et al (1994). Elevated levels of nitrogen (as ammonium) were found as far as four miles offshore. Fecal coliform and streptococcus bacteria were found in several offshore wells.” Also, nutrient polluted Florida Bay waters from the mainland were found to be passing under the bridges and heading offshore, but that was not human poop nutrients. The report said any nutrients from septic tanks that managed to hit open water were utilized by seagrass in short order. You may recall that pilings were set in some ares of ailing seagrass to encourage birds to perch and poop on the seagrass to fertilize it. The poop pilings were said to be very effective for aiding seagrass recovery. Here is a link to the above EPA study “The Impact of Anthropogenic Waste on the Florida Reef Tract” Link |
This is what the Wetstock 12 stage looked like after it sobered up the next day. |
Winn Dixie Luxuriant growth Poor chickens Its chicken cruelty Whatever will they do? |
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[Big Business, Little Island] Big Pine Liquor is closed because of Walgreens’ massive buying power. Another one down due to big business taking over the Island. |
The closest you can come to walking on water. |
[“Doesn’t pay to save”] Not in a brick and mortar bank for sure. Long time back I moved my millions … well, moved my savings from a brick and mortar bank to an online bank. Discover Bank, Ally Bank, Capital One bank, Synchrony Bank – and many others pay around 1% on a savings account. You have to wire or mail a paper check to deposit it. A withdrawal takes maybe three days. These onlines have free checking too, so no need to have your savings earning .001 interest. Go here and decide for yourself. Link |
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Organic Consumers Association reports, “A new study from the University of Virginia says that the adoption of genetically modified (GMO) soybeans has resulted in an increase in herbicide use that correlates with a “massive negative impact on the environment” and increased contamination of local ecosystems. Have you ever heard one good word about a GMO anything that did not come from a GMO sales team or paid (or duped) supporter? If you missed it, be sure to read the excellent expose on GMO mosquitoes intended for Key Haven first, then your front and back yard. Link |
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[Who Squealed?] Where do I look on the county’s website to find out who reported me to Code Compliance? |
![]() [Crooks] There is a woman in My Heritage Family Tree that says she has 35,000+ members in her family tree, including my family. I emailed her and she wants money to verify I belong to her “Clan”. People like this should be hunted down and put in a Russian gulag. The DNA system of finding out about yourself and your family is getting very questionable too. Be careful out there and give nobody anything important about your family! |
[“Name That Snake”] It was a corn snake or sometimes called a rat snake. Why did the person kill this beneficial snake that eats rats? |
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[“Fishing Industry dying”] The poster cites over regulation as the cause. That’s just the myopic view of the thick-headed, uneducated fisherman. The actual reason is that over fishing is the true cause of the decline. This “over regulation” is the only thing that has save what fishing industry is left. |
![]() Now I am slowly weaning off Armour thyroid meds and hoping my thyroid will work on its own after all these years of taking a prescription when I only needed Lodoral. Try it you’ll like it! Energy. There is no other business than Medical that can screw you over big time with their tricky balance billing and out-of-network tricks. |
A corn snake is similar to a grass snake. Both are harmless. |
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[Marathon Deli] Does anyone know what’s to become of the deli next to Radio Shack in Marathon now that the former renter, Betty, was charged with extortion? It’s a good location, near the Dollar Store, Radio Shack and Bealls. |
The ultimate Key’s grill. |
The new Big Pine WD and parking lot are a major improvement in my view. The store is modern and clean; the parking lot is looking nice too (I hope the drainage is fixed though). |
LONGEST HAPPY HOUR 11 am – 7 pm Every Day of the week. Ice cold drafts in a 16 oz chilled glass
THURSDAYS. Mexican Food Specials FRIDAYS Fish ‘n Chips. Homemade beer batter, Mahi Mahi, fried to a golden crisp, served with tartar sauce or malt vinegar — you decide! OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR LUNCH AND DINNER 31251 Avenue A, Big Pine Key, – Check out our full menu, Like us on Facebook |
[More Rules Wanted] Why doesn’t the county make Official Rules for Garage and Yard Sales so the masses if treasures hunters have a bases for anti-rudeness and etiquette which is gravely needed. Some people just don’t get it. |
![]() The Bug Control people must be laughing their sprayers off because we pay them a fortune to play games. When are you tax payers going to wake up and smell the BS (bug stuff)? Now about the Gambian rats invading the Keys, what are they doing about that? Next will be camels then what? The poison mosquitoes scared off lots of snowbirds and hopefully the Season will recoup us! |
[Mosquitoes] Chikungunya has been a problem for years in the Caribbean. It’s similar to Dengue but isn’t linked to birth defects and other nasty things like Zika. |
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Do you ever wonder why we allowed the government to take over our finances and run America’s businesses? It seems to me, they should just do the basic maintenance and supply good water, free electric, dispose of waste and fix our roads. |
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Is Shark Key going to install a helicopter landing site on the two empty lots? When? |
I went to a new doctor in Key West and he did blood work in his office! Are they supposed to bit you on the neck? |
[Crooks] Here’s how to tell if an email is real or a bad thing. This one is from Google, but it’s not! It’s okay to open suspicious emails, just don’t click on anything. When you open an email they all have the sender’s email address at the top next to “From:”. Click on that email address and the real source of the email will be revealed by your email software. This one wasn’t from Google because nowhere in the address did it say google. It was from a magazine spammer. Press Delete.
Here’s another one I just got from FedEX, but when I clicked on the ‘From:’ it showed it wasn’t from FedEx, but these crooks: |
[Water Quality] I don’t know about you people, but I am sick and tired of the quality of water coming out of my spigots and having to replace fittings every couple of years. We pay good money to the water company for what? to be driven to the BS of buying bottled water? No way. I say, fix the damn water. |
[Sheeple] I think we’re getting numb to terror attacks and mass shootings. |
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It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere. ~Voltaire |
I think the artist of the B.C. comic strips lives on Big Pine Key and the characters are locals! |
I don’t know why the CT has stopped posting political stuff because it is the most hilarious stuff going 2016 is the year of the jokers. |
![]() [Beer Monopoly] Next month, the world’s current largest beer maker, AB InBev is expected to take over the world’s second largest beer maker, SABMiller. If the plan goes ahead, together they will become the world’s largest brewer, making about one out of every three beers around the world. Bud and Miller joine suds. Audio |
[Hate] Mall stabber mentioned Allah, and asked the victim if he was Muslim. Video |
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Arks me for its prey. Above, no saving hand! Around, No hope, no comfort, can be found. The dukes and ministers of old Give us no help. Can ye withhold Your sympathy, who latel[?] |
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[“Winn Dixie’s naked parking lot”] It’s a parking lot not a chicken hatchery or greenhouse |
Google men’s fashions? This picture must be from another land where copyright isn’t enforced, unless Google is in the fashion business now. |
[“Name that snake”] I think -dead- is appropriate as it appears to no longer have a head. Red touch yellow – kill a fellow. Red touch black a friend of jack |
![]() No criminal cases, but those involved in small claims court issues, landlord and tenant disagreements, simple divorce cases and simple will issues may qualify for the program. |
[?] So what your saying is nobody at Mote Marine gets paid? |
[Facebook] I inadvertently posted the wrong file on Facebook with all my personal information, numbers and data. How do I delete that post? |
Joe: “You know I never have had anyone hack my computer or password!” Mo: “That’s because your irrelevant!”Joe: “My wife told me yesterday how much she needs and loves me!” Mo: “Mine does that too, but just on paydays!” |
Submit anything but National Politics to For National Politics go directly to that page, log in, and post your comment. NATIONAL POLITICS |