Letters to the editor with pictures since 2002.
Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days,
Tuesdays and Fridays.
The Un-social Media with 60,000 Monthly Followers
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[Sign Of Old Age] Reading the obituaries is my new pastime. Low and behold, folks a whole lot younger are kicking the bucket. Makes you wonder why you’re still around. Am I really that good of a person, here to help others, or did the higher power just skip over my name temporarily? |
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[Editor is a Bum] Most heatless and unprofessional to include a video of a corpse floating with the story of the 2 dead boaters in KW. The dead people have families who are mourning. |
[Right To Choose]Why is it that the anti-vaxers and anti-maskers, who insist on their right to choose, don’t want to extend the same right to women who want to choose whether or not to have a baby? |
What is that large concrete building being built on Big Coppitt Key? What is it for? Is it another church, synagogue, brothel, or bank (that are all the same when you think about it). No wonder the real party people are getting out of these soon to be converted to low rent hoods and rifle ranges. |
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[Holidays] What the hell is going on with the damn Post Office? Are they working for their living or screwing off in the mangroves? They don’t pick up or deliver anymore, or what? |
School playground equipment in the year 1900. Apparently in 1900 only the strong survived recess. |
[Advertising] Someone complained about recipe webpages because there is more advertising than recipe on them. That is getting to be the norm—more ads less content. Many sites are only created to advertise. Unscrupulous web designers create dozens of sites a day just for that purpose. Every time someone opens one of these sites the designer gets paid. They add content just to get you to open the page and then try to keep you clicking their junk ads. Every time you click it’s a fraction of a cent in their pocket. Times millions of clicks a day and that adds up real fast. |
![]() [Political Art Removed]Virginia to take down Robert E. Lee Statue on Wednesday. The Commonwealth of Virginia announced on Sunday it would remove the 12-ton bronze statue on Monument Avenue on Wednesday, stashing it in a secure state-owned storage site until a decision on its future is finalized Link |
[Futility Defined] If you ever feel useless, remember it took 20 years, trillions of dollars and 4 US Presidents to replace the Taliban with the Taliban. |
[Driving Guide] Guide to driving on the Florida interstate. |
[Dead] Monroe County Commissioner Forster dies after battling COVID. Link |
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[Keys Suck] We came to the Keys in 1974 and never left until we became so sick of the BS happening from twisted merchants, bad politicos, bent cops, and Duddly Do Right holy rollers. These people killed the Keys lifestyle for us and we are moving out ASAP; if we can find a hole in the ground someplace man has not messed up — yet! |
[Political Art] I imagine some geological group will want to restore Mt. Rushmore sometime in the future. |
[The Human Condition] the breakthrough biological explanation of the human condition. Another man who knows all the answers. Link |
Uhmm, I think I’ve downloaded the wrong Scooby Doo movie… |
[“I hope your 80-ish sister in law survives”] The main question I always ask is, “Are they treating her with any kind of drugs or other therapeutical options or is she just wasting away waiting on respirator?” |
During the middle age they celebrated the end of the plague with wine and orgies. Does anyone know if there is anything planned when this one ends? |
[Down With Smartphones] It amazes me how stupid people are. They let the NWO take away their real computers and replace them with idiot do-nothing talk and text cell phones which have taken away any power the people had ! I think we should start speaking German or Hebrew and get ready for the take-over. |
Only four more ammo shopping days left until 9/11. |
[Eagles] Everything you think you know about bald eagles is wrong. They’re whiney moochers, for starters. Video |
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[Affordable Housing] Some of the reasons the junta wants affordable housing are to increase the number of wallets that buy from the local markets, fuel stations, public transportation systems, and feed the tax man. Also supplying low rent service personnel and school students to gain more income from State and Federal coffers. It’s about profiteering, and the politicos will do anything to feed their greed! They could care less about our paradise and the developers will make another Bangladesh out of the Keys. |
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Chocolate is God’s way of telling us he likes us a little bit chubby. |