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I bought my lot and built a house in 1980. My canal is a cull de sac. That means that a lot of material, seaweed, mangrove leaves, palm fronds and the like are blown into the water in front of my dock and stay there. In 1980 the water was about 10 foot deep. After all these years of nature putting things into the canal and hurricane Wilma dumping a tremendous amount of silt, mud and whatever else it picked up, my canal is not about 4 foot deep! We can no longer swim in it. If the government would let me, I would suck up all that silt myself, but nooo, that is forbidden. So our only recourse is to wait on the government and hope they do indeed go through with this much needed project. I did not mention all the environmental reasons for cleaning the canals since I am not a scientist, but they are many and important as well. I hope to someday soon see my canal back to its 1980 or earlier condition. This is one project I heartily support. |
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NOAA’s Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary announced two alternate members to serve new terms on its Sanctuary Advisory Council. The appointed advisory council alternates, who began new terms at the April 16meeting of the sanctuary advisory council, are: Kenneth Reda, Boating Industry; and Linda Kruszka, Commercial Fishing Marine/Tropical. |
Corn is almost indigestible therefore making it the perfect food to test your digestive system. Just eat some corn and note the time then watch the other end until you see little corns and then note that time. That length of time is your digestive time. Peanuts work also. Bon appitite! |
Why does the KW Citizen keep reporting that an assault rifle was used in the Newtown shooting? His mother owned a Bushmaster AR type rifle that was found at her house with the body. He didn’t use it. He had a .223 caliber rifle, not an assault rifle, in the trunk of his mothers car in the parking lot. It was not used in the shootings. He had 4 pistols in his possession in the school. Sensationalism in the news is out of control. CNN was reporting that there was “possibly one, and maybe two, unexploded devices” found in Boston. In actuality there were none. The “possibility” and the “mabey” taken for granted and reported. Public disinformation should be liable. |
[Double Trouble] Two headed shark. |
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(Ed: Yesterday I was bragging how fast my new Comcast Internet service was at opening the KW Citizen and today there was no internet. Lesson: ever brag.) |
[Clean Canals] Look at the problem the Dutch have with canals. |
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County inches closer to another cliff by buying the Rowell Marina. |
North Korea attacks New Jersey! |
[Crooks] Assault rifles, shotguns stolen from a Stock Island RV. Most guns were recovered. 35 packets of heroin were also found in the related sting on Summerland Key. The investigation and subsequent sting was handled by the Sheriff’s Office, which cracked the case within 24 hours by working with their informants and sources. |
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List of optical illusions. Link |
A Key Largo bicycle shop owner is trying to get part of the Dagney Johnson State park ( a passive reserve under the John Pennicamp Park authority) turned into a private, commercial operation by building with big dirt movers and heavy equipment that ruin the land – a mountain bike amusement area. And according to newspaper articles the new local KL state representative favors that commercial (pro economic) operation. |
Trivia test. Link |
[Bombs] Martin Richard, 8, killed in Boston Marathon bombing. Rest in Peace. |
Wanted boat over 40 ft. Please contact me at 30919 edward rd big pine key fla 33043, by mail only thank you kevin belford same address. Classified Ads > Wanted |
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Falling coconuts kill more people every year than shark attacks. |
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[Scam of the Day] You have been awarded to claim sum of 1,000,000.00 by the JUMBO promotion send your Names and Country to Email: |
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Which boondoggle comes first? The Hickory House, the 7 Mile Bridge re-build, or the Rowell Marina? The millions are flying around all over the place so you hardly know when to duck. Sure glad for that bunch that knows what’s best for us. |
[Puzzeling] Can you figure out how he does it? It is based on a phenomenon known in mathematics as the ‘missing square puzzle.’ Video |
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Faith sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible. |
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More than 25 bombings across Iraq left at least 61 people dead on Monday, adding uncertainty and instability ahead of the first elections since U.S. troops left the country in December 2011. It’s a good thing we brought democracy to them, huh? |
[Bombing] An intelligence bulletin issued to law enforcement includes a picture of a mangled pressure cooker and a torn black bag that the FBI says were part of a bomb that exploded during the Boston Marathon.pressure cookerAn intelligence bulletin issued to law enforcement includes a picture of a mangled pressure cooker and a torn black bag that the FBI says were part of a bomb that exploded during the Boston Marathon. |
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[“Up to date geopolitical map of Florida”] The Keys should have also been colored pink! |
Take the penalty! |
[Fake Anthrax] For the second time in less than a week government workers filed out of a downtown Key West building due to a fake anthrax letter that appears to have come from the same Maryland prison inmate. |
[Gambling] Florida is moving ahead with a critical $400,000 study that could set the stage for the future expansion of gambling in the state, including whether or not Miami could become a rival to Las Vegas. |
County’s Floodplain Inspection Program explained. Go to and search for Flood Plain Regulation Chapter 122. Link |
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[Today is Rodney King Day!] In 1993, a federal jury acquitted two police officers (and convicted two others) of violating the civil rights of assaulted motorist Rodney King, that great American hero. |
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Over 10,000 Americans injure themselves during sex every year. Everyone else is doing it wrong. |
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Arkansas oil spill. I didn’t hear about it on the FOX news, did you? Tar Sands nightmare. |
[Unemployment Sarcasm] Ever since I was a kid I never really liked school. In grade school I had lots of friends and spent most of my time outside playing. I would do my homework on occasion and usually I was able to slide thru with a C or a D. Good enough to pass. Then I went on to high school with my friends and boy did we have a ball. I skipped school a lot and spent most of my time hanging out after school on the corner. Again I barely squeezed by and never spent a lot of time studying. I was more interested in chasing girls and riding around in my friends cars. I had no interest in advanced classes as I was still young and wanted to enjoy my youth while I could. I thought about college, but instead, I hung out for a few years washing cars at the car dealers and never got around to getting any job training or schooling after High School. Now I’m unemployed or under-employed, but its not my fault. Obama is the one that is responsible for me not earning enough money. That’s why I vote Republican. My lack of education or good ole fashion gumpshion is all because of the Democrats. I have no fault in my own failings. I wonder if Limbaugh’s on the radion to listen to? I don’t have to start my job at Burger King till 8:15. Yep, five pages of employment ads in the paper and I’m not qualified for any of them. Damn President. |
The Enbridge pipeline rupture that spewed more than 20,000 barrels of Canadian tar sands crude oil into the Michigan waterway in 2010. That’s a good example of what could happen to The Keystone pipeline. The oil is still not cleaned up. Unlike conventional crude, the stuff from the tar sands is a mixture of unrefined tar and a cocktail of potentially toxic solvents that allows the thick material to be pumped through a pipeline. The resulting substance, so-called diluted bitumen, may be more dangerous and difficult to clean up than conventional crude oil, according to experts. |
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Knowing now that Michelle Bachmann is a loon, what in the hell would you call the people who voted her in? |
[Bombs Aweigh] “This was a heinous and cowardly act. And given what we now know about what took place, the FBI is investigating it as an act of terrorism. Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians it is an act of terror. What we don’t yet know, however, is who carried out this attack, or why; whether it was planned and executed by a terrorist organization, foreign or domestic, or was the act of a malevolent individual.” ~B.O. |
Some would rather have no health care rather than an imperfect Obamacare. It will take forever to perfect it, but that’s no reason not to start caring for all Americans right now. It will make America strong (literally) again. No one will die in the street from lack of medical care. No one will lose their home because they got cancer. Then there are those who think only of the cost. |
I sat with a tea partyish fellow who thinks it’s America’s responsibility to change all foreign governments he doesn’t like to Democracies–even if it means shooting the people in them. He wasn’t too open-minded. |
[“Welfare/safety net”] Yesterday FTR forgot to mention that 1 in 19 Americans receive disability benefits. That surely is a fit number of people on welfare to be considered. |
As more and more of the effects of Obamacare are being revealed, the folly of the enterprise becomes more and more apparent. Now we are discovering just how complicated and tortured the bill is. For example Team Obama will be hiring tens of thousands of healthcare professionals, union workers and community activists as “navigators” to help Americans enroll in and choose Obamacare options starting Oct. 1. California alone is asking for 21k. Good Lord, America was found by one navigator. Team Obama is finally acknowledging that the Obamacare bill is so complex that it will be nearly impossible for normal people to understand. The rules covering the conduct alone of the “navigators” are 63 pages long. The navigators will be earning between $20 and $48 dollars a week. We probably will be hiring close to half a million new bodies that will be high paid federal workers. The bill itself is as convoluted as an arthritic snake. But, even beyond the bill Team Obama has been cooking up page after page of regulations. Investors Business Daily reports that as of March ’12 the law and the regulations had filled nearly 6,000 pages. And it is growing
In contrast when I applied for Social Security benefits, all it took was a 5 minute interview. When I was placed on Medicare, there was no application, I received a Medicare card in the mail. We’ve now discovered that the bill will not drive down the costs of health care insurance, in fact it is now known that health care insurance premiums will increase. MSNBC, the ultra left cable outlet recently published an article on its website that tells us that the Society of Actuaries showed healthcare costs per person were expected to go up an average of $1,200 a year. In some states like Ohio and Wisconsin the cost could jump by 80% or more. Many legislators supported Obamacare only because they were assured that the legislation would help small businesses. Now they are finding that that promise is yet another broken promise. The exchanges were designed to give workers a range of choices supported by dollars from their employers. But for now they will have only one choice until at least 2015, which could mean they can’t shop for insurance that includes their current providers. Insurance is more expensive for small businesses, many of which have no obligation under the law to provide coverage, hence it’s now likely that the boss will just stop trying and let workers go on the soon-to-be-launched state exchanges. Or, the employer will simply cut the number of his employees or convert employees to part time status. That has already begun
That means costs would increase. More and more businesses are reporting that they will be laying off workers and or cutting hours because of the added costs of Obamacare. Regal Entertainment Group, the largest movie theatre chain in the country, announced that thousands of employees will have their work hours cut — as a direct result of the added cost of the new ObamaCare mandates that become effective later this year. Part 2) Mr. Obama early on avoided calling the Boston tragedy “terrorism”. Why? David Axelrod, close confidante to Obama, suggested that the bombing might have been associated with the new Obama taxes or it might have been a reaction to “tax day”. While you’re thinking about Obama’s response to the bombing, please recall that Obama was/is a close friend and associate with Bill Ayers and wife, Bernadine Dorn. They were leaders of the Weather Underground and were responsible for the detonation of several bombs in government buildings. People were killed. Recently Ayers declared that his actions were just and proper. He and she brag about them. Ayers and Dorn were Obama’s earliest supporters. The political life of Obama began in Ayers living room. Respectfully submitted: |