2015 December

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Since 2002. Published Wednesdays and Saturdays

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[“Deer Person with $75k earning poor interest”] Open an online stock trading account and sweep 10k+ in and buy some equities and a REIT and watch your money grow and work for you.  Once you start it may be great fun. There are many tutorials and assistance for investors for free. I would never leave 75,000 smackers sitting in a bank earning 1%. Maybe a few thousand for emergency.
champagne cork popHere are some stock symbols which have made us more money than a measly bank savings account.  You would be investing with great companies and earn more and improve your financial IQ and self-esteem to watch your money grow. It is helpful to read-read-read the Wall Street Journal and online finance sites. Knowledge is power.
Happy New Year!  Money buys peace on Earth and stone crab claws in champagne.
Thanks for the info on Betty Brothers.  My earliest memories of living on Little Torch Key were of playing with Suwa the dolphin. I’d throw a line with a loop in it and go for a ride.  Suwa would drag a small boat around the harbor until she was done, not when you were done, there was no getting that line back from her until she was bored.

Betty always had interesting stories to tell and if you would stay still long enough to hear one she would often pop inside of her cottage and bring out a book autographed for you.  I think that I have a copy of each of them.

Be well Betty and thanks for the memories.

skydeck-plane[Aircraft Sky Deck] Soon there will be something better than First Class on commercial passenger flights. Video
[“No bad dogs, only bad owners”] If this is true then why in the hell do pit bulls have so many bad owners? I have heard the same lame argument about people. One day you just have to face facts: some people and pit bulls are just born whacko.
Springer’s Bar & Grill this week

Every Saturday & Sunday / Brunch 8am – 2pm

Every Tuesday Evening / Bluegrass Jam Circle 6:30pm – All Grinners & Pickers / No Experience Necessary

countdown ball drop happy new yearNew Year’s Eve. Thursday 12/31/2015 Ring in the New Year with Springer. Watch Springer drop the deer at midnight.  98.7 Conch Country will be here 6pm – 8pm to raffle off 2 more tickets to Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood .  Comedy and Music by Mike Hack.

Saturday 1/2 – 6:30pm The Punkabillys – Southern Most Moonshine Drinking Gospel

Saturday 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30 The Megan Ellis Band. Those of you that know them can’t wait to see them again and those who don’t ….Y’all come down to join us for an evening of great music. Check them out

Sunday NFL Ticket – Watch all your favorite games LIVE

[From Here to Eternity] A docu-series about a Colorado’s transition from medical marijuana to legal. Find the series ‘High Profits’ on Netflix. Video
beer fosters can[Crooks] First it was Lowenbrau beer from Germany now it’s Fosters beer from Australia. Miller Brewing Company seems to make a habitat of false advertising. Lowenbrau a premium ‘imported’ beer– Ha! Brewing operations were move to the U. S., but the import prices stayed the same–until they got caught. Lowenbrau moved back to Germany. Now Miller Brewing Co. is doing the same with Fosters premium ‘imported’ beer from Australia. Not! It’s being advertised as an Australian premium beer at import prices, but it’s being brewed in Texas by Texans (maybe some illegal Mexicans too) and still charging import prices. Miller is trying to spin out of the false advertising suit. Claims that they have an Australian brewmaster, but it’s still brewed domestically. Cut the deception and drop the price to match your other domestic beers.
[“Scandal in the Sheriff’s Department”] I hope the whistle-blower is successful in his attempt to expose wrongdoing before he is warned to shut-up — or worse! Time will tell.


Hail to the Redskins! Hail the First Amendment. Death to political correctness.

[$75,000 in bank-no interest”] Even a bank’s secure Certificate of Deposits pay from 2-3%. That’s a profit $1500-$2250 a year for doing nothing. The stock market pays a lot more, but that’s gambling and just as addictive. Hire a financial advisor and pay him to invest for you. If you don’t want to read or trust an advisor buy Municipal Bonds (no taxes, but the cities could go broke) Treasury Bills are good too. Better yet are CDs at no risk.
earth small[Obedient Wives] And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then he made the earth round! And laughed and laughed and laughed.
[Got the Bird for Christmas] I had a “traditional” Christmas dinner at a well-known restaurant off Duval Street this year. I should have saved my money, stayed home, and opened a few cans.
father time new year party


Happy New Year to each and every one of you from Coconuts Bar & Package Store!

[“MU RAYS”] I’ve been shopping that store for a decade or more. The owner is nice, stocks a lot of items I can’t buy at Winn Dixie or Publix. Gourmet items, if you will. As far as the meat, why are you buying red meat in the Keys, you moved here for seafood right? What’s that? Oh you found out the seafood in the restaurants is mostly not from here either? Right. Murrays has good meats I buy a pound of fillet mignon a month. The subs are good and so are the product lines they carry. It’s also really convenient if you live in Summerland Key.

If you want an adventure, try Kickin-Back on Cudjoe, that’s the next nearest store from Summerland.



I’d like rap more if they sang, played instruments, had talent and, you know, didn’t rap! How come rappers are always counting their fingers and grabbing their crotch?

Deer Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida and Mark Moss, President,  I love you with all of my heart and soul!  Thank you for everything and continued love and blessings to you and the entire organization.  God bless you and the magical light blue house for the new people to enjoy and love.  Happy New Year!
[Snowbirds] My tolerance for idiots is extremely low today. I used to have some immunity built up, but obviously there is a new strain out there.
pinstripingCould anyone get me in contact with a pin stripping person on Big Pine. I used to remember hearing about one I think up in Port Pine Heights.
[Crooks] The banks or money lenders are planning to charge you to keep your money in their vaults and charge you to use your credit and debit cards too. Those gonifs don’t make enough money so they will stick it up yours if they can. Go back to cash and tell them to F themselves!






This is how your marine diesel engine works.

[Paying Fair Share] What a great proposal to shift tax burden from homeowners to tourists.  It would align the cost with the benefit (tourists use a lot of our emergency services, but don’t currently pay for the investments). Now the cost of those services would be spread across everyone via sales tax, instead of just homeowners via property tax.  For us locals, the net savings looks like it would be many hundreds of dollars a year! Link
holy-wars-NPRI was visiting friends in Clearwater a few days ago when I noticed an unusual display of holiday lights on two adjacent houses. A women put up a bunch of large illuminated Star of Davids in her yard to tick off her neighbors. Her neighbors retaliated by putting up three large crosses, also illuminated. Here is a picture I snapped Christmas Eve. Let the Holy Wars continue …
[In the Mood] Glenn Miller’s trombonist Paul Tanner reflect on the impact of the jitterbug super hit. Audio


[Hooked] Here in the Keys many people wear necklaces adorned with various anchor-like or fish-hook like pendants. One jeweler quit selling and redesigned their pendants of those styles because of feedback from one of the wearers who told a story of wanting to give his loved one a kiss before leaving for the day. She was sitting in a chair and he said, “Don’t get up” and bent over and kissed her and when he stood up the hook snagged and tore his wife’s nostril. Ouch!

[“Pit bulls”] You really need a pit bull just like you really need a machine gun. Give us a break!
[“Depositing $75,000 –disappointing earned interest”] Are you a troll trying to stimulate discussion? What decade is your brain in? Bank savings accounts haven’t produced mentionable gains in decades. Why on earth were you surprised at the dismal gains? Did you even ask what the interest rate was? The stock market will at least give you 4 or 5%, and possibly 10 or more. How could you not know this? This post frightened me.
2012 confetti



My goal for 2016 is to accomplish the goals of 2015 which I should have done in 2014 because I made a promise in 2013 I had planned in 2012.

[“Murray’s Market”] I agree with the post that “MU RAYS”]” market has gone downhill.  The last time I was in the store, what little produce they had, looked terrible.  Some of the meats didn’t look too good either.  The store looked dirty in general.  I’ve given up on Murray’s and have shopped there for the last time.  Much better meats, produce, and even sandwiches at Winn-Dixie, Public or Albertson’s and much cheaper too.  So long Murray’s.
att-bill[AT&T] Are you ready for this?
I just called the AT&T store in Key West for the following:
Do you carry Ethernet cables for the router/modem? No.
Do you have a new 2 wire 463 (2701) router replacement for my old warn out unit? Don’t think so, go to
Do you sell a phone jack tester? Don’t know what that is.
Do you sell a head phone for my land line? Do not know.
Do you offer U-verse in my area? Call customer service at
Do you send out ATT repairmen to set up or fix my system? Don’t know, call customer service.
What do you suggest I do? Go to Radio Shack for parts and call customer service for service.I think it is about time I sell my stocks in AT&T.
xmas tree dead



TGIO (Thank god it’s over)

[“Rap”] The words disturb me. That’s why I listen to reggaeton—it’s in Spanish and I don’t understand a word of it. I’s more hip hop than classic rap and kicks!
help wanted20[Help Wanted] I am willing to pay a good wage for someone I can depend on to do gardening , general cleanup and other chores for about a month near the No Name Pub. Figure 4 to 6 hours a day , 5 or 6 days a week. I’m flexible. Please leave a message with your name and phone number at 305 872 7055. I’ll call you back.
[Snowbird Shock] The Keys are the land of enlightenment, not entitlement. You realize all the things you don’t need when you live here. Like whiney people from big cities who demand everything like it is back home. That’s what I don’t need.
tire wheel spin

Tire blow outs on radials. Link

[“Cat food”] Wet or dry, King Crimson with Greg Lake’s version is best! Video

[Speed Test] How old are your reactions? (It says I’m 200) Test

[Struttin’] I know Ed likes to keep his identity well hidden. But the last time I saw him he was “struttin’ that ass” on Key Deer Blvd. Video
squid blue[That’s A Lot Of Calamari] Giant squids usually remain in the dark depths of the ocean or in pirate stories. However, late last week on Christmas Eve, a squid from this elusive species was spotted swimming at the sea’s surface. The amazing footage was captured on December 24, 2015, in Toyama Bay on the west coast of Japan. It’s believed the beast is a juvenile, measuring an estimated 3.7 meters (12.1 feet) in length, compared to the 13 meters (43 feet) of a fully matured adult.

As you can see in the video, the cephalopod was joined by Akinobu Kimura, the owner of a diving shop, who dived into the bay and swam alongside the giant squid. Video

Singapore has made pet owners take responsibility for their actions. Far ahead of the United States. Link
construction building from ground up[Glynn Archer School] This is a pretty interesting video showing the construction from May through November 2015 of the transformation of the Glynn Archer School into the new city hall. Well, it’s interesting if you like building construction, otherwise perhaps not. Video
[Four-Laning Big Pine Key] This traffic nightmare would have been averted if the four-laning of US1 would have happened.  However all those cry babies in the Upper Keys, whining and crying about the day-trippers, got their way and now the rest of us have to suffer because of their cries. A big thanks Upper Keys. What you got for all your nonsense is signaled, pedestrian cross walks.
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