Since 2002. Published Wednesdays and Saturdays
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Today is Boxing Day even though no one knows what it means except Canadians. |
[Misery Loves Company] The lonelier you are, the more your attention is drawn toward negative social information. |
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Old time Key Wester Ray “Tito” Casamayor passed away. He was a KW police chief implicated in the famous Bubba Bust where he was the lookout for pot smugglers, he also owned a bicycle shop and two grocery stores in Bahama Village. |
![]() [“Cat food”] I disagree that dry food is bad for them. My cat coughed to the point where we were very concerned until someone told us to switch from canned cat food to only dry cat food. In the last six months of dry food only she has only coughed once. |
Code Enforcement is a tool for harassment. They only hassle those with money because they have no power over those who can’t pay their hefty fines and they have no other alternatives to get the poor to comply. |
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This is pretty amazing. Just type in your address and look through the window at the snow falling on your home. Also try your former addresses and your childhood address when you were a kid. |
Lawnsmith property maintenance 904-554-9293 Business Directory > Lawncare |
[Whole Earth Catalog] Travels to the epicenters of counter-cultural America in Woodstock and San Francisco to tell the story of a book of hippy philosophy that defined the 1960s. Audio |
Hello, I love the Coconut Telegraph! Freedom of speech. I’ve been trying to find out who to contact regarding the decal details of the Big Pine Flea Market. I’m interested in setting up there. Could you send me a phone number and/or name of a person or persons to contacts? Thank you so much for your publication and thanks so much in general. Peace and pay it forward. Business Directory > Clothing, Pawn, Flea Market |
![]() Traffic becomes particularly congested during the holiday season on Big Pine Key. Sheriff Rick Ramsay would like to remind everyone to be patient. Expect delays and try to get out early in the day before traffic is at its heaviest. Most of all, drive safely. Don’t pass in no passing zones or center turn lanes; pay attention to the speed limit and don’t drink and drive. The Sheriff’s Office will be monitoring traffic on Big Pine Key closely, particularly at the traffic light. We will do our best to keep traffic moving in that area. Have safe and happy holidays from the Sheriff’s Office. |
[Got Stoned and Missed It] It hasn’t happened on Christmas Day in nearly the last four decades, and it won’t happen again until 2034. A full moon is going to be paired with the holiday. Adding to that, a giant asteroid will also zoom past our home planet. The full moon on Christmas will peak at about 6:11 am, but you can start watching at dusk. The special lighting treat for space enthusiasts in the form of a full moon won’t happen again until 2034. The US space agency NASA said the full moon coincided with the holiday will be a Full Cold Moon as it will be seen during the beginning of winter.
Experts said enthusiasts should go outside and look into the sky before dawn on Christmas if they want to see a lunar rarity. This full moon will be a beautiful phenomenon as it is paired with Christmas for the first time since 1977. The researcher predicted that the moon could reach full phase at around 3:11 on December 25. He also said that a giant asteroid, 2003 SD220, will flyby a day before Christmas. |
![]() When they stuck their grinder pump in the middle of my front yard they at least made a halfhearted attempt to cleanup and replace the p-rock with some bad, low grade stuff. Today I discover they have installed the electric box exactly where they were told not to. The guy who met with me had clearly marked the location I had compromised on, at the side entrance to my house. It has now been installed front and center of the house. It looks horrendous. |
Happy Holidays CTers! |
Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over? Me: Because I didn’t see you first? |
Seagulls continue to be a problem on Florida beaches. |
[“Land crabs”] Corn meal will definitely work to make them taste better. Land crabs won’t puncture your tires because new tires are steel belted, and no longer blow out. Someone younger explained that to me a year or so ago (we’re showing our age!). |
Christmas is a bridge. We need bridges as the river of time flows past. Today’s Christmas should mean creating happy hours for tomorrow and reliving those of yesterday.
I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month. Thank you all so much for your support over the last 32 years. Without you, we wouldn’t be “THE NUT”. |
[Crooks] 6 weeks ago I deposited $75,000 into a local bank. When I received the interest statement I had earned 52 cents. Wow. If you figure that out for 5 years I will have earned about $30.00. Wow again. I went back to the same bank and talked to a loan officer about borrowing $75,000 and asked how much would the interest be for a five year loan. He told me it would ONLY be about $6,500. Wow. I closed out the account. I generally would like to get kissed when I get f**ked. I checked several other local banks and found that they are also paying .05%. Yes, that’s right 1/2 of 1 percent interest on your money that they loan out at 6% or higher. |
![]() [Bookie] Friday’s Miami Herald page 9a shows a Monroe County School tech employee arrested for running a sports gambling ring. |
[“Ramrod pit-bull”] A neighbor took the owner to court claiming their pitbulls knocked her down. The case was dismissed and the owner smirked. |
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The next meeting of our Big Pine Computer Club is this morning, Saturday, December 26, 10 am at the senior center. Hope to see you there. Bring your new toys. |
Watch the Navy’s Blue Angels workout from inside the cockpit. Video |
[“Scandal in the Sheriff’s Department”] I find the comments of the “whistle blower” concerning the sheriff’s department to be very interesting. They seem to ring true based a conversation I had some years ago with a friend who was a deputy during the Acevedo scandal. His comment to me was that if the curtain was ever pulled back on the corruption in the sheriff’s office, it would make Randy and Monique look like rank amateurs. He was born and raised in Key West and had been with the department for nearly 20 years at the time so it would seem likely that he knew whereof he spoke. |
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[Full Moon] Did you see the giant full moon on Christmas morning? It was enormous and looked like a big planet. |
![]() In 2015, though, Key West set a record for heat, according to local forecasters at the National Weather Service who attributed the higher heat to a combination of factors, including El Niño, a strong high pressure system hovering over South Florida for most of the year and warmer water temperatures. Key West’s average temperature this year was 79.9 degrees, beating out the former record of 79.5 in 2007. |
[“Scandal in the Sheriff’s Department”] I spoke with a long time Deputy who said those accusations about promoting bad people are true. He said if the public only knew what went on there we would all cringe. He wants to write a book about the department when he retires, but until he does he’s not saying a word for fear of retribution. |
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[“Pitbulls”] There is no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners. I have a neighbor who is so insecure her fluff ball tries to attack everyone that comes near the fence dividing us, which is irritating since my backyard use is limited unless I want to listen to the dog bark and repeatedly hit the fence trying to climb it to get to me. |
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