Since 2002. Published Wednesdays and Saturdays
Submit anything of a positive nature, unless it’s breakthrough stuff to
(Ed: Although all advertisers’ contracts have expired I’m still going to display their ads for free until they get used to the new CT. Hopefully they will all want to keep advertising.)
[Haack] That is indeed one of our trucks parked across the handicapped space. If you notice the work just beyond that vehicle, there were holes where grease tanks had been set and sewer line work in progress. This was not to block any spaces but to block any accidental injury due to the construction. Sincere apologies. |
![]() Orvelo was born in Kansas, and grew up there in the Depression. Those early struggles to use what was available and to “make do” were echoed in his use of discarded materials. No point in throwing it out if it can be recycled into something aesthetic or useful. After completing his studies at the Kansas City Art Institute and The Three Arts Conservatory, he worked as staff artist for the Wichita Eagle, and did window display for a department store. At the end of World War II he migrated to New York city where he opened a small craft shop. “Small” was the operative word. It was only four feet wide, and customers patiently lined up outside to be waited on. Also a talented writer, Orvelo collaborated with his wife Louise on two craft books: “make it with Paper”, and “Make your own Jewelry”. He provided most of the drawings and much of the creative input. When they were writing a chapter on lost wax casting he devised several ways for a hobbyist to cast metal without the need for expensive equipment. If an unusual job needed to be done, he could usually figure out a way to do it, and devise the necessary tool. A wonderful hands-on problem-solver, he was always ready to help others solve theirs, whether artistic or mechanical. Orvelo also wrote a semi-autobiographical novel, The Rivertown Boys, in which he told of growing up during the Depression. He is survived by Louise, his wife for 64 years |
[Trust] I am starting to get errors in replies of emails when the reply includes my original message, such as misspelled words or added in words I did not type. The fonts are either the same as I used or different and the font color changes sometimes. It has to be the ISP or some ‘filter’ changing the emails. Who, where, why? Goes to show how dangerous it is to trust computers especially with a doctor’s computer and my blood type! Scary huh? |
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Re: Those punks who bashed the mail boxes, isn’t that a Federal offence? |
![]() For more information contact Dick Moody at 305-942-1758 |
I avoid social gatherings like the plague. And you know how the plague got started? A social gathering, probably. |
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This news interview about police officer injured in crash is just so wrong! Another golden moment in American TV journalism. Video |
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Key West Orchid Society newsletter for July. Full Menu > Ongoing Events |
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[Junk Mail] I’m very frustrated with the amount of unsolicited junk mail that piled up in my mailbox and my hauling pounds of unread, printed material directly to the recycle bin. I explored some options and found is free. Enter your address and the junk mail senders name and you are on the path to an uncluttered mailbox. It does take several months and print cycles to get your name off some lists, but as you review your junk mail and enter the senders names on line you begin to realize the regularity and magnitude of the quantity of junk mail that arrives in your mail box.It has been a year, I entered 169 different junk mail senders. Catalogchoice tracks your success and reports I have saved 6 fully grown trees, 2172 pounds of greenhouse gasses, 770 pounds of solid waste and 5229 gallons of water! (Environmental impacts calculated using the EPN Paper Calculator. Link)
It is great going to the mail box and not wasting my time sorting through junk mail to find the real mail! You can stop the flood of junk mail in your mailbox. Link |
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Kids in kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to join the free, fun-filled Discovery Saturday at the Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center (35 East Quay Road, Key West) on Saturday, July 18th from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. With lobster season around the corner, it’s a great time for kids to explore the life of lobsters, shrimp, and crabs. Play a game of Crab Soccer and make a lobster hat to take home! For more information contact 305-809-4750.Learn more about the Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center. Link |
The two-day Sport Lobster Season is always the last consecutive Wednesday and Thursday in July. Regular Season State and Federal Waters August 6 through March 31 ![]() ![]() Must hold a valid Florida saltwater fishing license and lobster permit to harvest lobster. All female lobsters bearing eggs (usually bright orange) on the underside of their carapace must be released regardless of size. Do not harvest lobster without first using a lobster gauge to confirm its carapace is greater than three inches long. Check your vessel’s safety gear and familiarize yourself with the local waters where you plan to boat. Service your dive gear, practice your dive skills, plan your dives and follow good reef etiquette. Absolutely no touching or bumping coral! |
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This video is a tear jerker with an amazing message. Video |
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[“Acevedo should not be assistant coach”] The letters supporting Randy Acevedo from some of his friends are all warm and fuzzy, and are no doubt from a few well-intended citizens. Nevertheless, have we collectively drank the Kool-Aid which produces total memory loss? Or worse yet, are we simply returning the proverbial fox to his favorite hen house? It begs the question, why would Monroe County School Board commissioners even consider Randy Acevedo for this position as assistant coach to our vulnerable students, especially after he looked the other way while his wife virtually looted the school system, even stealing the cookie money raised by the children. His historic conviction was the worst case of ripping off and plundering the Monroe County school system that can be recalled and it would be unadulterated insanity to even allow this guy anywhere near the school grounds, not to mention the children. Come on, school board members, what are you thinking? Forgiving is one thing, but enabling a felon to return to his old stalking grounds is neither a good example of sound thinking nor American justice. Do we really want our kids exposed to and coached by a convicted school administrator or do we want a school board to keep its own credibility intact? We should think long and hard about this decision and have our voices heard. Randy Acevedo is not someone I would want my children to hold a high regard for or admire — do you? |
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The real threat posed by powerful computers isn’t artificial intelligence, but the stupidity of their assemblers not making them error proof. |
Do you know anything about Money Key, the original Money Key, just south of the 7 Mile Bridge? |
![]() Don’t forget to visit The From The Right Guy at our National Politics page where you can post a comment after signing in. |
Submit anything of a positive nature, unless it’s breakthrough stuff to |