Since 2002. Published Weekly
Submit anything of a positive nature, but no national politics or sewer stuff unless it’s breakthrough stuff to
(Ed: Although all advertisers’ contracts have expired I’m still going to display their ads for free until they get used to the new CT. Hopefully they will all want to keep advertising.)
![]() Someone sent you this FRAUDULOUS ad, stating there is a moving sale and free items at my home. I am not presently at my No Name Key home. This ad is currently on your website and needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY.Please also post a retraction/correction of some sort stating this IS a fraud and posted without the knowledge, permission or consent of the owner. (Or posted by some coward who wishes ill on me and my family). My telephone # is xxx-xxx-xxxx and I can be reached any time to further discuss this issue. In fact, I would appreciate a phone call when you get this email. Irresponsible reporting causes harm to many, I can’t believe who ever reviews these ads was negligent in realizing it was fraud. My attorney has advised me to go this route with you initially. Hopefully we can rectify this before it gets worse. And I appreciate your assistance and time The ad is below: (Ed: This is a special edition of the Coconut Telegraph to right a wrong that some a**hole has committed. Yes there are a**holes on Big Pine. The wronged party is not too far from that status either with his veiled threats of a lawsuit. If he’s ever read the Coconut Telegraph he’d know that lawsuits only increase our readership and are a always welcome for that reason.) |
A hacker said he took control of airliners exploiting a vulnerability in their entertainment system. Video |
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After our cruise from Hell last week, I thought you people should read this Mayo Clinic page about the Norovirus. The last 15 day cruise we were on had 317+ people and crew quarantined in their cabins for four days or longer with no food and only water. The cruse line and ship is not relevant here because the ship’s doctor told me the entire cruise industry world wide is infected. If you catch this bug get to a doctor ASAP! LinkNorovirus infection is highly contagious. To help prevent its spread: Wash your hands thoroughly, especially after using the toilet or changing a diaper. Avoid contaminated food and water, including food that may have been prepared by someone who was sick. Wash fruits and vegetables before eating. Cook seafood thoroughly. Dispose of vomit and fecal matter carefully, to avoid spreading Norovirus by air. Soak up material with disposable towels, using minimal agitation, and place them in plastic disposal bags. Disinfect virus-contaminated areas with a chlorine bleach solution. Wear gloves. Stay home from work, especially if your job involves handling food. You may be contagious as long as three days after your symptoms end. Children should stay home from school or day care. Avoid traveling until signs and symptoms have ended |
![]() How can I find who owns a property in Monroe county if I only have the address? |
Few songs can claim to be – quite literally – as far reaching as the 1967 classic ‘Can’t Take My Eyes off You’. In this edition of Radio 4’s ‘Soul Music’, we hear from former astronaut Christopher Ferguson who heard this song as an early morning wake-up call aboard the space shuttle Endeavour. And from mum of two Michelle Noakes who sang this classic piece to the baby she was told she may never be able to carry. We also hear from the honeymoon couple whose marriage proposal began with a hundred strong ‘flash mob’ performance of this track and from Frankie Valli himself, who reflects on one of the most moving performances he ever gave when he sang ‘Can’t Take My Eyes off You’ to a crowd of recently returned Vietnam Veterans. DJ Mark Radcliff recalls the many artists since Valli that have covered this song (not least his mum as she sang along to the Andy Williams version) and composer Bob Gaudio tells us how this now universally famous piece of music began life in a room over looking Central Park with a melody originally penned for a children’s nursery rhyme. Audio |
![]() The bird that was pictured is a Baltimore Oriole. |
[No Name Key Grinder Pumps] No Name is getting aerobic septic systems, I was told individual 60 foot disposal wells also. I would guess 110 volt would handle the pumps since the effluent is being pumped only a few feet away into the disposal wells. Big Pine’s grinders have to pump long distances, hence the 220V requirement |
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[Five Simple Steps to Become a Wildlife Superhero] Thursday, May 21st 12:30 PM. Nature Chapel at Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden US 1 at College Road, Stock Island. Speaker: Kristie Killam – Park Ranger, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Florida Keys Wildlife Refuge
Five simple things anyone can do to help the wildlife of the Florida Keys. Kristie provide entertaining and inspiring stories about birds, rabbits, butterflies, Key deer and other creatures; the hardships they endure and how you can protect our local wildlife. Free to members of KWBGS, Non-members $5.00 at the door, Students free with ID. We look forward to seeing you |
![]() Hempcon’s organizers on Monday posted the following message on the convention’s Facebook page: “We deeply regret the unfortunate police activity during the Las Vegas Hempcon over the weekend of May 15-17. It was a blow to our Vendors, the attendees, the Community as a whole, and to us as well. It is sad that our industry is subject to such indiscriminate and prejudicial behavior bylaw enforcement, but we as a Community will persevere and not let our forward momentum be derailed by them |
I wonder if the FTR Guy and the other false patriots are mad at Obama for the successful raid in Syria? It appears that he and his ilk will do or say anything to disparage our President and Country, even going so far as to shut it down if the President does something great for every American like healthcare for instance. Link |
![]() The motorcycle gang shootout in Waco, Texas will go down in history along with the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre in Chicago and the shootout at the OK Corral. |
I do feel some of our elected officials are not acting in the best interests of the voters that did or did not put them in office. |
![]() Constructed in 1936 by the Blohm and Voss Shipyard in Hamburg, Germany, and originally commissioned as the Horst Wessel by the German Navy, the Eagle was taken by the United States as a war. |
I just hate today’s music with all the lip-synching, phony production. We had the real thing growing up in the ’60’s. Not quite as fancy as today’s, but, by jeebers, it was legit! Check out those “high waters” — Armani, they’re not.
The Four Tops — I’ll Be There |
![]() March Against Monsanto to launch worldwide protests on May 23. Link |
[Sewers] The Cudjoe Gardens owners achieved what we wanted, but in the process we learned more about the potential impact of the shallow wells. Adding to our concerns is the effect of the shallow wells on the adjacent landfill. The more we learn, the more we realize that it may be better to wait for the deep well than to start up the plant and have the shallow wells stir up what may be lying below the surface. FKAA, however, does not want to wait the two years they say it will take to get a deep well. The system was supposed to be operational in 2015 and they want to start it up now. We think the risk of possible harm to our waters, to the environment, to the fauna, to the already compromised reef is not worth the rush. Do it right and wait for the deep well. |
![]() How come key deer don’t have fleas or ticks? I’ve never seen them scratch for fleas or seen any lumps from tick bites. |
I beg to differ with the praise given Dr. Golden the dentist by someone who only visited here. I had just the opposite opinion of him as a dentist although I think he is a fine man, just that he probably is a little out of his comfort zone when he performs certain functions. One of which I am now having corrected by a specialized dentist at a very high cost. |
![]() When a music teacher gets a new and inexperienced student he should just bring the kid in and let him practice scales for the hour. You know damn-well that the kid isn’t going to practice during the week and when he thinks about going to the next lesson he wont want to go because he didn’t practice the scales and will be embarrassed. For this reason the kid will quit the lessons and you’re out the bucks. So you’d better make him get something out of the hour even if it is only just scales. Inevitably he’ll progress and start practicing at home. |
[Veterans] This Thursday 6pm at mm 97.761 Overseas Hwy Amy Shoppey will be speaking about the far reaching effects of accidents on you and those around you and how to prevent them. She had lost a leg while on the job and speaks from first hand experience.
Come join us as we work together to learn how to help our soldiers come home by understanding some of what they have gone through. You will meet like minded people, enjoy food, door prizes and make a difference as we learn ways to understand and help those coming home. For more information please call Ron at 305 504 3795 or visit our website. Link |
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How often do nurseries spray fertilizer on their plants. Their’s are always so much greener than mine. |
![]() Rob Lowe is like Eddie Haskell from the old Leave It To Beaver TV show and the guy with the perpetual tan (not John Bohner) who starred in Love At First Bite. Lowe appears annoying, ingratiating and insincere. |
Dream a Little Dream Of Me. Satchmo and a very young Ella Fitzgerald. |
Submit anything of a positive nature, but no national politics or sewer stuff unless it’s breakthrough stuff to |