2018 August

Friday, August 31, 2018

The-Coconut-Telegraph-w-CoconutsLetters to the editor with pictures since 0202. Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage days, Tuesdays and Fridays.​​​

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[Affordable Housing Scam] Today, an attorney for five local civic and environmental groups wrote Keys local government officials opposing the “free” additional development units being offered to the Keys by Governor Rick Scott. “There’s no free lunch. Those additional 1300 residential building allocations come with a huge price tag.

For taxpayers,” said Don DeMaria, from Friends of the Lower Keys, (FOLKs), one of the organizations. Added Ann Olsen, from Save Summerland Native Areas, “The governor’s proposal, if acted upon, together with the over 2000 ROGOs the local governments still have, could mean about 10,000 additional permanent residents for the Keys. Where will the money for roads and schools come from?”

Richard Grosso, Esq, a land use law expert with a long history of helping the Keys create sustainable development criteria, noted that the additional development would create added danger to Keys residents during hurricane evacuations, and would carry many significant hidden costs. “Local governments in the Keys are currently struggling mightily to provide public services to the homes and businesses that were destroyed by Hurricane Irma. As a matter of reality, every new home is a new strain on government revenues and resources,” he wrote. “The last two new schools built in the Keys came with a cost of at least $37 million apiece, and they were built on property already owned by the School District,” stated Capt. Ed Davidson, former Chair of the Zoning Board and Comp Plan Advisory Committee, and Chair of the Florida Keys Citizen’s Coalition, another local civic group opposing the additional 1300 ROGOs.

Grosso also expressed concern about the increased impact on water quality and environmentally sensitive lands, and advised that accepting the additional 1300 development allocations was contrary to existing law; would exceed the legally established carrying capacity limitations of the Keys; and would expose the Keys to increased vulnerability to legal action by property owners because of inconsistent land use regulation.

The groups noted that there are building allocations already available for much needed workforce housing. “Developers just haven’t used them,” said DeMaria. “We can meet the real need for workforce housing with the ROGOs we already have…if developers will build them. And if they won’t build them, having more ROGOs won’t make them.”

I am Phil Goodman, your current Commissioner, District 2 and Board Chair of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control. Originally from North Carolina,  I have lived on Cudjoe Key for twenty years with my wife Debby and our daughter Carey.  I am an Eagle Scout, a veteran, a graduate chemist of North Carolina State University and have an MBA degree from the University of NC.  My entire professional career was in the private sector global chemical industry holding numerous technical positions with BASF Corp. and Hydrolabs Inc. and working my way to corporate president of a large International chemical producer, BFI Corp. where I was a co-founder and shareholder. Since selling the corporation after 27 years and retiring in 2009, I have been a member of and heavily involved with several large volunteer organizations focusing mostly on our local military and protecting the environment in the Florida Keys.  These include the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, the Key West Military Affairs Committee  and the Sanctuary Advisory Council.   I am also a CERT Instructor for Monroe County Emergency Management and the Community HAZWOPER Instructor for the USCG.  I was a USCG Auxiliary Volunteer deployed for 30 days in 2010 to assist with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.

To me, Mosquito Control is the largest chemical company in Monroe County and should be operated and held to similar high standards as exist in the private sector chemical industry concerning safety, professionalism, costs, effectiveness, use of technology and protection of the environment.  I am running for re-election based on my record of the past two terms and the progress we have made toward this goal.  We have made much progress and as a result, we are not the same mosquito control today as we were in 2011.  We are technology driven, proactive and we have kept this community safe from mosquito borne diseases.    This results focused transformation to real science did not just happen on its own.  It took leadership, teamwork and planning.  We have come a long way in the past 7 years but there is still much to accomplish.  I ask for your vote in November to continue moving forward.

Phil Goodman, District 2 Commissioner for the Florida Keys Mosquito Control Board

I saw the first swallows swooping over Kyle Road in Port Pine Heights Wednesday.
[Sunday Rock the Boats] Hello everyone, Wetstock 14 is around the corner set for this Sunday, September 2nd around noon. The Rockin’ Bob’s & Friends will start the show. Ray West band follows. Category 4 is 3rd and Haywire will finish the show. It’s going to be a great day of Peace & Music.
We will have to keep an eye on the weather. As long as it’s not raining the show will go on! If it is imminent threat of bad weather the show will need to be rescheduled. We’ll keep our fingers crossed.Your friend,
Flip Flop Bob


I want to sincerely thank all who supported and voted for me to be your KW Utility Board representative. We’re going to a run-off! Please vote for me in the Nov 6th election.

There’s a lot to talk about in this race, but for today, I just want to say THANK YOU!  ~Beth

Beth Ramsay-Vickrey
Big Pine Key/No Name Key

In the race for Key West Utility Board, seat D, Robert Barrios and Beth Ramsay-Vickrey will meet in a runoff Nov. 6. Barrios took 39 percent while Ramsay-Vickrey took 25.51. Walter Drabinski took 23 percent.

In the seat A race, the incumbent since 2004 , Mona Clark, easily beat Jim Marquardt, 59 to 41.

Marathon Mayor Michelle Coldiron will face Big Pine Key resident Tommy Ryan in the November general election in the District 2 Monroe County Commission seat race. Coldiron bested her Republican challengers Debbie Halama and Chuck Weitzel in Tuesday’s primary election in the race for District 2.

Former city commissioner Teri Johnston is headed for a Nov. 6 runoff in the Key West mayoral race, but her opponent will be determined by a mandatory recount held Wednesday.

Margaret Romero won 21.5 percent of the vote with 1,338 votes— 28 votes ahead of George Bellenger’s 1,310 votes, or 20.81 percent of the vote.



[Winn Dixie] Weekly ad. Link

[A Better America] No pictures, no cartoons, just sharing my hope for a better America with you. My cousin shared this with me & I thought I would share it with the “Never Trumpers”, Trump haters & all the folks that just think our President Trump is a terrible, crude, rude, inarticulate dummy. Here it is, a paraphrased:
Trump was never going to win. Right? Wrong! He did. Every one of you haters were wrong. I wonder how adamant and staunch the haters were in predicting his defeat. They were positive he would lose & lose bigly, they made fun & shared ugly & mean, distasteful jokes about our President Trump, his family & his “deplorable” supporters. Only to wake up and find out how wrong they were. To date they have learned nothing. I have a feeling they are going to wake up again in the near future to find out that all they have denied through there hate and lack of objectivity will be too much for most of them to overcome. This is a great movement, a true revolution. You “Never Trumpers” are so blinded by your hate you can’t see the forest through the trees. Get out of your group-think. Do your own research. You’re missing an historical boom in America & the rebirth of American exceptionalism. Most of us “deplorables” remain open to your help & support. All that is required on your part is a willingness to accept that America is doing great, better than ever expected & it’s getting better every day. The good news is, you don’t have to like President Trump, just accept that he’s putting America first & doing it in a very bigly way. Blessings to each and everyone one of you. That would include you haters.  ~Coconuts
[Take A Knee Totally Misunderstood] The data secured by a cbs/yougov poll determined that 73% of Americans said the goal of the protesters (NFL players kneeling) was to disrespect the flag and disrespect the military. That couldn’t be further than the truth. Perhaps the Marine Major’s insight from last week’s post into this topic is right on target.

As I’ve intimately worked and socialized with many African-Americans over the course of my life; I’ve come to realize that they’re not driven nor locked into any politically correct and stereotypical characterizations assigned them. Like all human beings they cherish and honor individual courage, integrity, compassion, commitment and respect.




Craig’s Carpentry LLC 609-914-1516 Business Directory > Construction

[Wasteful Spending] Who the hell gave politicians the right to give my tax money to whomever they please? Enough of supporting the bums, the misfits, the illegals and not doing the maintenance I hired them for. Charity begins at home — my home!
Is there an accessory I can plug into my guitar amp to get that Santana sound? The sound he uses sustains notes for an incredibly long time, but doesn’t interfere when he plays chords as most sustain stomp boxes do.



[Free Tire Rims] 4 stock 17″ steel rims from a 2010 Ford F-150. 4 stock hub caps too, and lug nuts. The rims even have the 4 working automatic air pressure sensors.  Text 305-942-4323

[Morning Doves] Some of our doves have white tails. Is this the same species as the other morning doves or is it a gender thing or fashion statement? Are the white tails male or female?



Have they moved the White House to the Jefferson Memorial?

I am amazed at the amount of National Politics the CT is printing. Just in this last issue we have, NFL Players Kneeling, Pro & Con, Illegal immigrants, the real smoking gun, poking fun of our President Trump. I can’t count the times I have been ask to post on the “other” page. The page for National Politics. The one very few read or post on. Deer Ed, this is your site & you can do as you like, but your ultra liberal, progressive side cuts your viewership & participation by 50%. That’s not good business Sir, once again I remind myself that it’s your business & not for me to say how you should run it. This post requires no answer. It’s just a observation form one of your longest paying supporters. As I will continue to be. God Bless America & American Exceptionalism.   ~Coconuts Bar & Liquor Store , downtown Pine Key
[Hurricane First Response] In addition to mobile wi-fi stations they should let UPS trucks in immediately after the storm. It was almost three weeks before they let the trucks deliver again. That was inexcusable. We needed Amazon stuff right then, not three weeks later!
We have to get rid of the old people running hurricane management and let those who understand our needs manage the recovery.
[Fake Meat] China, the birthplace of fake meat. Link
[Religion] If not for religion and the belief in God, people would/do look elsewhere for someone to follow.  We have to have something to believe in. When that happens, it usually ends up badly as humans do not handle that kind of power well.  North Korea comes to mind as do any of the communist countries controlled by dictators. Given the choice, that we do have in this country, I chose to believe in God, not other humans.  They always seem to disappoint.


[Tom Terrific] I had a funnel on my head trying to imitate the old cartoon Tom Terrific and his mighty dog Manfred and no one ever heard of it. Boy, do I feel old.

[NFL Kneeling] I find it interesting that Michael F. Chenoweth thinks that NFL players kneeling during the national anthem is not disrespectful.  That’s exactly why they are doing it.  Yes, they’re exercising their free speech, but what they’re saying is FU America. To me, that’s very disrespectful.  Oh, and the last time I checked, the NFL is not a “race”, its a bunch of football players.  You also need to look

up the definition of racist.  Disagreeing with someone or some ideology does not make one a racist.

[Killing Black People] There are many fine police officers out there. Unfortunately, just as in other occupations, a few bad actors reflect badly on the good ones. And being a police officer is a very difficult job that requires split-second decision making, often by young and inexperienced officers, and is generally poorly compensated. There are lots of changes we need to make in the system, including higher standards for performance, better training, and better pay. And it isn’t just a police problem. Many parts of our society are dysfunctional and have disproportionate crime problems. That said, when any unarmed person is shot by police, it is an epidemic. How many unarmed people do you think it is OK for police to kill? The best example of how police should handle confrontational situations was recorded in Toronto earlier this year. Link

There have been nearly 700 people (687 as of August 20), armed and unarmed, who have been shot by police in this country so far this year. There were 987 people shot by police in 2017. We need to reduce those numbers, regardless of the color of the victim’s skin, just as we need to reduce the numbers of drug deaths and numbers of non-police shootings.


[The Legend of Threes] Aretha Franklin, John McCain, Neil Simon. Superstition has it that famous people die in groups of three.

[Fish Talk] Have you ever looked down a Jewfish’s open mouth? There’s a big cavern that ends in a puckered-up mess of soft skin resembling an ass hole.
[Friday Joke] I was driving down the highway and got pulled over by the police. When the officer approached my car, he asked me if I had any pot in the car. I responded yes, but not enough to share. That’s when things got tense.



[Star Struck Fancies] So next time you think you’re the most important person in the universe (you’re not). Hubble Captures 15,000 Galaxies in a single stunning image. And again. these are galaxies not stars, each galaxy has billions of stars! Link

[How To Be A Salesman] Hold eye contact longer than you should. You’ll be surprised how well it works.
[Casual Sex Isn’t] When you have intimate sex with another, whether you like it or not, you form a permanent bond with the other person (assuming it’s a person and not a sheep or blow-up doll). so be careful where you put that thing.



[Pedophiles] I agree that priests should never be left alone with children. Never leave any sexually frustrated man alone with any kid, period!

Early voting is a mistake because what happens if, at the last minute, you find out something terribly wrong with the candidate that was just revealed. If you’ve already voted for that bad person he could get elected.
[Genealogical Sleuthing] She Helped Crack the Golden State Killer Case. Here’s What She’s Going to Do Next. Barbara Rae-Venter’s genealogical sleuthing acumen has inspired others to help law enforcement with unsolved cases, as well as an ethics and privacy debate. Link


[Housing is affordable in Texas] 2/1 with an over sized 2 car garage on a corner lot in Cleburne for $95,000. Brand new HVAC, new vinyl windows and a 5-year old roof. Some original hardwood floors, too. Call or text me at (817) 517-9355 if you know someone interested. Payment would be around $800 a month to own a home.

[Friday Joke] My wife and I were shopping, and I picked up a six-pack of beer priced at $7.  The wife said, “That’s too expensive, better put it back.”  A bit later she picked up a jar of face cream at $10.  I said. “That’s a lot of money.”  She said.” It helps me look good for you.”  I said, “A six-pack makes you look good too and it’s $3 cheaper.”  That’s when the fight started.
[“NFL role models-656 arrests”] I wonder how high the arrest number would be if the same number of people were not football players?
[Free Money] National Parks Art Foundation. Coming up fast, 3 Amazing $2000 Residencies, One Deadline. Currently and unusually we have very few applicants for each of these residencies so this is your chance to make your mark while living and working in amazing, unique places. Deadline September 7th 2x 2019 AiRs at Chaco Culture in New Mexico and Loggerhead Key in Florida.
all media accepted. Each with $2000 stipend. Artist couples especially welcome. Link
The supreme art of war is not to attack your enemy’s institutions but to have him attack them for you.





[History Lost] Modern humans first appeared 200,000 years ago, but record keeping didn’t begin until about 6,000 years ago. That means 97% of human history is lost

[Pedophiles] Why do we treat priests differently than other pedophiles? All pedophiles are abominable.



[Gold Coffin] Aretha Franklin is lying in state in a gold coffin. I wonder how long before someone digs it up for the gold. Video

[Media] It’s ashamed people criticize the mainstream media because they don’t like the message.
[Hurricane Business] I wonder why the hurricane cleanup companies don’t start advertising their service at the first warning of an impending storm. They usually wait a month of so after the storm to start advertising.



[Swimming Hole] It’s been over ten years since the BOCC told us we were getting the swimming hole on US1 made into a park. The only thing they seem to have done is put up a gate to lock us out!

America is crashing, and the only reason is the merchant class over charges for everything. Buying from a foreign company then marking it up 5,000 to 10,000 percent or more is why some Americans are getting rich or becoming very poor. Greed is the main culprit. Sure, it is fine to make a fortune if you can, but when you jeopardize a nations’ people doing it, you are the enemy.
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