The Original Unsocial Media
Anonymous Letters to the Editor with Pictures
Published Daily by Noon Since 2002
No Saturday Edition
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[Child Molesters] Pope Francis has taken full responsibility for pediophile priests’s diddling children although the practice still goes on according to the UN report. The UN says child molesting priests are still only transferred and not fired or reported to the police. If the Pope is holding himself responsible then he should go to jail if he’s responsible for child molesting. I’m not serious about that, but taking responsibility is just words while the practice continues and Cardinals and Bishops who transfer priests and not report them to police are not punished. No one gets punished in the Catholic Church no matter the crime be it child molestation, theft or money laundering. In his announcement, the Pope said, “they are men of God.” Really? how come they don’t act like it? Jesus never had sex with a ten year old boy. |
(Ed: You can now print recipes by going to the Full Menu > Recipes, by simply clicking on the printer icon at the bottom of the page.) |
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[Old 2/7 Mile Bridge] Somebody commented that the County will probably squander the $390 each in sewer connection permit fees on another old restaurant or to sink another ship. Both were questionable past expenditures, but a sunken ship at least does not require perpetual maintenance, repair, capital improvements and insurance. And it will serve its intended purposes for another 100 years without another penny going in. With the 2/7 Mile pedestrian bridge repairs and especially Rowell’s Marina purchase, there will be a perpetual tax required to support it. When people voted for that 1 cent infrastructure tax, they expected it to fund sensible sewers first, and the rest for infrastructure repairs to existing inventory. They were not expecting the money to be spent acquiring more infrastructure to create a need for more money forever. I am told we can only repeal the infrastructure tax referendum if the BOCC approves of it being on the ballot. Fat chance of that! We were sucked in again, but I for one will not forget it. |
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Border Patrol agents say that 91,000 illegal Mexicans crossed the border in the last 6 months. |
About thirty percent of mothers now stay at home, many work at home. Are we returning to the June Cleaver model of the 1950’s American housewife where she is confined to the kitchen wearing a nice apron and a string of pearls around her neck? |
Who is pushing these crazy gun laws in Florida? Let’s see some names. |
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[Climate Change] The amount of carbon dioxide in the air has increased to 40% since the industrial revolution. |
[Man Arrested for DUI While Wearing Dumbest Possible Shirt] An Oregon man was arrested for a DUI after driving onto the sidewalk, hitting a parked car, and then attacking his girlfriend when she tried to take the keys. Ross McMakin, 21, is accused of drunk driving, reckless endangerment, harassment, and strangulation. His stupid shirt pled guilty to all charges. |
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In this week’s News Barometer, the free paper available lots of places, (but not on line unfortunately), there is a very good letter beginning on page 8 that lays out some critical issues on the grinder pump proposal. When this system fails we are in for a hell of a mess and I do not believe that anyone can trust what the County , FKAA and the DEP is trying to convince us of – and their absolute refusal to look at very well documented cases of failures with this system. And make no mistake, even if you are getting a gravity system, the costs of the grinder system will be reflected in your bill every month. We need to do this right the first time that’s why we voted for the one penny sales tax. Take a moment to read the letter and also go to Please educate yourselves and take a stand before it’s too late. There’s no consolation in being able to say, “I told you so” later. |
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[Child Molesters] Catholics are an odd lot. They believe in forgiveness. All a person has to do is be truly sorry and ask for forgiveness and – poof- they’re forgiven! The Pope this week took ‘full responsibility’ for his hundreds of pediophiles who continue to administer the sacraments in your churches. It’s a taboo subject and not spoken of especially to priests. At least that’s how a Catholic friend explained it to me. She argued that they are just as outraged as layman are over the wide-spread, and continued, practice of pediophilia by their priests. I asked why the Church looks away? She said they don’t –the Pope took responsibility. Our conversation deteriorated after that. |
[Art] Debra Graffeo, Laurel Denny, Ariella Hogan, William Rowell, Elise Scott, Camille Rhodes & Deborah Moore : A few of the artists at Island Arts Co-Op Gallery at 1128 Duval St. |
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[Homeless and Police] Your city bosses push you to make homeless people’s lives as difficult as possible, hoping that will encourage them, or some of them, to leave Key West, and even leave the Florida Keys. Your city boss[es], including Donie Lee, the city manager, the city commissioners and the mayor, are complicit in that aggressive homeless policy, and they are complicit in how that aggressive homeless policy translated directly into the death of Charles Eimers last Thanksgiving Day. That entire chain of command stands on trial in God’s court for that reason, and for the further reason that no remedial action has been been taken by/in that chain of command. For those of you who are Christians, you recall in the Gospels that Jesus said he had no place to lay down his head, he was homeless. You recall in the Gospels that Jesus said, as his disciples did for the poor, the jailed, the sick, the lame, they did also for him. As the KWPD officers did for Charles Eimers, they did it for Jesus. As the KWPD’s bosses responded to what the KWPD did for Charles Eimers, they all did it for Jesus. That was Jesus in Charles Eimers body last Thanksgiving Day. |
[Spies Like Us] You are being watched! |
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Irony. |
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[Tell a Story] Tonight, Sunday April 13 at Little Room Jazz Club 8pm 305-540-6102 Anyone can go on stage and tell a 5 min. story. This month’s topic “The Moment I Knew” |
[“Sloan is back. The guy who promised he’d never return here”] I don’t recall promising any such thing. I may have said I hope I never have to deal with the Coconut Telegraph again, as that was how I felt back then, and, frankly, I don’t like dealing with it now, but I don’t get to pick and chose what I deal with. The angels running me do my travel itinerary; if you have a complaint, file it with them, maybe they will listen to you and shut me up and let me go. Not gonna hold my breath about that, though. The MRSA sores were on either side of the base of my penis, and one was on my right buttock. What I published was intended to paint the horror and grave danger of contracting MRSA in the Florida Keys, especially in the ocean, and ways to treat it, which medicine not to use. |
![]() Discovery Saturday April 19 at the Florida Keys Eco-Discovery Center Footprints on the Earth. Get ready to celebrate Earth Day! Make an ‘I Love Earth’ poster and learn about recycling with our ‘Recycle or Not’ game! Events |
For Sale: TV Stand. Glass 3-shelf for large TV, Excellent condition. Big Pine. $25. Nancy. Classified Ads > Electronics |
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[For Rent] Cudjoe Key. 6 month rental. Furnished. June 1st to January 1. 1 bedroom, 1 bath at Venture Out Resort. Ocean view, not on water. A/C. Prefer one professional adult, no smoking, no pets, you pay utilities, $800, Classified Ads > For Rent |
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[Sewer Fees] The Commission chooses to use the sewer permit fees elsewhere. Typical of the bureaucrat system, screw what the people need or want, but get your brother-in-law’s contracts for useless projects so people will come and see and bring more money into our coffers. Things better change in the Keys or something is going to hit the fan big time. Which corrupt bastard are you going to vote for next time? |
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[Ecosystem Protection Meeting] Thursday, April 17 and Friday, April 18 9:30 am-4 pm at the Marathon Garden Club, 5270 Overseas Highway, Marathon. Discuss and make ecosystem protection recommendations for the Middle Keys Region. Ecological Reserves, Preservation Areas and Wildlife Protection Working Group meetings are being held regionally with last meeting held in the middle Keys as a central location. All meetings are open to the public and there is a public comment period scheduled during each meeting. For complete information on the FKNMS Management Plan review, please visit Events |
[Crooks] (Ed: Today I’ve had bad guys try to hack into from the UK, Iran, Russia, USA, New Zealand and a couple of IP address I couldn’t identify. On average, I get about 4,000 attempts to hack the site every day. Most aren’t serious challenges to my password, but those I listed here were persistent, causing special security software to send out an email alarm to me.) |
The city commissioners do not answer to Mayor Cates. On the City Commission, commissioners and mayor each have one vote, equal power, although the mayor runs city commission meetings and has more power in that sense. Who knows what goes on behind the scenes? But on the surface, the mayor and commissioners individually do not give orders to the city manager and police chief. |
All the plans, drawings, applications and other documents associated with the property are now posted on Just click on the “City Projects” link on the home page and you’ll see a list of major projects, the first of which is the Glynn Archer School. There you’ll find the architect’s plans, landscaping plans, schedules for permitting and approvals, and much more. Link |
[Vietnam Wall Website] I didn’t realize how many died 2 to 4 months after going to war. I’ve search dates on almost 60 men, and not one of them made it past 9 months alive. 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970 –slaughtered! What is wrong with this world? |
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Sewer location? Instead of depending on somebody’s advice who has not even seen your home, or the FKAA’s advice – which may be even worse- why not get a couple of plumbers to give a connection estimate and in the process let them tell you where it makes sense to put it and why. They might not want to give a firm price yet, but they can get their material list and trench length ready so they can give a quick firm quote in a couple of years when you are ready to connect. Then they will they know how much things will cost with current prices, instead of guessing high now.. If you are slated for a grinder pit (God help you), the same thing applies, except you will want to also interview an electrician to see how many thousand bucks that special circuit will be and how difficult it will be to run it to near where the plumber suggested. Then breathe slowly and deeply while you write a check to Dump the Pumps to fight for you. I advise people not to sign the easement and refuse to be intimidated, but maybe your lawyer will tell you differently. I doubt it, though since mine didn’t, and did not sign one for his own place, either. |
Happy Sunday from Springers Bar and Grill. Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. As Monday is quickly approaching we thought we would give you our list of specials so you can plan ahead to join us. Mexican Monday we will have Steak Fajitas, Italian Tuesday is Chicken francaise, Wednesday our Comfort food special is seafood étouffée, Thursday is Pesto chicken on ciabatta and Fridays seafood special is stuffed shrimp. Now that your mouth is watering, plan on joining us daily for lunch or dinner. You know you don’t want to miss out on any of these tasty, palate pleasing morsels. There’s Always Something Special at Springers. |
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[“Stuff the 2nd Amendment”] There is no “stuffing” of amendments, that’s why we have them. If you’re afraid of guns then please don’t get one, but be sure to post a sign that you’re home is unarmed. It’s obvious that regardless of the issue, opinions will always vary. It’s impossible to please all of the people all of the time. The Constitution is there to protect us from lawmakers. Right is right. |
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[Police Chief Letter] Although I cannot comment on an open law enforcement investigation, I feel it is my duty to my city and the members of the police department to comment on the April 6 editorial in the Key West Citizen regarding the incident that occurred on South Beach on Thanksgiving Day.
It appears the editorial board has come to its own conclusions regarding the investigation still underway by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Until that investigation is complete, such speculation is inflammatory and perhaps completely wrong. The Eimer’s family has suffered a terrible loss, and our officers have suffered aspersions that sully their reputations in this community. The editorial insinuates that the use of excessive force is a problem faced by the Key West Police Department. That is not the case. In fact, the Citizen’s Review Board – made up of independent and unaffiliated members of the Key West community – receives an amazingly small number of complaints of excessive force. The CRB, in fact, only received two complaints of any kind in 2013. The department’s internal affairs office, likewise, receives relatively few such complaints. This is a statistic that we are proud of, considering we have tens of thousands of interactions with the public, and those interactions range the gamut from barroom brawls to arresting violent felons. It’s remarkable the level of patience and discretion exhibited by this city’s officers on a daily basis. Once the FDLE makes its findings, the Key West Police Department will then conduct an internal affairs investigation to ensure that our officers conducted themselves within the policies of the department. If we find they did not, they will be held accountable. I too am eager to see this investigation completed. Until then, I ask the community, and its community newspaper, withhold their conclusions. Donald J. Lee Jr., Chief of Police, Key West -KW Citizen |
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[Veteran’s Despair] Vietnam, Iraq, no one cares. Fort Hood shooting? Our legal system thinks it’s just an excuse to go crazy. Our veterans are ignored. Used and then ignored. Take that Christmas incident, that kid went to Iraq. Our legal system doesn’t give a crap about them. They gave so we can be free. Just makes me sick. Thank you to our veterans, but in the future I suggest our young stand down and let the USA do it without their life sacrifice! |
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Dell monitor. 17 inch flat screen model E173PC, excellent condition, $50, call 305-872-5742 Classified Ads > Computers |
[Sea Rise] Has anybody else noticed that our islands have come back up to the normal water marks since the Fat Chicks from New Jersey left? |
Police Chief Donnie Lee has a letter to the editor in today’s Key West Citizen taking the Citizen to task for it’s recent Charles Eimers editorial. Donie disputes KW police are using excessive force, and cites only two Citizen Review Board complaints filed against police officers in 2013. Perhaps Donie should hire someone who does not work for the KWPD to walk or ride a bicycle around town and meet and talk with homeless people and ask them about their experiences with KWPD officers and report that in writing back to Donie and Donie sends that report verbatim to me and the other local rags, and I will publish it, even if the other rags don’t. I make the homeless rounds from time to time, and I hear really disturbing things about some KWPD officers, and other officers get pretty good marks. Regardless, the officers involved in the Eimers case, who are not telling Donie and Florida Department of Law Enforcement what they know about that case, are not getting good marks by any standard of measure. The Citizen editorial was a minnow compared to the lawsuit the Eimers family filed the other day. Donie doesn’t mention the lawsuit in his letter, in which he says, “our officers have suffered aspersions that sully their reputations in this community.” Donie doesn’t mention in his letter that his officers clamming up about what happened that day sullied their reputations in this community. |
[Car Transport] Try the train. Skip I95. I just used the Auto Train from Sanford, Fl. To Lorton, Va. just outside D. C. A great way to skip a 900 mile drive and it’s very enjoyable. |
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Wouldn’t you just know it, an expanding economy depends on an expanding population. What are you going to do? |
Every preacher I ever met claimed god talks to him. Why not an ex Alabama lawyer! You all leave Mayor Basinsky alone! |
[Sarcasm] You have to try Winn Dixie’s fat free cooking oil. It’s light and airy, there’s no spattering and no calories. Best of all, it’s cheap if you bring your own container and have them fill it. You can find it next to the low sodium salt. |
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Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting hosted by Edward Jones and Kiki’s Sandbar on Monday, April 21st from 6-8pm. Congressman Joe Garcia will be the guest speaker. Seating is limited and paid reservations must be received by Friday, April 18th. Reservations are $20.00 per person in advance and $27.00 at the door. April 2014 Events |
[Holy Nuts] I hear that the Keys are being set up for the next batch of religious nuts so they can make these islands their Holy Grounds, any truth to this? I sure as hell hope not! Ever been to any small town in TX or UT? They are all holly nuts in those states! Keep an eye on the instant homes to! |
[Captain Doom and Gloom] “Cost of My Sewer” I agree that the cost of the sewer hook up should be no where near what the greedy sewer company said. Without that stupid grinder pump and all the parts needed for it, the cost for a simple gravity drain system is nothing but a few pipe fittings and a couple of lengths of pipe to go from my house to their hook-in fitting! The permits should be waved by the county so people can save a few rubles, and if a property owner is a plumber, let him do for his neighbors too. We locals have to defend ourselves, sure as hell the junta won’t do it for us! |
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(Ed: National politics is back. Click on this link to send your national political post anonymously. No one will know your name or email address, [Well, maybe the NSA will] not even me. FTR is going to be the new national politics editor. Do not fear, FTR promised to post everything, even if he hates it, he’s that kind of guy.) Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil. I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here |
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My apologies for the length of today’s posting. I’m playing catch up.
On Friday a critic pitched a hissy fit about yours truly. That’s his/her right. I support that right. Regular readers will decide for themselves if the critics posting has merit or is donkey dung. But, the poster is flat wrong on his claim that I have refused to post items that I disagree with. Each and every item that has come to me from Deer Ed has been published in its entirety except for two. One should have been in Friday’s CT, but because of a mistake it was not. The other was edited to remove a critical statement about Deer Ed which had no bearing on the subject matter. The author of that post sent it to me directly by e-mail. The author specifically stated that the posting was “for your eyes only.” Both submissions were critical of the Obama administration. The “for your eyes only” posting has already been published. What follows is the posting that should have been published Friday, and a single posting that I received from Deer Ed Saturday. _______________________________________________________ On Thursday a poster wrote to FTR: “they oblameo (sic) administration are counting the illegals turned around at the border as deportation and they are not deportations snakes in the hen house don’t know what this could mean.” FTR’s RESPONSE: It’s just another misstatement of fact put forward by Team Obama to boost the political popularity of leftist political candidates to a certain segment of the left field base. The end is in sight, that’s the good news. __________________________________ Part 1) The other day Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, was testifying in a congressional hearing. The questioning was sharp and went to the core of the issue, Holders obvious contempt for Congressional oversight. The case at hand is the matter of the IRS being used as a weapon against political enemies of the Obama administration. If true, that is a frightening misuse of power. The issues demand a full and complete examination to reveal the truth. In a stunning act of hubris Holder voiced his displeasure at one the questions asked by a Congressman. Holder threatened the Congressman,he barked: “You don’t want to go there, buddy. You don’t want to go there, OK?” Please remember that Holder is the chief law enforcement officer in the US. He is a powerful man with the FBI and several other law enforcement agencies under his command. That dialog is the stuff of threats of harm. Holder did not stop at that threat. He spoke at a meeting of the National Action Network, founded by Al Sharpton, and designed to be a voice of dissent. In Holders speech he again railed against Congressional oversight claiming that the oversight was “unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly and divisive” attacks on him and the Obama administration.” His speech strongly implied that Team Obama are the victims of racism. Frankly he sounded like he was whining. If there was any “unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly and divisive” behavior it was by Holder. His obvious threat to the Congressman is a stunning, a thug like, resort to Chicago politics. Holder refuses to acknowledge that the criticism leveled at him and at Obama is because of their acts, not their race. Holders actions are racist. It’s astonishing that Holder was permitted to get away with such behavior. But it is no surprise. This administration is addicted to governance by thuggery. We’ve seen the IRS used as a political weapon to assault organizations that promulgate governance that is contrary to the leftist Obama governance. We’ve seen massive governmental intrusion into our daily lives. We now know that the Obama government has access to every single e-mail or telephone call that we make. We know that the Obama government has declared war on any media outlet that dares to criticize him. We now know that the Obama administration purposefully lied to the American public about the Benghazi murders. We now know that the Obama administration repeatedly lied about the consequences of Obamacare. We know that they have singled out individual reporters for harassment and threats of prosecution for daring to report on their misdeeds. The list of their misdeeds could fill pages. Thank God their power is waning, and that we soon will have a Republican House and Senate. Part 2) Yesterday (Thursday) was the 50th anniversary of signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Team Obama waxed eloquently about President Johnson signing the bill, and of its impact on American society. He and his were strangely silent about the fact that the bill was ferociously opposed by Democrats. They even filibustered it. The Democrats fiercely fought to continue to deny certain Americans the protections of our Constitution. Were it not for the rock solid commitment of the Congressional Republicans, a half century ago, America would be a much different place. Racism would probably be alive and well, restrictions on voting would deter Blacks from voting. Women would still be considered second class citizens. Today, all Americans enjoy the guarantees of Civil Rights Act of 1964. The act would never have passed if Democrats had prevailed. Thankfully they didn’t. _______________________________________ A poster wrote: “More and more it looks like Obamacare is going to work. What will the right do when everyone has health coverage? Oh, how awful for the right and oh, how wonderful for all Americans.” FTR’s Response: If Democare is such a success, why did Kathleen Sibelius resign? About 7.1 million persons have “signed up”. We now know that that number is grossly misleading. Please remember that the bill was supposed to insure the approximate 40-48 million who the left claims are uninsured. By any metric, 7.1 million out of 48 million is catastrophic failure. Then there is the issue that millions have lost the insurance and the doctors they were promised that they could keep. Then there is the issue that insurance costs are already beginning to rise because far too few young persons are “signing up”. The United States has seen the sharpest increase in health insurance premiums in the last year than possibly ever, a new survey has found, and analysts have concluded the “increases are largely due to changes under the Affordable Care Act.” Link Then there is the issue that Obama’s claim of 7.1 mil signups is in question. The Rand Corp tells us that only 3.9 mil have “signed up”. So far we have no idea as to how many who have “signed up” have actually paid up. No payment, no insurance. Many Docs and hospitals have been dropped from Obamacare, hence patients are being denied treatment from nearby and comfortable care givers. One Doc and hospital that I personally know tells me that his office has been besieged by patients complaining that they are now prohibited from seeing him. Many cried about the loss of a multi decade physician patient relationship. People in northern New Hampshire have to drive past the two best hospitals in the state all the way to the south because the two hospitals in the north aren’t covered. Obamacare/Democare is many things, but it is not a success, nor can it ever be, it is fundamentally flawed, and the very real possibility exists that it will be declared unconstitutional. ___________________________________________ A critic wrote: “A couple of days ago you wrote, “…I almost forgot to mention that Governor Scott is cutting your auto tag fees that were raised by Governor Crist. The cut will be about $25 for most motorists.” Of course, the Republican controlled legislature raised that bill, passed that bill and sent it to the governor. Once again you fail to be honest in your posts.” FTR’s response: It is true that the initial increase was passed by Republican legislature in 2009. It is also true that the bill had been pushed and pushed hard by then Republican (in name only) Governor Crist. The then Republican Florida House whip was asked about the bill and why he then supported the bill, he said: “”When you’re getting a strong message from the governor’s office and only given one option, it makes it more difficult.” The increase was Crist’s baby and he did it rather than make cuts in public spending. That Deer Friends is the Democrat way, in a fiscal crises, don’t cut spending, increase taxes! Did I mention that thanks to real Republican governance, Florida is now out of the fiscal hole and has a budget surplus? Florida’s education is reaping part of the reward with an additional @ $200 per student. |
National Politics. Your name and email address are not required. Please be civil. I Have Something To Say About National Politics–Click Here |