[Blimp Be Gone] On March 15th TARS, the Tethered Aerostat Radar System “Fat Albert” will be shut down because the USAF does not wish to fund it any longer. What does that mean? Well, we are always talking about how it’s such a shame that smugglers are bringing drugs into our country. TARS is a vital asset in the effort to stem the smuggling of these drugs into the US. Many agencies such as the Customs and Border Patrol, the US Coast Guard, and JIATF-S rely on the radar picture that TARS provides to stem the flow of drugs into our country by interdicting the smugglers. I urge you to contact your federal and state senators and representatives and tell them that this system means more than a few dollars to you. It provides security and stems the flow of drugs through our Southern borders. I ask you to not delay, as time is running short. Please contact them today. For those that do this, I thank you sincerely. For those that choose not to, I understand that that is your choice. Also, I have created a petition on the White House’s website to express your desire to keep this asset in service. Thanks all for the help! Please go to the site and sign it. Link |
Contact Us Attach whatever you want. Please send links instead of videos and slide shows. |
[“Palm rats endangered animal”] Wrong. Rattus palmarum (Palm Rat) is considered a vulnerable animal, not the more severe endangered status. They are native to Nicobar Islands of Car Nicobar and Great Nicobar in India which is subjected to tsunamis as the reason for their vulnerable status. Rattus rattus (Black Rat, House Rat, Roof Rat, Ship Rat) A widespread and abundant species, often regarded as a pest, hence is listed as Least Concern. Not protected under international legislation. Present in many protected areas. (like the Keys). Happy hunting fellow Keysians. |
[Amazing Delivery] I ordered a do-dad from Amazon at 7:30 last Friday morning and it came to my door that same afternoon, within a matter of hours! I think it’s all done with smoke and mirrors, but I’m not sure. |
Hey auto correct, quit messing with my cuss words, you mother forklift! |
I read The Four Agreements years ago and found that this guide is practical and empowering. The last agreement helps aid in the first three. If one always chooses to do their best each day – whatever their best may be at that given time – it will assist in being impeccable with one’s word, it will help to not take anything personally, and will stop or at least stall making assumptions. Love this book. |
[Palmetto Bug Crap Stains] We are snowbirds buying a trailer on Big Pine that will be closed up half the year. I hear that Palmetto Bugs will be in it and any material they crap on will leave a stain that you can’t remove. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do with clothes, sheets, towels etc. I would say, you about have to get a bunch of Hefty bags. I’d love to at least find some huge sealable plastic containers. Any suggestions? |
I have a gun. I have it for protection and have been trained in it’s use and was once pretty good at it. I don’t worry about having the Government trying to disarm the citizenry any more than I worry about being bitten by a Great White shark at Looe Key. |
I saw a good idea in today’s Citizen to name the KW airport after Fred Cabanas the famous stunt pilot who died last week. It’s a much better name than the Sonny McCoy airport that some wanted to have it named after. Everybody liked Fred and few like McCoy. |
Palm rats? Tree rats? The only endangered native rats that we have in the Keys are the Silver Rice Rat Rice in the Lower Keys and the Key Largo Wood Rat. Neither one of them want anything to do with urban areas. You are talking about the ubiquitous European Black Rat. |
[Guns] We’ve spent over six billion dollars building police forces in the Mideast and nothing here. Gun reform is not going to happen here (or there, for that matter). We need more police! When Clinton added all those cops crime went down and stayed down until that money was withdrawn and used for war. |
I’m in search of anyone who may have information on the exact location or pictures of the train depot/station that was on Big Pine Key and ran past the old Big Pine Inn. |
[Violent Gun Nuts] I have a strong dislike for redundancy. After enduring the too long, previous election’s campaigning redundancy I apologize for my redundancy, here. I have been a hostage. Though I own guns, I would surely had one of mine used on me had I been armed at the time. Few victims of shark bites ever see them before it happens. Same with hold-ups and bank robberies. I suspect that most gun carriers, as opposed to collectors, have a desire to blow a crazed killer away, while the killer is aiming at someone else. This underlies their expressed, more highly moral desire to protect themselves, and family. If it makes you feel better, get a hand gun, or shotgun, and lock it up. Don’t carry it in your car, you will imagine too many reasons to brandish it. Probabilities strongly indicate you and your family are as safe or safer armed with a can of oven cleaner. |
It’s better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand. ~Apache saying |
Marathon Garden Club hosts Jamboree plant sale Jan. 26th. Link |
I heard my first Cardinal this morning just around sunrise. |
A Readers Observations in response to Deer Editor’s State of the Union Address. |
Thumb artist Dito Von Tease layers details on an image of his thumb to create likenesses of Mt.T and Steve Jobs. Link |
[Deadly Streets] There were 12,000 murders in major US cities last year. Why can’t we be as safe as other countries who are unarmed? I demand to be safe and not afraid to the point of carrying a gun just to go buy a loaf of bread.. |
Stop saying I’m hard to shop for. Surely you know where the liquor store is. |
Contact Us Attach whatever you want. Please send links instead of videos and slide shows. |
Why do we need gun reform? Don’t we have enough of them already? |
All this talk about bullying by adults is just talk for adults and a lot of wasted time. Sadly bullying among children will always be a right of passage. They are only children and act by impulse not reason. It’s called childish behavior. They don’t start acting like adults until they are, well, adults and even then some don’t. |
The waxing gibbous Moon highlights an interesting section of the winter sky. (The Moon symbols are positioned for the middle of North America. They are drawn three times the Moon’s actual apparent size.) |
[Guns] The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. Link |
102″ Porsche TV commercial. Link |
Citing FEMA, County denies downstairs enclosures. Link |
Where is Indian Sam the Medicine Man? |
Grayson Arms wins the award for having the worst actor playing a drag queen in any movie. This guy was so un-faggy I can’t tell you! The movie could have been good if this bad actor wasn’t so distracting. It’s about residents dying off when the new landlord, a pretty girl, takes over. |
Contact Us Attach whatever you want. Please send links instead of videos and slide shows. |
Subway subs suck. Not only do you get 2 inch wide, 11″ long bread, but they place the goodies farther from the ends to reduce portions. Most local sub makers also cheat or charge a fortune, use the harder, lesser quality local type bread. For a really good Italian sub from a chain with higher quality standards, visit NJ Mikes on 8951 Bonita Beach Road, Bonita Springs, FL if your out that way. Or any local corner deli up northeast where crap like Subway is largely ignored. I get a 2 foot, five inch wide sub with about 2 pounds of meat and cheese for $7 up there, easily feeds 2-4 people and tastes fantastic. |
The doctors were wrong. This veteran is living proof. Link |
[Murder for Hire] Property appraiser’s investigation adds to Zecca’s woes. Link |
Assault weapon info. Link |
Wanted: Artwork to sell for $99. The Artists in Paradise group of Big Pine Key seeks artists from up and down the Keys to participate in its second annual $99 fine art sale on March 1 from 7 to 9 p.m. The juried show offers an opportunity to artists in any media to show and sell their small works for $99. Registration at the Artists in Paradise Gallery, in the Big Pine Key Winn-Dixie plaza, is set for Feb. 15 and 16 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and costs $5 for each work submitted. Artists can register two pieces of art that can be paintings (8 by 10 inches, 9 by 12 inches or 11 by 14 inches), tabletop sculpture, pottery or jewelry. There is no commission charge. Artwork will be on display at the gallery from Feb. 17 during regular gallery hours (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) until March 1, the evening of the sale. The reception is sponsored by the Square Grouper Bar and Grill on Cudjoe Key and Summerland Wines and Spirits on Summerland. During the reception, four door prizes will be awarded. Registration forms are available at Bulletin Board |
Save the Chart Room! New owners will likely decommission landmark bar. Link |
[Gun Death and DUI Death the Same] Is DUI an accident or a decision to drive impaired. If you kill someone while DUI is that an accident. I think not. |
IKC. I had a serious problem with the palm rats and roof rats on my property so I contacted the Iguana Killers Club. They sent over three well trained and armed critter killers and within two hours they had shot 13 rats, 2 small iguanas and a five foot tree snake. They hauled all the carcasses away when they left and there was no charge for their services. They didn’t seem to know the difference between a palm rat, roof rat or water rat. They said “rats are rats and breed like rats” so they shot them all. We need to have more community minded organizations like these fine dedicated individuals. Business Directory > Civic Clubs |
[Editor’s Observations “Most posts …”] Uh oh, sounds like burn out approaching. Time for Deer Ed to grab some vacation time off time. |
[“Palm rats considered endangered animal”] Unlike the St. Petersburg street rats that are not, and kill each other wholesale. |
[14 Year Old’s Suicide”] Citizen: “School board member Robin Smith-Martin stated This was a personal tragedy that had little to do with our schools…As indicated by authorities including our chief of police, this tragedy had little to do with bullying. This is about a child’s unfettered access to a firearm.” If this is true, the fact that this child had “unfettered access” there is a violation of Florida law here. I trust, that if Ms. Smith-Martin’s statement is true, and the Key West Chief of Police agrees with it; that the statement is made based on facts surrounding the investigation of this case, and the arrest of the adult responsible for the firearm is immanent; and they will be charged accordingly. One would hope that the Key West police chief (who supports banning of certain firearms and magazines) would not use this tragedy to further his personal agenda and he will use the laws on the books to charge people as they should be. |
Beating the odds, 2 BPK men swim 5 hours to shore after their 19′ Mako sank in 35 mph gust. Link |
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Two minutes of history. Link |
[“Underlying violence of the gun nuts”] If you own a gun strictly for target shooting, it’s possible you’d never think of using it for self-defense. If you own a gun for self-defense, you’d better know in your own mind you may possibly have to kill someone. If you know you can’t do that, you should not have a gun for self-defense. Stick to pepper spray or 911. This is simply a difference in individuals. You have to know your own capabilities. |
[Jersey Girls] I recommend that this sign be installed on US1 to protect the Jersey women that amble back and forth between the two Ramrod watering holes |
[“Helicopter flying low over Port Pine Heights Wednesday night“] Probably Trauma Star doing training flights so it’s newest pilot can get signed off. |
The Four Agreements |
[Water] Down south the poor dog will get scalded from the sun heated water in the hose, and up north it will be frozen. |
[“This gun debate sure brings out the underlying violence of the gun nuts”] This gun debate sure brings out the underlying stupidity of the anti gun nuts! Very Interesting Data related to Gun Control Looks like democrats needs the guns taken from them. Seems to be a pattern here? Subject: Very Interesting Data Related to Gun Control It appears to me we should join the current hysteria and suggest the evidence shows that all registered Democrats should be confiscated. We know who they are, they’re registered! Why is it that the progressive liberals that steal guns, who then go and kill movie goers and children in school, have never been a conservative NRA member? Ft Hood~Registered Democrat ~ Muslim. Columbine. Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals Virginia Tech ~~~ Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff ~ Registered Democrat Colorado Theater Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal Connecticut School Shooter- Registered Democrat; hated Christians, Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats.” Interesting, isn’t it? |
Fashion made from Python skin. Video. |
[Woman changes planes and fixes landing gear on disabled plane in mid-air] Does anyone recall the air-to-air refueling of one biplane to another using a long hose? Those people had to be either fearless or just “plane crazy”. This woman has more guts than a sausage factory. Take a look at this film. Fabulous footage, although grainy due to time and bad equipment in those days compared to today, but what nerve this gal had. Gladys Ingles was a member of a barnstorming troupe called the 13 Black Cats in the 1920s. Ingles was a wing walker; in this film, she shows her fearlessness in classic barnstorming fashion to save an airplane that has lost one of its main wheels. Ingles is shown with a replacement wheel being strapped to her back and then off she goes as “Up She Goes,” a duet from the era, provides the soundtrack. In the film, Ingles transfers herself from the rescue plane to the one missing the main landing gear tire. She then expertly works herself down to t he undercarriage only a few feet from a spinning prop. It’s certainly a feat many mechanics wouldn’t even try on the ground with the engine running. She died at age 82. Link |
[“Helicopter flying low over Port Pine Heights”] Black helicopters follow me everywhere too! |
I went to do the first pass on getting my income taxes done, so went to the best website you can to get the most current information, IRS.gov. All the necessary forms were there, but like most people, some direction is needed to complete the forms accurately. The forms were in English, but they had instructions in every other language in the world. The very first choice was Spanish. I guess it is time to learn another language in our great country. Oh, so far we have come. |
Living the Four Agreements: A life changing Journey. Here are. Don Miguel Ruiz agreements. Link |
[Fred is Dead-General Cabanas] “To all, The Generals remains arrived at EYW , 5;40 pm Thursday evening. The CRN & CRA where on hand on the side of the red carpet placed on the Tarmac, in Dress Whites to render the funeral left hand salute as the remains passed between the aircraft and the awaiting hearse. It was a sad, but dignified moment. The actual funeral will take place on Monday 1/21/13 aboard the Flagship WOLF. Per the Cabanas family request, the remains of General Fred R Cabanas, will be committed to the deep in the waters he loved to fly above during his life. The WOLF will depart the SafeHarborPort at 1400 hours (2pm), and there will be a 21 gun salute offered at the moment the remains touch the water. That is all.” Sadly, I saw the story on Facebook……Burning up the pages past few days……I Have attached this announcement to an appropriate pix, and posted on several F’Book Pages….Also sending to Coconut_Telegraph,bigpinekey.com…Thanks for the update Capt…I will be there in Spirit…..Cmdr Roy Boy, CRN |
Prime Rib Dinner Live Music |
[“Dog who figured out how to pump his own water. Was that a Sheltie, the word’s 6th smartest breed”] No, it was an Australian Cattle dog- very smart. Like the Border Collie, it is not the dog for everyone. |
Goodbye my love, it did not have to be this way. I hope you are happy. Miss you very much. |
The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking. ~Albert Einstein |
[“My Way” on a Stradivarius] The Dutch violinist, Andre Rieu, conductor and composer, and his orchestra did a tribute to Frank Sinatra with My Way on his Stradivarius at Radio City Music Hall in New York. Link |
When someone tells you, “go fly a kite” try this. The guy flying the 3 kites is in his 80s, and he’s from Canada. He comes to the Washington State International Kite Festival every year. His skin is like leather as he normally flies with his shirt off. He is deaf, so when he flies we hold our hands up and wave them for applause. He flies 2 with his hands and the 3rd one is attached to his waist. You must watch to the end to see the amazing landing of that last kite. I would have those kites so tangled up, you could never get them separated again. The music is wonderful and totally reflects the soaring of the kites. Link |
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Daddy Bones has said they are pro-Constitution and the pro-American way. Are there any other business owners who would like to also show their colors? I’d dang sure like to support the like-minded individuals who are, as I am, pro-America and not a pro-Gressive. |
A refreshing change from politics. |
[Editor’s State of the Union Message] Hang in there Ed, perhaps hire some volunteer PT help. Remember, when you’re green, you’re growing and when you’re ripe, your rotting. |
[Murder For Hire] “…in open court, prosecutor Benjamin Coats said that for the murder for hire, Zecca had “associates and co-conspirators in this offense” who haven’t yet been identified.” The Bada-Bing Boys Club? I wonda if dey serves meatballs, macaronis and sauce in da Fed pen? Does youse tink dey can get a cell and table togetha? Link |
[Gun Rights Party] Boy, Daddy Bones BBQ is getting a ton of free publicity. Anyone who can shoot and smoke (I guess they smoke their BBQ, I hope it isn’t roast beef with catsup on it) Their meat is a bulls eye hit in my book and, I’m from Texas! |
VP Joe told the NRA the other day that we ‘don’t have the time to prosecute gun buyers who lie on background checks. Submitting false information on an ATF Form 4473 — required for the necessary background check to obtain a firearm — is a felony punishable by up to ten years in prison, depending on prior convictions and a judge’s discretion. So if they don’t have the time to prosecute the law breakers under the current law, the solution is to make more new unenforceable laws. |
Archie Bunker’s eulogy to Stretch Cunningham. Link |
[Crooks] How is it Brandon Druckemiller was charged with failure to appear and written promise to appear on January 17th? Are you phuggin’ kidding me? The guy was arrested for trying to rob a couple of places wearing a mask about 10 days ago. Felony arrests and he gets a written promise to appear? What does one have to do in this county to be held in jail? Let’s see, It’s not robbery, not cocaine possession, not stealing from your county employer, not stealing from your employer, not being in possession of property stolen from your employer… |
[“Do you people really mean what you say”] No one else is entitled to an opinion other than yours. I really wonder what changed America so much. It seems being able to ramble on the internet without having to acknowledge your actions has become the latest thing to do. People seemed to have forgotten the old simple rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is consistent in most all the religions of the world in some form or another. FTR has his opinion(s), he is entitled to them. Gun owners have theirs, they are entitled to them. We are welcome to agree or disagree and entitled to that, but do so without venom or preconceived attitudes. This was America, I can hardly recognize it now. |
A great number of Hollywood’s so-called pundits tend to think they are experts on any and all subjects and tend to speak out on most the issues concerning our country’s actions and well-being. Violence and gun control are now their issues. Many of these same pundits are the ones producing, directing and starring in many of the violent blood-bath movies being shown in every theater, on every cable and dish TV network. They talk of doing something about all the violence and needing more control, but when it comes to their pocketbooks it’s a different story. Seems these Hollywood pundits need to do what they do best –act, direct and produce the type of movies that are entertaining rather than those with all the violence and bloodshed. If I’m going to pay admission to see a movie, it better be damned good and entertaining. I can watch violence on CNN any time of day or night. |
[Gun Nut Comedy] When things go wrong. Videos of posters on the CT. Link |
Found on Niles Channel Bridge, full sack of new lobster buoys. Claim at Classified Ads |
[Sheltie] Yes, she looks like a sheltie, blue merle coloring, and yes, they are very smart dogs. We have 3 and they are smarter then most people. There are 3 sheltie rescue groups in Florida, check them out, they have many beautiful shelties for adoption. Link |
WW II Photos hidden in a trunk for 71 years. Link |
This was a happy link from yesterday: Memories of WNEW Channel 5 New York. Link |
How did the Gates of Hell open in Vietnam? New ideas why. Link |
[A Girl and Her Gun] This 19 year old ex-cheerleader is an Air Force Security Forces Sniper. Link |
“In an interlocal agreement drafted by the county attorney’s office, the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District is asked to pay $26,400 annually for the county’s chosen lobbyist. “They’re getting twice as much, so they should pay more,” County Administrator Roman Gastesi said, referring to original distribution formula.” Roman, please understand this once and for all. The Key Largo residents and businesses are all customers of Key Largo Wastewater, and they are also tax payers of Monroe County. So Key Largo residents will wind up paying for your lobbyist twice. No matter how you spin, or disguise your attempt to find funding, Key Largo residents have already told you no to paying twice. |
[Bush Pilot] Reports show that Brazilian bikini waxing is causing pubic lice to go extinct. C’mon girls, do your part and remove that bush! Link |
See who’s hitching a ride on your wifi. Link |
Contact Us Attach whatever you want. Please send links instead of videos and slide shows. |
[Captain Doom and Gloom] “Editor’s Observations” Editing the debris posters send in is a full time job, but the whole point of a blog is to let posters vent their frustrations and/or present new ideas on any given subject, unless that blog has set strict rules for input. To edit or more so, sensor peoples posts, has to be done to defeat the bad language and illogic presented. I imagine the Editor flinches at most posts and is frustrated with the deluge of ineptness. I do not envy you your job, Ed. Maybe more vacations will help or a lot more humor needs to be posted? “America Should Declare Bankruptcy” Doug Casey The Absurdity of ‘Gun Free Zones’ Link
Why are the Mormons not pushing interracial marriage like our government is? Anti-Gun people should go to church and pray because that is what will stop any invader or aggressor from sticking it up your arse, right? |
According to recent polls, the Republicans have a 23% approval rating, Congress has a 17% approval rating and President Obama has a 55% approval rating. |
The president calls on young children’s opinion to help set policy on gun control. When will he ask them about the national debt they’ll have to pay as adults? Or on failing Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid promises? What do kids think about politicians raiding those “sacred funds of the taxpayers” for cash, then just leaving IOUs? A simple question: “I want to take something important away from you kid, but I’ll give you a piece of paper promising to give it back to you some time later on, OK?” Let’s here kid’s answer that on worldwide TV, played over & over 24/7! Lets ask kids how they feel about killing “Unborn Babies” by ripping them out of their mother’s womb & throwing them in the garbage! We also need their opinion on using aborted human fetuses/killed babies for Scientific Research. A simple question: “If your mommy has a brother or sister in her belly, would YOU want them killed or to be born so you could grow up with them?”
Ask if it upsets kids that politicians are like drug addicts who Can Not control themselves spending American’s hard earned taxpayer dollars! Sh*t, lets elect some of these kiddies to sit in on closed door Congressional & presidential meeting! They may have better ideas than the bastards in power now. How about it Mr. president & Democratic party? Ask how do they feel about the president killing innocent men, women & babies in Drone strikes?
Hey Republicans, the media loved the president & the kids working on legislation for the American people. Yet you’re still just sitting there with your fingers up your a**es again. Take the president’s lead & get your act together! Try & put some kids on Obama’s Job Council. They can’t do any worse than “The Non Job Creation Experts” there now! Start using kids to address every important issue that they will face in the future.
Once again Mr FTR has done it. According to him there were only 8,583 gun deaths that were murders. That means that there were a mere 23,580 that must have been accidents. He then states that there were only 323 deaths (murders) that were caused by a rifle. His superior logical mind tells him that you are more likely to die in a tornado that by a gun. That is a real leap of faith to go fron 32,163 to 323. The rest, well just ignore them after all in his mind they don’t count. I find it hard to believe that he was ever in law enforcement. Even if you are in hunting country the one thing that you dread is a call to a bar, tavern where the drinkers were armed. He welcomes them as, after alcohol and guns go together. Perhaps when he stops parroting everything he hears on FOX or the NRA he may open his eyes. He will tell you that if just one of those first graders had been carrying their own semi-automatic multiple magazines rifle the tragedy may have been averted. Of course he will tell you that the only thing that can save you from a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun. Forget about keeping guns out of the hands of a bad or mentally ill person. Anybody who can go from 32,163 to 323 is a person to whom lives mean nothing, after all he has the statistics to prove that he is right. |
[“This gun debate sure brings out the underlying violence of the gun nuts”] This gun debate sure brings out the underlying stupidity of the anti gun nuts! Looks like democrats needs the guns taken from them. Seems to be a pattern here? Subject: Very Interesting Data Related to Gun Control It appears to me we should join the current hysteria and suggest the evidence shows that all registered Democrats should be confiscated. We know who they are, they’re registered! Why is it that the progressive liberals that steal guns, who then go and kill movie goers and children in school, have never been a conservative NRA member? Ft Hood-Registered Democrat, Muslim. Columbine-too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals Virginia Tech wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff-Registered Democrat. Colorado Theater-Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal. Connecticut School Shooter- Registered Democrat; hated Christians. The common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats. Interesting, isn’t it? |
The American Right has reached a new all-time low. What can you say? Watch the video. |
Fox News Channel announced today that it would shut down for what it called “routine maintenance” Monday morning at 11:30 E.T. (During Obama’s Inauguration) Fox News president Roger Ailes explained the timing of the shutdown, which will be the first in the history of the network: “We wanted to pick a time when we were positive nothing would be happening that our viewers would want to see.” Mr. Ailes said that Fox had considered shutting down only once before, exactly four years earlier on January 20, 2009, and later regretted the decision to continue broadcasting that day: “It turned out that no Fox viewers wanted to watch TV that day. And I mean none.” According to Mr. Ailes, for the twelve hours. Fox News is off the air on Monday the network will broadcast a continuous photomontage of white people. “Regular viewers of Fox probably won’t notice anything unusual,” he said. After the routine maintenance is completed, Mr. Ailes said, Fox News will return to the air Tuesday morning with its regular broadcast schedule: “For Fox viewers, it will be like Monday never happened.” |
I find it truly amazing that when the Liberals like something they are pro yo-yo’s or whatever, but when the conservatives like something they are gun nuts. I will now wait for some lib to remind me that yo-yo’s aren’t as bad as guns–duh! (probably one with a PHD that is unemployed) |
There are some folks who have convinced themselves that it is somehow worse to die by gunshot that by auto accident. These folks generally say that auto deaths are generally nothing more than an accident. I disagree. Fully one third of all auto deaths in 2010 were caused by the criminal act of a driver. Yep, in 2010 fully 10,228 people died in DUI caused crashes. DUI is a criminal offense. That’s according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. That’s about 1/3 of all traffic deaths were actually criminal acts. On the other hand the FBI tells that there were only about 8353 gun related homicides. Auto deaths by criminal DUI accounted for far more deaths than did murders by gun. Please remember that there are tens of millions more guns in the USA than there are cars. It’s reported that there are about 270,000,000 guns in the USA. The consensus of many sources suggests that there are about 250,000,000 million cars in the USA. Please also consider that our liberal friends tell us that cars may well be the biggest contributor to contamination to our ecosystem. Damnit people, we must take up arms against cars. By any measure cars are far more of a threat to public safety than are guns. And we must remember that driving is privilege, owning and bearing firearms is a Constitutional right. The anti gun folks certainly believe that they are on the side of the angels. They’ve been conditioned to do that, and so they stubbornly refuse to consider the facts. It makes them feel righteously good. Recently a study was made of thousands of news reports wherein it was reported that a firearm in the hands of a civilian thwarted a serious crime, murder, or great bodily harm. That survey revealed that thousands of crimes were thwarted, and many lives were saved because of an armed citizen. The study even reported that two hundred and one attacks were neutralized by armed persons over age 65. The reportage on those incidents is scant, it is often ignored by the media. There are reams of gun control rules and regs that currently exist. They are not enforced. It is a felony for a person with mental illness to even apply to purchase a gun. It is illegal, a felony for a convicted felon to even try to purchase a gun. Can anyone cite a single prosecution? The laws are not enforced. It is already illegal to own an assault rifle. A citizen can only own an assault rifle with a special license from the Feds. If we want to keep our children safer in school, reign in violent murderous entertainment for kids. Reign in gun violent video games. Improve security at schools. Enforce the existing laws. If the President’s kids have armed protectors keeping their school safe, your kids deserve the same protection. Recently a clerk in a store on the mainland used a hand gun to defeat an armed robber, and a mother, in her home was the victim of an armed intruder. She gathered her kids and fled to the attic. The intruder pursued her, and she shot him 5 times. He survived the wounds and was soon captured. The episodes are anecdotal, but are overwhelmingly convincing that an armed citizen is a huge bulwark agains@t crime. Frankly, from my perspective, the single most important argument against any further screwing with the Second Amendment is that the liberals are making a full-fledged assault on our Constitution. It’s part of the liberal DNA. Part 2) A poster suggested that this Olde Fart drink some “bitter MacFeggan scotch”. That Deer Friends just might be an excellent idea, but I’ve never heard of MacFeggan scotch. Where can I find it? Is it single malt? Is it aged, if so how long? Is the water from the Right side of the mountain? I’m willing to sample it and to give my critic and the rest of the CT community a tasters report. All my critic has to do is deliver a bottle to Springer’s and tell them that it is for the exclusive use of the elderly gentleman that drinks Rob Roys. Hells Belles, if I’m there when he shows up, perhaps we could share the tasting. But that is just wishful thinking on my part. The reality is that the scotch idea probably came from the mind of a person who spends a lot of time, well, just projecting. I also thank him for his slavish devotion to these humble postings. All the best. Part 3) If you read the Miami Herald yesterday you would have learned that Ray Nagin, infamous Democrat mayor of New Orleans during the Katrina tragedy, was just indicted on a slew of corruption and related charges. It was Nagin who was the point man in savaging Bush’s FEMA efforts. It’s really no surprise the Herald saw fit not to tell us that Nagin is a Democrat. And, the ABC website left out the fact that Nagin is hard core liberal Democrat. . Nor did the USATODAY, web site, nor did the LA TIMES, nor did the CNN web site, nor did the MSNBC web, nor did the NYT, site, etc. etc. His political party is a huge part of the story because the charges involve massive political corruption on the part of Nagin and several of his Democrat associates and public officials. Major media ignores it. Respectfully submitted: FTR@bellsouth.net