The Coconut Telegraph
Anonyomous letters to the editor with pictures
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Hunter Thompson is reincarnated and returns to the Sugarloaf Tiki. |
Be safe this weekend, otherwise your dumb friends will end up telling some local news reporter how you were “always the life of the party.” |
[No-construction] When I read the following in Key West The Newspaper, “The inspector notes no work on the sewer main was done between February 24 and March 12. And when it finally resumes on March 12, the inspector notes that only 2 workers showed up. And the list goes on.” I now understand why I see no work being done on the Boulevard and the project is already six months behind schedule and the project is only one year old. |
The new inclusion badge for gay boy scouts. |
[Junk] I went out trolling about 5 miles or so past the reef the other day for the first time in a long time. I was appalled by the huge amount of plastic trash everywhere in and on the water. There were tiny pieces to large sheets of all kinds mixed down into and floating on the water. Is it like this all the time now? What’s wrong with us? We are killing this ball we live on. |
[Crooks Running N. Roosevelt non-Construction] Documents confirm what was suspected all along, that John and Lisa Chaney, the couple that was debarred from performing public works for Dade County after allegedly bribing a sewer inspector, are the subcontractors in charge of the sewer main replacement project on Roosevelt Boulevard. Four days after John Chaney, was arrested for, among other things, offering a $30,000 bribe to a County Sheriff, Dean Walters, official spokesperson for the FDOT, announced in the Key West Citizen that Chaney is not connected in any way to the Roosevelt Boulevard project. |
[Bearcats Baseball Post Game Shenanigans] he photo-bomb is a staple of post-game interviews in professional sports. It’s now been perfected by the Cincinnati Bearcats baseball team. 10 points for degree of difficulty. 10 points for execution. Video |
Boy Scouts vote to end ban on gay scout members. |
[Half Owner Harassment] It is fact that I was more than half owner, but we were partners. I could go into more, but my point was made. I thank you for your response and yes, all I posted is in fact true. |
Deer Ed, You outdid yourself on Friday’s publication. My emails home, would be very boring and uninteresting without you and the good people who send in all the great articles. Thank you both and happy Saturday! |
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[Nuclear Option] I was surprised by the poster claiming so much had reportedly changed since I was sailing around Scandinavia, so I did some research. Denmark still has no nuclear reactors. That’s none. Zilch. They rely primarily on their wind generators and hydro power from Norway. They do import ten percent of their total energy use from nuclear power, but that is hardly the lion’s share. Sweden has ten nuclear plants which supply 39% of their electric (and they use a lot per capita), but nuclear power is taxed at one third of operating cost because it’s not politically correct. Thirty nine percent is hardly a majority either. They, too, use wind energy, and the public has been encouraged to buy into wind generators. Profits are shared between those who have shares in a particular wind generator. The house I stayed in outside of Gotenberg used thermal energy by drilling a small bore “well” to the earth’s thermal core which their government encourages by co-pays and low interest loans. Norway has no nuclear plants, but they do exceedingly well with hydro power, and by exchanging hydro for wind energy from Denmark. Finland does indeed have multiple nuclear plants, but it is not part of Scandinavia. Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is closer to St Petersburg than it is to Sweden, and indeed the Finns exchange a lot of energy with Russian states as well as sharing a border. I posted originally only to point out that wind generators need not be strung out as an eyesore along all of US 1 from Homestead to Key West. They seem to work best gathered in a field, even if the field is in the water. |
Fanci Seafood will be closed on Sundays until August. Everyone have a great summer! |
[Insurance] Has anyone verified what is going to happen on Oct 1 about flood insurance increases that will happen or are we just going to wait and be surprised? Talk to your representatives and stop it now when there is a chance. Once it is done, it is done. This is a serious threat to Keys people that don’t see what is about to happen. If half the real estate people don’t know, how can a home owner, that is now struggling, and will lose their home know? Maybe we should make flood insurance not required any more. At least be honest about the Oct 1 increase and not lie to everybody. I guess the Fed’s need the money too much. |
[Sea Oats] How come there are no longer any sea oats on Sea Oats Beach in Islamorada? If there ever was a beach that needed them this is it. The Overseas Highway is very low along there and very close to the water. Someone did a great job installing them along Smathers Beach in Key West. They should be put to work again planting them on Sea Oats Beach. This couldn’t be that big a deal. |
[Female Pedophile] Vero Beach, Fl Kate Hunt is facing felony charges, accused of having a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old girl at her school. The parents of the young girl pressed charges. Other parents are concerned that a trial will have detrimental affects on both girls, and that the parents are to blame. Link |
Make weed legal and put (how many cops) out of work? Oh that’s going to happen? Wake up. |
I only drink on days that ends with Y. |
The Keys sewage project is full of shit! We are being hosed big time. I want aluminum railings around my sewer outlet. A wooden walkway over it and six yellow traffic lines around it. |
I loved Springers’ menu. I wish Marathon had the equivalent. |
[Ripoff] My wind insurance just went from $1,375 a year to $3,740 a year. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Even with all the hurricane claim payments made in Florida no insurance company lost a dime. They all made profits except for the poorly rated companies that went bust. |
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[Defeat the Dredging Referendum] Come one, come all as we launch our campaign to defeat the upcoming dredging referendum. We have chosen McConnell’s Irish Pub We will provide finger food and there will be a cash bar, along with music and guest speakers covering the wide range of topics surrounding the campaign. So come on out and meet other like minded folks who are dedicated to preserving the Sanctuary, and the cultural and historical aspects of our community that make Key West great! We will see you there on May 31 from 6pm to 8pm! 900 Duval St. Key West. Also, if you would like to have your business added to our growing list of business supporters … Bulletin Board |
[Most Dangerous Neighborhoods] Don’t like it in the Keys? Well, it’s a lot better than these places. Link |
[Bad Peacocks] I’ve had as many as 5 peacocks on my roof at one time and I worry that they are damaging it with their sharp claws. They’re a pain in the arse with their noise (even at night) and poop. I sure wish they’d go somewhere else, anywhere else but my home. They’re invaders from another contingent and don’t belong here. They are causing problems throughout Florida and other states “But commission spokesman Gary Morse said it’s one more example of a nonnative species invading Florida. Many of the peacocks were once pets that grew too big, or escapees from roadside zoos, or on the lam from farms. It’s no different than releasing Burmese pythons,” Mr. Morse said the birds can be aggressive and messy and can carry diseases.” Link |
[Flying Teeth] Is the Mosquito sprayer using anything that kills the bugs or is it a fertility drug? Seems the Noseeums are getting stainless steel teeth and bigger. |
Why are so many people selling out of the Keys? Look at an online real estate map and is seems half the properties are up for sale– why? Is it because the cost to live here has gotten nuts, or the bugs or that the country is falling apart or we are being invaded. What? |
[Getting Better] Remove guilt and “shoulds” from this process entirely. They are of no value whatsoever and are also ego tools which will only delay progress. Know that you will make mistakes and fall down – so what? You simply stand up right where you fell down and then take the next step. No shame. No blame. |
[“How do you kill noseeums”] Just bite them back. They hate that! |
Coconut Telegraph statistics for the week of May 19. |
A stormy hurricane season prediction is here. Starts June 1st. Ho ho ho & a bottle of rum. Link |
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Looks like eBay might be having big troubles because lots of people are getting screwed trying to sell stuff. Any one else hear of this? |
Deer Over-Fishermen, As a scuba diver I can attest to the fact that there are hardly any sharks lefts in the Keys as you have been killing them and finning them alive. No amount of money, no non-profits, no fat lady posting and posting and over-posting on her Facebook page can stop you monster over fishermen from killing every thing and any thing. You have no idea what you’re squawking about. Stop long lining (net with hooks that kill every frickin thing in the water). How would you like to swim in to that and slowly painfully die with hooks all over? Think about the horror you are causing every time you drop your hook in the water. Most people, only eat sustainable seafood. Shark meat and fins are toxic if not prepared properly and there is no reason to kill these beasts just because you have a small penis. Stop over fishing – you are part of the destruction of the ocean. Find a new hobby which doesn’t have to do with killing. You monster! |
[Update On Flood Insurance] As promised, Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., introduced legislation Tuesday that would delay flood insurance premium increases authorized in 2012 legislation. The increases would be blocked until six months after the Federal Emergency Management Agency conducts an affordability study on the higher premiums. The study is mandated under the 2012 legislation. Landrieu aides said the delay, along with the completed study, would provide Congress with the information it needs to develop a law that helps make the flood insurance program more sustainable without putting insurance out of the price range of homeowners and businesses. In addition, the Landrieu bill would repeal provisions in the 2012 federal flood insurance bill that ended subsidized flood insurance rates when a parcel in a high risk area is sold. That would make many Louisiana homes unsellable. Her bill would also strike a provision blocking the rebuilding of community facilities destroyed in a disaster when the location is in a high-risk area. Maxine Waters, D-Caif has promised to work with Louisiana lawmakers to avoid unaffordable rate increases for residents and businesses. Landrieu, who tried unsuccessfully to amend a Senate water resources bill with a provision delaying implementation of the higher premiums, is calling for quick consideration of her new stand-alone bill. “Flood insurance must be affordable, accessible and self-sustainable. Biggert-Waters only addressed self-sustainability at the cost of homeowners in Louisiana and across the country living around water,” Landrieu said. But she’s likely to run into opposition from lawmakers who believe that the 2012 law, which authorizes increases of 20 to 25 percent per year, was needed to make the program more fiscally sound. Landrieu said that there’s nothing smart about raising rates so high as to make the program unaffordable. She’s calling her bill the Strengthen, Modernize and Reform the National Flood Insurance Program (SMART NFIP) Act . “Flood insurance is not just about business and commerce,” Landrieu said. “It is about culture; it is about a way of life; it is about preserving coastal communities; and it is about being resilient in storms.” I encourage you to write your Representatives. Here is the e-mail to Senator Bullard’s assistant whom I have been communicating with. United we stand, divided we go broke! |
[FEMA] I read a letter in the paper from someone complaining about how hard it is to get some money from FEMA after a disaster. Unfortunately it is because of the many sharpies who try to get some free money by falsifying and inflating claims after every damaging event. They are our own worst enemy in all this. |
My wife told me that she was not going to speak to me until I apologized. That was Christmas Eve,1997. The silence is golden, sigh. |
Taken from the stomach of one large dying dolphin off Marathon. I thought they were supposed to be smart? |
R.I.P. Bud. Going up! |
[Cats] How can you possibly say that you love and cherish your cat, then go ahead and turn it loose outdoors? You are, at the very least, confused. |
[Designed to Fail] It is not very smart for the electric company to have those large fans making the winds for the Keys because it takes so much electricity to run them. I think they should not use them. |
[Good Peacocks] |
[Help wanted] Established Salon & Day Spa has Station/Table/Room available for experienced Hair Stylists, Manicurists, Estheticians, & Massage therapists with local clientele. If your salon is closing or you are unhappy at your current location, come join our team. Contact Debbie at Classified Ads > Help Wanted |
I have a beautiful house for sale in Eden Pines. Please watch this Video. ~Nira Tocco |
Iguana poem. link |
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[N. Roosevelt non-Construction] If you really want a hard, well researched, look at the mess that North Roosevetlt project has become check out article “Boy Are We in Trouble” I wonder if anybody is going to step in and investigate the shenanigans that are exposed there? Link |
May’s Planet Dance. Video |
“Please recall that since Obama has been our President, many nations have fallen under the control of Muslim fundamentalism.” Please recall FTR, those ‘nations’ are not states of this union. Obama is not their president nor is the GOP one of their political parties. Nor do I want one dollar of my taxes going to ‘run’ those ‘nations’. How about less government, not more. Duh! |
The Republicans should bring back Bush and Cheney and let them waterboard that woman from the IRS live on TV and make her talk. |
The Keys wind projects were not designed to fail. They were never a source of alternate energy in the first place. “Areas with annual average wind speeds around 6.5 meters per second and greater at 80-m height are generally considered to have a resource suitable for wind development. Utility-scale, land-based wind turbines are typically installed between 80 and 100 m high.”. That’s meters! Look at the map, Florida is not suitable for wind energy as is most of the United States. The Keys only just barely make the threshold requirements and that’s with towers in excess of 200 feet. Please just read the science. Wind power and solar power are simply leftist lies. Remember every dollar we throw at this cult is money not spent on teacher salaries or health care for the poor or homeless. And again that fossil fuels are a limited resource will never make wind and solar a viable source of alternative energy. Nor is the fact that we may not yet know what our future energy source may be. Stop subsidizing wind and solar now. Get government out of picking energy winners and losers now! Link |
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Obama, has the heart of the Muslim faith. |
As the Republicans in Congress flood the media with news of their BS diversionary tactics aimed at undermining Obama, the Country appears to founder like a rudderless ship. Thankfully the President is soldiering on behind the scenes, doing what he can to improve things for all Americans on his own in spite of them. |
New Jersey woman delivers a lesson on the 2nd Amendment to elected officials. Video |
Alan Simpson, the Senator from Wyoming, calls senior citizens ‘the Greediest Generation’ as he compared “Social Security ” to a milk cow with 310 million teats. Hey Alan, let’s get a few things straight! As a career politician, you have been on the public dole (tit) for fifty years. |
Deport and revoke all citizenships for American Muslims. That is the only way we can feel secure. They all are a boiling pot simmering under outward smiles. |
[Bias] For the last few days I’ve been switching between CNN and FOX just to see the difference. CNN has news and FOX had condemnation for the President and anything about him or his administration. It doesn’t take a politically savvy person to see that FOX is against the American government. |
The so called peaceful Muslims and their terrorists have shown their colors since 9/11. I don’t care what our president thinks, we need to kick these terrorist out so they can go back to where they came from and marry those children 10 years old and do what they do best. |
Obama’s Eric Holder would have you believe that James Rosen, Fox News reporter is a spy. We know that because Eric Holder has accused Rosen of being a spy citing espionage as being part and parcel of Rosen’s attempt to gather and disseminate the news. Holder and his minions sent out warrants and subpoenas for Rosen’s business, cell, and home phones. Holder even subpoenaed Rosen’s parents records. Pushing the envelope even further, Holder demanded the phone records from about a score of other Fox News employees. It’s amazing, but Fox did not seem to be the original target of the DOJ, AP was first in Holder’s cross hairs. Fox and AP must be getting very, very, close to major rot in the underpinnings of Obama et al. This apparently has Holder scared. While he denies any involvement, whistleblowers are coming forward. Of all of Team Obama’s assaults on our Constitution, this may be the most egregious. Obama, using Holder as his cudgel, is making a frontal attack on freedom of the press. Part 2) Perhaps, to some, the Obama’s administration’s insatiable appetite to control the news is understandable given the huge role that the IRS will play in the implementation and management of Obamacare. The Internal Revenue Service is the most important cog in the implementation of Obamacare. The tax agency must act on 47 provisions of the new law, more than half of those already in effect, including the more controversial ones taking effect in 2014 such as the requirement that nearly all non-elderly adults have health care coverage. The IRS role in Obamacare while controversial, was not particularly alarming, until May 10, when it was revealed that an IRS office targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status as social welfare organizations. The IRS not only more closely examined applications for non profit status than to liberal groups with similar credentials, they actually used a totally different set of criteria. There is evidence that the IRS provided proprietary info from Conservative non profit groups to certain liberal non profit groups. The IRS tactics were specifically designed to punish conservative groups. Perhaps there is still hope for us. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have been condemning Team Obama for these assaults on our constitution. Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), whose powerful committee has jurisdiction over taxes, called the IRS’s actions an “outrageous abuse of power and a breach of the public’s trust.” He said “targeting groups based on their political views is not only inappropriate but it is intolerable.”…“Americans expect the IRS to do its job without passion or prejudice,” Baucus said. “We need to get to the bottom of what happened here.” |
Despite No Name victory, lawsuit proceeds. Link |