My kids’ grandparents lived in a small community, and everybody knew everyone. Children often would lift the receiver and ask for their ‘Grandma’ and those wonderfully kind operators never failed to connect kids with their grandma. Ah, now those were the good old days when you didn’t have to punch in a 10 digit number just to call someone in the same city. |
[Special to the poster who asked about old nautical stuff] It’s Springers that’s looking for nautical or local stuff to decorate the New Springer’s Bar and Grill at the Curve. If you haven’t tried it yet, you really should, the food and booze are great and the prices are very locals friendly. You can reach him at 872-3022 . Please do our Deer Ed a favor and tell Springer that you read about it in the Coconut Telegraph. (Ed: Thank you in advance) |
[Business Idea] Oven restoration would be a nice part time business. I’d gladly pay someone a hundred dollars if she would restore my disgusting oven to like-new condition. I hate cleaning the oven, when I do I usually to a half-assed job of it |
35 percent of homeless people are children 8 percent of homeless people are over 60 years old I think most of them are alcoholics and drug addicts. If you can’t hold a job down because you are an alcoholic or drug addict, screw you! |
Commissioner Neugent seeks support for restoring the old Seven Mile Bridge. Link |
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Canal cleanups next costly Keys project. Link |
[Shopping] The Key West Bight “Before Christmas” holiday celebration. Link |
[Howard Livingston] I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed friends and family. Ours was spent in our back yard. This was my second attempt to cook a turkey on the Big Green Egg. My first was on Cynderella and my anniversary and did not turn out so well. I went a little overboard on the wine and spices, the wine in me and the spices in the bird. So on Thanksgiving, all in attendance watched my new attempt with much uncertainty. However, there were two other turkeys being cooked just in case my creation tasted like a salt lick again. Well I am happy to report the turkey turned out great! Whew, glad to get that one under my belt. I had Dion’s Chicken on my speed dial just in case I needed a backup plan. Everyone loves Dion’s Chicken right? We just returned from performing inOrlandoat the KOA convention, where we sold 92 turquoise hats and a record breaking margarita from the old Johnson outboard motor blender. It fetched $13,000. Cyndy also sold the hat off her head for $1000. This was a special hat that Koz, our artist friend painted. So, all and all our stuff fetched $23,200 for the kids. Care Camps sends children with cancer to summer camp along with their brothers and sisters. Once you meet one of these special little people, you are changed forever. I want to thank all our friends who each year find a way to give to the kids, you all rock and we are so blessed to know you. You can watch the Care Camp video, Bless these kids!
Cyndy and I were also blown away by receiving Care Camp’s “I Care” Award along with a custom made guitar strap that I will wear proudly. Again, thanks to all the folks all year long who donate for the hats and margaritas along with the Coconut Castaways, Parrot Heads, and everyone else THANK YOU! Sunday November 25th Park-A-Thon Benefit Concert to help the Northeast victims of Hurricane Sandy. The event runs from Noon to 5:00 PM atBayviewParkinKey West(Truman Ave&Jose Marti Drive). There will be music, food, drinks, fun, etc. There will be a ton of great folks performing and I will do an acoustic show from 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM with Rick Cleaver and Ron Baumann. Come out and enjoy a great day in the park as well as helping some folks that really need it. Donations of cash/checks, clothes, blankets, nonperishable food and more are sought. Our Schedule Link |
[Crooks] Man throws “bomb” over counter in Marathon Post Office is arrested. Link |
[Shadow People] I saw two shadow people in my back yard yesterday evening. They were skipping hand in hand with a Sasquatch. |
Well you just know that the Jersey girl hater is a 10, at least in his own mind. |
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County Commissioners, please don’t make me sorry I voted to extend the sales tax by ordering up a bunch of silly Bubba Projects right off the bat. |
Those oldies but goodies remind me of you … Old records |
[F**K The Homeless] The Hidden in Plain View project is nothing more than a blatant exploitation of a particular societal group who have been coerced into willingly “performing” for no benefit whatsoever merely for the ego-stroking of a few clever people eager for the opportunity to get their names mentioned again in the public forum. That, and the community-garden-for-the-homeless scheme that spawned it is a sad attempt to con the public: it will never function as anything more than a convenient outdoor toilet and a place to put a self-serving brass plaque. So who does this feel-good fiasco benefit? From the TSKW.ORG web article on the exhibit: “Special project grants from the Florida Keys Council of the Arts and the Southernmost Homeless Assistance League, as well as community contributions and private donations aided in bringing this vision to life.” OK, so now we know the real impetus for the project: free flowing government grant money is easier to get than actually doing something useful for this segment of society and makes fools feel good from the sterile sidelines. Making a circus act of our homeless people is not useful to them, but it is very useful for the few big heads involved. The people responsible for this project and those who have latched onto it like leeches have used the homeless citizens of Key West to pad their own wallets a little while padding their bloated egos a whole lot more. Sycophants always attract one another to their mutual back-patting orgies. Interesting that they fawn and bleat about being Shamans. True Shamans don’t boast and flaunt about it. Rather, I say shame is more appropriate in this case. |
Top 10 turkey leftover recipes. Link |
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Larry Hagman, J.R. Ewing on “Dallas”, died at the age of 81. |
Boxer Hector “Macho” Camacho died Saturday after being ambushed in a parking lot back in the Puerto Rican town of Bayamon where he was born. Packets of cocaine were found were found in the car in which he was shot. Camacho, 50, left behind a reputation for flamboyance. His bad-boy persona was not entirely an act, with a history of legal scrapes that began in his teens and continued throughout his life. He once starred at the pinnacle of boxing, winning several world titles. |
After No Name Key powers up why not do Cook Island? |
Wildlife officials looking for escaped pet Nile Crocodile. Link |
Alcohol doesn’t make you fat it makes you lean. Lean against tables, chairs walls, floors and ugly people. |
Please quit talking about legalizing pot. if you do that, the profit margin goes down and hard working dealers will not be able to afford to seek comfort in the arms of strippers half their age when the wife is being a bitch. |
BPK power outage for the love or dislike of birds. Link |
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[“Commissioner Cured”] I’m not mad at those that have insurance, I wish them well. However, I did not hear any thanks to the taxpayers for providing the moolah to pay for their insurance. I also remind the Commissioners that karma is an ugly, mean bitch, and all those speeches they give about transparency, fairness, etc, I hope they are sincere and stop trying to make back door deals that end up screwing the employees and taxpayers. Enjoy health because you are only as healthy as your last doctor’s visit and your last MRI or test. Happy Holidays! |
Dreaming of a Green Christmas? Everyone can employ a few rather painless, green Christmas strategies to use less energy, create less waste and pollution. Let’s start with Christmas shopping. If you are hoping to plan a green Christmas, you can start by helping limit the number of bags used. Bring a reusable bag with you when shopping, Reusable bags make great stocking-stuffers. Already have enough bags? How about a re-fillable water bottle? Maybe it is time to replace some of your most used inefficient incandescent light bulbs with some Energy Star light-bulbs – the new LED bulbs last a long-long time and are a great investment for any household. Here is a guide that compares costs energy savings. Link |
This was what I originally posted: “If I hit the Lottery for millions I’d pay off all my family’s debts, set up a trust for all of the young ones that included having to go to a collage or trade school of their choice. Then I’d get a brand new pick-up for myself as I’ve never had a new vehicle of my own. Then I would find locals that needed a hand up and some no kill pet shelters to finance.” Never did I even think that it would cause such a ruckus against the homeless. There’s a lot of mean people out there, but don’t worry you’re not on my imaginary lottery winning list of people to help. |
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Schools aim to make searchable meeting videos. Link |
10 pound bird Brine for 18 hours in a cooler. Add ice if needed. It really turned out good. |
Damn decent of those Mayans to schedule the end of the world on a non-holiday. If it had landed on Christmas or Thanksgiving or any other scheduled event we’d get no news coverage till it was done. Have you tried to find a newscast on any Clear Channel radio station on holidays? Not going to happen. It’s all canned programming suitable to the occasion. I doubt there’s anybody in the control room even pushing buttons. If the govt ever stages a complete martial law takeover on a holiday weekend, it’ll be all over before the militia can load their muskets.
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Love is like a fart, it you have to force it, it’s probably crap. |
I hate when a new parent ask who the baby looks like. It was born 15 minutes ago, it looks like a potato! -Will Farrel |
No matter where you go in life, there you are! |
To whomever posted the Oak Ridge Boys tribute at Arlington National, I am very grateful. Thank you. Link |
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[Sarah Palin] Someone posted an old video trying to heap on Palin. So what, she didn’t pardon the whole flock? |
Holiday boat parades. Link |
Key West Preschool Co-op Dec 8 Holiday bazaar and yard sale on December 8. Bulletin Board |
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I just flipped my turn signal on for a curve, so wearing a bib and having someone feed me soup can’ t be too far behind. |
That poster of the Class IV Jersey girl was amazing. Nice work by one of the CT readers. It captured the essence of the classification concept. And to the NJ person obsessing on small wieners: have you ever been with a woman whose nickname was Cave? |
[How Fatima Started Islam] A book like no other on this earth. Not a few cartoons or an infantile movie trailer but 234 page novel which insults Islam like no other. A parody of the always drunk proprietor of “Mohammad’s Saloon & Brothel” with his completely ridiculous life exposed. This moronic child molesting coward and fool who bumps his way through life oblivious to his manipulation as the figurehead of another new religion. Learn about his adopted son and heir Ali, the biggest swish ever to sashay across Arabia while sadistically running Mecca’s largest boy’s brothel. Only $9.99 to laugh at, mock, and ridicule those fanatics who do not enjoy being ridiculed. |
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Look at this picture. If any of the objects seem to be moving, you’re under a lot of stress. |
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Deer Editor, No more links to recipes, arrest log, etc.? (Ed: They are in the menu in the navigation bar at the top that is now called “More …” Sorry for the confusion.) |
Can’t find the perfect libation? Try this site and input your own. Link |
[Captain Doom and Gloom] $325 million Power Ball and growing. With $325 mil I could buy Uganda or at least a small load of ‘snow’ from Columbia, right? $325 million and after taxes only $12 mil or less, nah, it isn’t worth the effort. What happens if it goes to $500 Million or half a billion dollars? Oh, the Feds will help you out, right? The pigeon population in America is decreasing at an alarming rate with most restaurants stealing their eggs. Ever wonder why we eat only chicken eggs or do we? Other eggs are eatable but not as plentiful, except for the pigeon eggs in Key West which most restaurants seem to be using. Why? “Sewers” Can somebody please explain why I need a pump to get my poo to the main poo pipe when my house is 15 feet higher than the street pipe will be? Seems any house with a toilet higher than the street poo pipe should need only gravity and a bit of wawa to flush anything. Or is this another aluminum railing con? “Black Friday” It is the propaganda day that merchants are suppose to get out of the red on their profit charts. The theory is, most merchants sell products at such a low mark-up that they only make enough to zero out the month or in the red. This, of course is bull s**t. The truth is all merchants work in the pink, or make only a few percentages below the full retail, or SRP of a product. That means they usually have a minimum of 100 to 5000 percent markup on any given item. So when you go to these holiday sales and think you are getting a super deal, think again, you are being suckered into thinking that $49.95 red sweater is really worth $49.95 or more, but in reality it only cost $2.00 or less to make and package inChina. Considering how many important phone calls the average person makes per month, one should really look at their monthly bill for all the yapping and BS that is unnecessary. If your average cell phone bill is over $50 per, you might be making someone rich, for nothing but gossip. The most important things on this planet are Clean Air and Clean Water, so why are they being destroyed? Like George Carlin said, “It’s water!”, referring to those idiots who pay $5.00 per bottle for “spring water” and will not direct their political systems to build water processing plants to give us clean spigot water. It is time to look into who owns what and manipulate a few chins, the profiteering has to stop. Aluminum railings anyone? or let’s paint the highways yellow and make the lines black, OK? More reflectors! We need more reflectors. Why do we spend a small fortune on coffee and teas when they do not even give us a wake up buzz anymore, notice that? |
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[Tax Evasion] Churches and religious organizations obtain a significant benefit from their tax-exempt status while also being able to engage in electioneering that other similar tax-exempt organizations can not do! The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) filed a federal lawsuit stating that the Internal Revenue Service is violating the U.S. Constitution by allowing tax-exempt churches and religious organizations to get involved in political campaigns. FFRF argues that churches and other religious organizations have become increasingly more involved in political campaigns, “blatantly and deliberately flaunting the electioneering restrictions.” Its lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Madison, WI argues that the IRS is not enforcing the federal tax code, which prohibits tax-exempt religious organizations from electioneering. Not enforcing it is a violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment and a violation of equal protection rights because the same preferential treatment is not provided to other tax-exempt organizations such as the Freedom from Religion Foundation, the lawsuit contends. The lawsuit, which was filed against IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman, asks that the court order Shulman to initiate enforcement of the electioneering restrictions against churches and religious organizations. It also asks that the IRS initiate legal action against any churches or religious organizations that are believed to be violating the restrictions. |
In 2008 the media instructed the left to vote for Obama, because should McCain win he will then pass away in 2 weeks and we will be stuck with Sarah. The media had nothing on McCain except that he is going to die someday. Imagine that? All the sheep then followed their instructions and voted for Barry. The rest is history. McCain is still alive and well, and Sarah is quite content in her own life. Its truly amazing how the loons got so anti-Sarah, when they had never even heard of her until the election, but I guess Chicken Little was quite effective in convincing that the sky is falling also, major eye-roll here. God help us. |
I have to admit that there were some great rebuttals to the FTR guy. It’s going to be really comical to see his spin on them. Then again, maybe he should leave well enough alone, rather than make himself look more ridiculous than he has since the election has been over. |
On the “Welcome to the United States” government website, immigrants, as well as those interested in coming to the United States, are presented with a myriad of links showing them how and where they can qualify for and acquire government benefits on a wide range of programs including government housing, State childcare programs, food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, TANF, and Supplemental Security Income for aliens, among others. Not surprisingly, no link was provided to this government website: US Debt Clock. I believe this is wrong. On welcoming those newly naturalized citizens, the “Welcome to the United States” website should be designed to attract individuals who have a burning desire to work and contribute to America, not those individuals combing the world for a free ride and/or government dependency. The last thing we need is an open tap of useful idiots flowing into the American population, all of which, we all know, will be voting enthusiastically for bigger, more bloated government; certainly a contribution to the end of our republic. If America is to be great, it’s people must also be great. We cannot be an exceptional nation with unexceptional ranks. |
Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion is not very efficient. There’s a lot more I could be doing on a Sunday morning. ~Bill Gates 1997 |
[The Windy City] Perhaps the U.S.should pull out of Chicago. Body count in the last six months was 292 murdered. Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US. Does that tell you anything? President: Barack Hussein Obama, Senator: Dick Durbin, House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr., Governor: Pat Quinn, House leader: Mike Madigan, Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike), Mayor: Rahm Emanuel –the leadership in Illinois- all Democrats. Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago. Of course, they’re all blaming each other. Can’t blame Republicans, there aren’t any Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country – teachers highest paid. State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country. Cook County (Chicago) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois. And he is going to fix Washington politics for us? |
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Deer Friends, I am flattered that Mr. Obama’s spiritual adviser and pastor for two decades has seen fit to respond to one of this Olde Fart’s postings. Or perhaps it was only a CT community member channeling Rev. Wright, racist reverend extraordinaire. No one could have forgotten that Rev. Wright was Mr. Obama’s spiritual adviser for more than 2 decades before Mr. Obama took the presidency. Friday we were treated to a rehash of Rev. Wright’s infamous line of sermons concerning evil white men, and their supposed bad karma. The poster sermonized: “… nasty white man karma is all coming home to roost, and there is nothing the American white man can do to stop it…”. “Goddamn America” seems the theme of yesterday’s posting.
Mr. Obama was touted as being the “post racial” president. If he is, it damn sure hasn’t trickled down. The racist poster, perhaps suffering from “white guilt” listed several evil episodes in history and blamed them on white males. One of the episodes was slavery in North America. It seems that Obamaistas need to have the specter of “evil white men” as a tool to stir his constituency. The white man was only a fraction of the devils involved in slavery. In fact, slavery, evil as it is, has been practiced in nearly every society since there were societies. Even today it exists is certain parts of Africa and elsewhere in the world. Perhaps yesterday’s confused or uninformed poster simply did not know that slavery was common place in the various tribes of native Indians that existed in North America eons before the advent of Europeans. No, the fact is that slavery was not invented by whites. It was Africans who captured and sold Africans to slave traders. Those slave traders were white, yellow, brown, and black. They were Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, and followers of every religion and of no religion. While it is true that white men bought and sold and possessed slaves, it was white men that ultimately freed them. In the USA slavery was outlawed by legislation promulgated and legislated by Republican white males, and enforced by a war initiated by a white male Republican president. That war led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of white males and black males. That war freed the slaves in America. The freedom of the slaves was purchased by the spilling of gushers of white and black blood. Those who harbor hatred for white males refuse to acknowledge that it was Republican white male legislators that passed the 1964 Civil Rights act. That act was so hated by white Democrat legislators that they filibustered against it. Acting on the orders of a white Republican male president, armed white men, military men, first threw open the doors of segregated schools to black children. It’s aggravating as hell that it’s necessary to remind all of us that evil knows no color. Nor does virtue. It was white males that that conquered the enslavers who were the Nazi’s and the Japanese. It was black men who were the very best F51 drivers that protected the B17/B24 bomber drivers that pounded Hitler’s Europe. Think about it, whites and blacks, and brown, and Asians’ have done manifest evil and manifest good. A famous leader once said: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. (MLK)” One must wonder why so many hypocrites still dishonor MLK. I suspect that the United States of America will endure long after the 50 years that Friday’s poster mentioned. I hope and pray that by that time we will have abandoned the currently en vogue notion of multi-culturism and that we will have come together with the unity of purpose and fidelity that our founders spent their blood and treasure to ensure for all of us. Multi-culturism is currently fashionable, but so were corsets. Our nation’s founders were for the most part, old white men whose ideals and vision have delivered us the freedoms and rights we now take for granted as Americans. Those ideals, that dream, for a truly unified America, has been fought for and died for by millions of Americans of all colors. Never forget that Crispus Attacks, a black man, perhaps a freed slave, was reported to have been the first man killed in the Boston massacre. That massacre by the British occupiers was the immediate precursor to our Revolutionary war. It is your responsibility and my responsibility to do all in our power not to dishonor their sacrifices. Part 2) Another poster Friday wrote of “compartmentalizing”. Apparently that poster believes the Obama survey is righteous. Personally, I find it abhorrent. Obama used his existing demographic information to rally support, not from all Americans, but rather from narrowly defined sets of Americans. He and his believed that pitting one set against the sets would purchase his victory. He was right. He had a specific message for each of those sets. That’s why he won in megalopolises but lost in suburban and rural areas. When speaking to black audiences, he narrowly defined his message to the specific interests of each target group. He promised Nirvana to labor, for senior citizens, etc.. Heart and soul of his message was a promise to punish the “wealthy” His message was carefully crafted to set one interest against another. He and his chose certain demographics, occupants of certain societal compartments, to demonize. Both sides did it, but the Dems were better at it. It worked. Obama’s vision is that of enclaves of special interest groups temporarily joining together in the charade of unity to benefit the Obama establishment. He sees the voices of Latin neighborhoods, black schools, and sundry other special interests as nothing more that tools to advance his agenda. We’ve seen him first embrace, then turn away from labor. We’ve seen him clutch various special interests and people to his bosom then kick them to the roadside when he perceives that their value is gone. His multiculturism tends to limit the freedom of minorities, by encouraging them to cultural and geographic ethnic enclaves or “boxes.” So doing does a disservice to the minorities and to society as a whole. Cultures are very complex, and must be transmitted through close family and kin relations, not governmental activism. Exploiting cultures as political fodder is contrary to the interests of America. Ultimately it breeds hatred and mistrust. The liberal view of cultures as being about festivals and cuisine is a crude oversimplification that leads to easy stereotyping. Many cultural practices, such as allowing dog meat to be served in restaurants, or cockfighting, are simply incompatible with our culture. One must wonder if Obama’s multiculturism will embrace the binding of the feet of Chinese female babies, or of the circumcision of the clitoris in monarchal girls in some African societies. Perhaps Mr. Obama sees an America that has cultural enclaves wherein Sharia law IS the law. It’s impossible to argue that the huge numbers of immigrants who are not being linguistically and culturally integrated into our society is a benefit to our society. Obama uses the perfume of entitlements to seduce large slices of our society. He offers the equality of outcome as a seductive enticement to accept his leadership. It works. The Rep/Conservative belief is different. We do not offer a promise of outcome, we promise the freedom of equality to strive and to succeed, or to fail and try again. We abjure entitlements, but embrace a safety net. We believe that the strength of America comes from its melting pot of cultures and ideas. We believe that the melding of these cultures is as important to a strong and vibrant America as is the melting together of iron, carbon, manganese, chromium, vanadium and tungsten to make steel. Each component can stand on its own, serve its own purpose, but only when the disparate components come together, merge, does the result, steel, get its strength. The union is stronger than the sum of its parts.
Our founders recognized this, and melded together the vast disparate interests and cultures of the individual colonies into the America we enjoy today. Lincoln recognized that the disparate cultures and interests of the South and the North were of such consequence that he took our nation to civil war to ensure that our nation would endure. |
No Name Key, First, that was a lousy attempt at journalism as the article was inaccurate. Barton Smith has never represented the No Name Key Property Owners Association. Obviously, the reporter never spoke with the real attorney for homeowners; otherwise, the only conclusion to be drawn is that he has no credibility to print the facts. Commissioners: Give them electricity, stop the lawsuits and get back to conducting the business of the county. |