
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The-Coconut-Telegraph-w-CoconutsPublished Tuesdays and Fridays. Letters to the editor with pictures.​ Since 0202.​​

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[FTR on Doctor No] Deer Friends, the ZIKA battle is beginning again.  There are a hard-headed group of persons in the Keys who for whatever reason have decided that the people at Mosquito Control are dead set on wreaking havoc on your health by using genetically modified mosquitoes to decimate the Aedes aegypti population in the Keys.  It is the AE ‘skeeter that spreads a whole raft of diseases including Zika, Dengue, Chikungunya, Yellow Fever and even heart worm in dogs.

Look, the ‘Skeeter control board is in place to protect you from disease, and they do a damned good job of it. The Feds, in the form of the EPA will likely soon approve the use of the GM ‘skeeters (personally I’d like it better if they were Fords).  These GM skeeters have been widely used in the Caribbean and in several other tropical venues around the world.  They have been proven to be safe, effective, and cost efficient.

One of the most vocal opponents is a Key West physician, Dr. Norris.  He has earned the sobriquet “Dr. No.”  He is claiming that these GM skeeters, in some mysterious fashion, will cause humans to be resistant to antibiotics.  He is a zealot.  Not so long ago, he joined forces with a group from Key West that had as a prominent spokesperson a person who was a “guru”, who actually stated that he was a teacher of self levitation.

Not too long ago Dr. No traveled to the Caymans to study the impact on human antibiotic resistance when GM ‘skeeters have been used to decimate the AE ‘skeeter population.   The Caymans had very successfully and safely used GM skeeters to bring their AE infestations under control. The Cayman officials were hospitable to the good Doctor and gave him what he asked for without the hassle of a lot of red tape.

Dr. Norris then prepared his own report on the issue and submitted it to the Caymans.  In that report he suggested that the us of GM mosquitoes caused an increase in human resistance to antibiotics. The Cayman Government were not happy campers.

Here’s a quote from a letter to Dr. Norris from Dr. Samuel Williams-Rodriguez, Cayman Islands Chief Medical Officer.  Dr.  Williams-Rodrigues writes, “There is no way to determine any increase/decrease of resistance in West Bay (the area in which the Oxitec mosquitoes have been released), or any other district in Grand Cayman.” The letter continues, “Furthermore, there is no evidence from the Cayman Islands antiobiogram data to draw any conclusion of an increased resistance to tetracycline. This is totally incorrect and misleading.”

The Cayman officials had extended gracious hospitality to the good Doctor, but after reviewing his report they instructed him to go through the US CDC if he wanted further data.  It is to be noted the US government has already approved the GM ‘skeeters. It must also be noted that a growing number of local doctors are speaking out in favor of the use of the GM mosquitos to control the AE plague. Let’s just say No to Dr. No. Here is the letter to Dr. No from the Cayman officials:

To: Dr. John NorrisFrom: Dr. Samuel Williams-Rodriguez, Cayman Islands Acting Chief Medical Officer and Acting Medical Officer of Health. Date: 15 February 2018
Re: Cayman Islands Antibiogram Data Dear Dr Norris,

Thank you for sharing the presentation you intend to give to the Mosquito Florida Keys Control Board on 20 February 2018, and the concerns that you have raised with the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Cayman Islands Government has reviewed your presentation, which contains antibiogram data that the Cayman Islands Ministry of Health supplied to you in December 2017.

We are extremely concerned by statements made in your presentation and take this opportunity to clarify these issues.

Your concerns suggest there may be a link between the release of Oxitec’s mosquitoes and what you describe as an “anomaly” related to tetracycline in the antibiogram data that was provided to you.

The data we provided shows the antibiotic resistance patterns in the Cayman Islands for the last five years, in general; there is no way to determine any increase/decrease of resistance in West Bay (the area in which the Oxitec mosquitoes have been released), or any other district in Grand Cayman.

Furthermore, there is no evidence from the Cayman Islands antiobiogram data to draw any conclusion of an increased resistance to tetracycline. This is totally incorrect and misleading.

Contrary to your statement that the data from the Cayman Islands shows an anomaly in tetracycline, with the possible cause being an FDA-approved insect ‘ox513a’, there has been no such anomaly. In fact, the resistance pattern to tetracycline for Staphylococcus aureus has been on a plateau during the timeframe indicated in the antibiogram information supplied to you. Since the antibiogram data provided by Cayman Islands Government covers the past five years, and the Oxitec mosquitoes have only been released since the end of July 2016, any variance or otherwise in the pattern, could not accurately be associated with the releases.

The Cayman Islands Ministry of Health has procedures in place to reduce antimicrobial resistance. We do not have any particular concerns about tetracycline resistance. I hope that this clarifies matters.

With regards to future requests for data, or requests for any other information pertaining to public health in the Cayman Islands that you wish us to consider, I ask that you kindly follow international protocol, whereby information is sought through the official channels of the CDC, which is the official public health agency of the United States.

[Chem Trails] These photos were taken from my yard on Cudjoe Key January 30, 2018. Watch the sky.  It’s been happening for years.  More all the time. Remember when our skies were blue? Climate engineering weather warfare, and the collapse of civilization. Stratospheric aerosol  – solar radiation management.  Video
[Fantasy] More guns will prevent gun violence. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, it’s starting to work


Finally, the fourth monkey! He is the sum of the first three: He sees nobody, hears nobody, and speaks to nobody.

[Diversity] The more I listen to the rhetoric, the more I come to believe that “diversity” means nothing more than being willing to settle for less than the best
[“Dead deer”] Someone copied my post about corn toxicity/rumen acidosis and posted it here. That’s a good thing since education folks about this deadly issue is very important. I would like to add the following updates: The refuge did call me back that evening and were very responsive, caring and helpful.
I also want to add that I didn’t intend to insult tourists by saying “fed something bad by tourists”. The only reason I thought that was probable is I live on a long, dead-end road. My neighbors do not feed the Key deer cracked corn, ever! I am aware that some residents do feed the Key deer foods that are way too high in protein, like dog food, which is very bad for their kidneys or very rich carbs such as bread or corn or large amounts of apples which can result in rumen acidosis or damage to the rumen.The Key deer evolved to thrive on available plants such as thatch palm berries and mangrove leaves. The micro and macro nutrients in their specialized, limited diet are essential to optimal health. Please help educate those around you that are chronically feeding the deer these foods.Here is “2 Plus 1”, the young buck that died from gorging on the unprotected bag of cracked corn. We have 5 more deer in our area slowly recovering from the incident. ~Valerie Preziosi, President,
[Sewer Connections] There are several homes in Cudjoe Gardens that have not hooked up yet, but the local plumbers don’t seem to want to work there for some reason. Maybe they made too much money already or just don’t want to finish up who is left. Calling these guys is useless. Any plumbers out there want work?



Bacon wrapped cheesesteak meatloaf. Yum! Video

[Weeds] Four “killer” ideas to get rid of weeds forever. Link



[Barking Dogs] Has anyone had satisfaction with the cops about barking dogs?

Grass in not indigenous to the Keys; that is why we have so many mosquitoes.
[National Debt] What does one trillion dollars look like? Video


[Tommy T] If you’ve lived here a long time you will remember H. If not, this is the way it used to be. If you lived here a long time you would know that way before “H” we had no Tiki bar. If you lived here a very long time, I guess everyone’s long time is different. The photo is of Tommy T, as close to a real pirate as your going to get.  ~Coconuts Bar & Liquor Store

[Canal Cleaning] Working from a crane anchored on top of a barge on Friday morning, an operator used a knuckleboom loader to remove toppled trees, destroyed fencing, roofing material and even a TV from canal #290 along Avenue I on Big Pine Key. This was the beginning of a 12- to 18-month process to remove hurricane debris from the impacted canals and nearshore waters of the Florida Keys.

“Watching this work begin to clean up our precious waters is great to see,” Monroe County Mayor David Rice said following a news conference to explain the removal project. “The County is working with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and others on the project that isn’t easy, but that is critical to our environment and our economy. We are working to remove all navigation hazards, and to restore the canals and nearshore waters so our residents, visitors and wildlife can enjoy them again.”

Last week, Monroe County signed an agreement with DEP to assist in the marine debris removal effort of the impacted canals and nearshore waters of Monroe County. DEP hired DRC Environmental Services to do the work. DEP will oversee the $6 million operation with Monroe County, and Monroe County staff will provide local coordination.

“The Department of Environmental Protection is proud to partner with Monroe County with this unprecedented and complex effort to remove storm debris from impacted canals and nearshore waters,” said Gus Rios, DEP Branch Manager. “This effort is important to restore navigation safety and for the protection of the unique marine resources of the Florida Keys.”

DEP anticipates additional funding commitments of $2 million each with the City of Marathon and the Village of Islamorada.
Monroe County and the municipalities will reimburse DEP within the next 24 months. The County then will seek reimbursement from FEMA for the allowable 75 percent of the cost.

FEMA, the Florida Division of Emergency Management, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Monroe County’s consultant AMEC Foster Wheeler also helped with the planning efforts.

There are 513 canals throughout the Keys. It is estimated that they all were impacted to some degree: 97 high impact, 150 medium impact, 139 lower impact and 127 low impact. Of those 513 canals, 333 are in unincorporated Monroe County.

Based on aerial photos, there is an estimated 100,000 cubic yards of marine hurricane debris that needs to be removed from Keys’ waters at a total removal cost of $15 to $30 million. The numbers could go higher once actual debris amounts are known.
Monroe County is seeking additional funding sources to complete the marine debris cleanup.

This $6 million, first-phase operations is expected to take 4-6 months to complete. The canals and nearshore waters in this phase are being prioritized by level of impact and economic impact to the residents. The hardest hit areas will be cleaned first.

Canal #290 was one of the six canals that had been restored as part of the County’s canal restoration demonstration projects, using muck removal and the installation of an air curtain to keep out floating vegetation.

The debris that is collected will be taken by barge to a temporary off-loading site. It won’t stay at this location long before being hauled by trucks to the Debris Management Site at the former Big Pine Key Prison site. From there, it will be sorted and prepared for hauling to a permitted solid waste disposal facility approved by DEP on the mainland.

For this project, the debris being removed includes vegetation, hazardous waste, construction and demolition debris, propane tanks, appliances, electronic waste, docks, vehicles, seawalls and houses or portions of houses that pose a direct threat to the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the County and the State of Florida.

It does include motorhomes. It does not include boats, which are being addressed through the displaced vessel removal effort being overseen by the FWC. Also, no sediment or silt will be removed under this phase because it is not reimbursable by FEMA.

The work is being done with an operational plan approved and permitted by DEP and NOAA that ensures the protection of wildlife

[Canal Cleanup] How much it would cost to run an ad for the canal cleanup going on in the Avenues Feb 24th by the Conch Republic Marine Army. Looking for volunteers to help with the cleanup, donations, etc. Thank you. ~Laura (Ed: Free, for such a worthy cause.)


[Border Wall] Canada announces that they have finished their border wall on time and under budget!

[Price Gauging] An element of stability in a rapidly changing world (he said sarcastically).  It’s good to know (he said sarcastically) that the owner of the local Shell stations has not changed his price gouging ways as a result of the storm.  His price at the two stations he has opened is $2.99 a gallon, almost half a dollar more than the prices 20 miles away in Marathon and even 20 cents a gallon more than farther down the islands in Big Coppitt.  Do not waste your money supporting this bloodsucker.
It can be difficult to be pro 2nd Amendment without being ridiculed. I not only have the want to protect my family, I have the right to protect my family & friends. That would include you. It’s also difficult to profess that Jesus is a very big part of your life. Your sanity is challenged, most likely by the same folks that feel the government should protect your family and care for you & yours from the cradle to the grave. It’s not what our founding fathers had in mind when they fought & died for this great America & the United States Constitution. My friends, our battle is from within. We are being wussified and seduced by what appears to be free–it’s not. It has a price tag. It’s your freedom, your soul, & all that separates us from the rest of the world. American exceptionalism is real; don’t lose it; past it on. ~Coconut Bar & Package Store, downtown Big Pine Key
[Sense of Humor–Not] Greetings, would it be possible for you to please remove the “jimmy crack corn” phrase that was added to the end of a post (originally my post on Save Our Key Deer Fb page) that someone copied and posted here on the Telegraph (about the Key deer that suffered terribly and died from rumen acidosis after consuming a huge quantity of cracked corn that was left unprotected in a large lawn bag). Thanks

My kid asked me if mosquitoes can give AIDS because they have needles? I told him sure, and they can give all kinds of other diseases too. They are the most dangerous animals on the planet. Then he asked why are they still here? I answered, “Politics!”

[Sewers] Is there a list of local sewer hook-up contractors online?
[Canal Cleanup] They are going to put all the debris collected from the canals at the old road prison on Big Pine Key until they can get rid of it.
The debris pick up from the County is free. I called the solid waste department at 305.292.4536 before and after picking up left over debris in my neighborhood. They just want to be sure that it is left behind stuff that the bobcats and clam pickers didn’t get, and not debris that people are illegally putting out. By mid week it was gone. They did a great job!


To see the real world look into your mirror as analyze how sick you really are then you can criticize others!

[Sewers] Where can I find a list of approved sewer hook up contractors for the Keys?
[FTR on Killing Kids] Some are wailing that the Right cares more for guns than kids. Some wail that the Parkland horror is the fault of 2nd Amendment advocates.

Nonsense, silly foolishness.  The Parkland horror was caused by a human full of hate.  That young human used a tool, that tool was a semi auto rifle.  Only one of the roughly 12 million of such pattern rifles in the hands of public today.  If it were the fault of the weapon, we would be awash in blood, death, and gore.

The remedy will not be found until we, as a society, change our behavior.  We must cease glorifying violence.  We must stop spending money on entertainment that is nothing but an ongoing blood bath.  We must stop glorifying entertainers whose work speaks of nothing but rape and violence.

Our society is in decay.

The Parkland horror was preventable.  The FBI failed.  Its failure is inexcusable.  The FBI and the law enforcement agencies preach “if you see something, say something”

In this instance, at least two separate persons did see something and they did say something.  They were ignored.

One individual reported a threatening post by Cruz on social media.  Cruz identified himself and said that he wanted to be a “professional school shooter.”  The FBI interviewed the informant, but did no further follow-up.  They claim that they were too busy.   It took about 2 minutes of web time to ascertain that there are fewer than 30 Nikolas Cruz’s in the USA.  The FBI most certainly had access to the IP address of Cruz’s computer.  Even the most inept investigator should have been able to learn very quickly and very easily that Cruz was indeed a very dangerous person.  But they didn’t–they were too busy.

Even worse, another person called the FBI tip line and reported Cruz.  They gave the FBI his name and other data including the fact that he was a dangerous individual.  The FBI did not act, they did not follow up.  There are 17 coffins in Broward at this very moment as the direct result of the FBI’s failure.   Heads should roll.

[Cosmetics for Terrorists] Do Victoria’s Secret and Revlon really supply “items of care” to the terrorists in Gitmo? I heard they don’t even pay wholesale!
[“Grunt” Work] Because housing is so difficult to find in the Middle/Lower Keys at $1000 for a 1 bedroom or $1500 for a 2 bedroom, the grunts are either going to move out of Monroe County or we, the self employed small business owner, will have to hire illegal immigrants to keep our businesses afloat. Of course, that’s not our choice.
Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. ~Einstein

[Magic] This might possibly be the most amazing card trick you have EVER seen!  It was developed by the magician after the terrorist attacks in Paris, France. Supposedly, he did this in front of Penn and Teller on TV and they just shook their heads in disbelief. Video

[Remove Art] “Air dancing” I am not impressed. All I see is a useless eater wasting time when they could be helping others or growing food. Now about their art grants…

The Olympics really show what these high priced useless eaters can get away with besides collecting welfare, grants and free sucker money! If people realized they also get tons of our hard earned wages in the form of tax money donated to “support the arts” we might wake up to these bums. The only important people on this rock are farmers, well drillers and sewer workers.

[“Killing our children”] “What a sick society when guns are more important than our children.” If it were not for guns you would not have a society to have children in, comrade! It is not the guns, it is the mental illness of the people that are being conditioned by the rulers to commit such crimes. Remember what Orwell wrote: war is fun war is profitable war controls fools


Tim Allen‘s shocking on-air confession. Link

JO: I love when women wear nail polish and expensive perfume.
MO: I don’t.
JO: Why not?
MO: Because they are hiding finger and toe nail fungus and bad body odor.
JO: Gee, you really know how to turn off a chick!
MO: It’s not that, it’s what I’ve learned on cruise ships.



[Dog Training] This little guy told his Dad that he wanted to learn how to train his dog and his Dad said there were lots of dog training videos on YouTube. So here he is, showing them to the dog!

[Hates Lawyers] I wonder what the world would be like if all lawyers disappeared forever? The place would sure smell better. If you feed sharks lawyers will the sharks get sick?
[Get High and Die] This is part of the culling of the trash. If you are that stupid to use drugs you need to be fazed out. Same goes for religious radicals and war lords!
We have lived in the Keys for over 10 years and are still amazed how the locals take it up the rump from the local politicians and weirdo money spenders who burn up the tax money on junk projects and payola. This would not happen in Alaska.
[America] The Presidents spiel was typical in that he promised to fix everything and threatened to inanimate our enemies and it’s about time we got our balls back. America needs a shake up to throw out the trash and cure the toe fungus.



It sure would be a big laugh if the Feds legalized prostitution. All those lawyers would be out of work and chicks would all get rich over night

Has anybody noticed you can’t email any large corporation about anything anymore. They just don’t give a damn what you think.
[Contractors] Are you people nuts? I asked several general contractors for estimates and got shocked at the balls these idiots have for asking anywhere from $50 to $150 per man hour on the job. Who the hell do you nail bangers think you are, freaking lawyers or retailers? When you work a full 40 hour week, you should make no more than $20 per hour, Forget about the 10 hour week at $100 per hour, you are not worth it!
Get the hell off my island.” So eloquently put.
[Free Ad] Tarpon season is just around the corner.   I still have days available during prime time. In the next month, we will start to find tarpon moving into the lay up basins on the warmer days.  Also rolling in the channels early morning. As spring progress more and more tarpon will migrate through the Lower Florida Keys. April though June being prime time, with large schools of tarpon migrating though the lower Keys.  Lets not forget the other species.  Bonefish, permit, baby tarpon and barracudas are a lot of fun too!  Always something fun to sight fish on the flats.  ~Capt. Scott Yetter
This country is dying when stuff like this is considered quit news: This couple accidentally proposed to each other at the same time. Link
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