2016 July

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The-Coconut-Telegraph-w-CoconutsSince 2002. Published Tuesdays and Fridays
Letters to the Editor with pictures

uke-nite-cuo-friendsWe are going to have a Party! July 24th. WPBT Channel 2 TV will be filming “Art Loft”. They would like to get a taste of Big Pine Key & the Coconut Ukulele Orchestra, so we will have a Uke Nite and treat Art Loft to a Piners Nite Out from 7 to 9 Sunday, July 24th. Coconuts will put out some goodies to snack on and keep Happy Hour prices on drinks. All you have to do is Uke Out!
[Gun Backlash] The cops said they couldn’t tell the good guys from the bad at the Dallas shootout because many of the people were legally carrying guns in the open. This is the kind of America the 2d Amendment crusaders want. It’s very sad our country is like this now.


It’s hard to believe I once had a phone attached to a wall. When it rang, I’d pick it up without knowing who was calling. Amazing I’m still alive!

[FTR missed the point again] It seems that FTR Guy was more upset that I used the wrong nomenclature for the weapons that killed five of his brothers in Dallas than the fact that five of his brothers were murdered with a gun built only for that purpose. And of course it wouldn’t be FTR Guy if he didn’t politicize it. Sad, sad, sad, sad.
bahia-honda-old-school[“Affordable housing”] Many folks just can’t afford to live in the Keys. They love it here and many work like a crazy person to stay here. In many cases it takes a storm, a real hurricane to become the straw that will break the camel’s back and force them to leave. They leave and start a new life somewhere else and do very well. They accomplish goals that were unattainable here in the Fabulous Florida Keys. Even when affordable housing is in play it becomes a trap of sorts to keep employees on the job, not get ahead. I have no answer, just an observation. Living the dream is at best difficult.   ~Coconuts Bar & Liquor Store
FKAA‘s rules state if the FKAA builds and installs something (grinder pump) on private property that something is deemed to belong to that property owner. Naturally FKAA, with

now we were promised verbally by our elected officials (the BOCC) that the county (the owners of the sewer system) would be responsible for the maintenance of their system, but here’s the glitch: By the FKAA’s own rules, the county no longer owns your private sewer plant. You own it and the county (BOCC) is no longer responsible for your problems. Ask the owners of on-site aerobic systems who maintains and repairs their system.
Mayor Carruthers, is this the honesty you expect the taxpayers to believe of our elected representatives? Your fellow Commissioners stated in the News Barometer that they are wondering what to do with the surplus Infrastructure sales tax money. I’ve got a suggestion, put your sewer. system as mandated by your own municipal code, Chapter 200-Sewage and Sewage Disposal in the row and buck up to your obligations to the Voters.

I was a land surveyor in Illinois before I moved to BPK and have queried surveyor organizations in both Illinois and Florida and no one had ever heard of a third party (FKAA) easement. So what’s going on here? More smoke & mirrors from our BOCC?

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[Hospital in Turmoil] I wonder how the announcement that Lower Keys Medical Center’s CEO, Nicki Will, abruptly resigned after 13 years, in large part because of alleged poor business practices and nepotism exposed by Mr. Bechtel, could serve as a tipping point for Commissioners to take a strategic analysis how any Monroe County based not-for-profit healthcare providers, and social service, public and environmental health agencies who receives annual Monroe County taxpayer funds uses these funds for the greater good or to just collect a paycheck.

[Who’s On First?] Abbott and Costello buying a computer. Link

I own a boat slip on the condo side of Sunset Marina (about 50 ft. from the slips that are in dispute here), and I received at least 4 City of Key West notices about the hearing in my mailbox.

The word I heard is that Sunset Marina is clearing out all the boats that wouldn’t (or couldn’t) comply with clean water laws. Does the jail-side marina have sewage pump-out access at every slip? There aren’t any pump-out lines on the condo side, and that’s one of the reasons that liveaboards aren’t permitted there. Many live jail-marina-side liveaboards were pumping their gray and black water waste directly into the harbor. My boat stays in the water all the time. Not too many months ago, there would be a thick layer of poop/pee/garbage-generated algae on my boat’s water line after just a couple of days. Now that most of the non-compliant jail-side condo boats have been removed, the water is much cleaner and the disgusting green algae is nearly gone.

I would recommend that people look at two specific items: Is there access to pump-out lines from every jail-side slip, and what do the condo regulations specifically allow?

lemon lemonade stand


[Lemons Are Cancer Killers] Says the email story that also advises how to use the whole lemon. Actually, they kind of are. Look what Snopes says. Link

[Body Cameras] I heard tell recently of a KWPD drug bust, with a warrant, in a Bahama Village dwelling, and the police did not have their body cameras turned on, and Police Chief Donie Lee’s position is police only have to have their body cameras on when there is a crime, or suspected crime, in progress. I am pretty sure, to get a warrant to go into a dwelling, there has to be a crime, or a suspected crime, in progress. If it was a drug bust, and if there were drugs, guns, money in the dwelling and none of the police action was video recorded, then who knows what really happened in that dwelling, but the police who entered it and the people who were in the dwelling when the police came in? Donie Lee does not know, unless he himself was there with his police officers. He does not know, for example, unless he was there, if money was found, and how much money was found, and if it was all turned in to the police department.

Note: Bahama Village is Key West’s historic black community. It’s mixed race now, but the tension there between its blacks and city police is longstanding.

[Your Brain on Sucralose] (not that aspartame is any better) Want cancer, weight gain, diabetes? Link
opium-denThe Opium Wars of 1839 to 1842 and 1856 to 1860 marked a new stage in China’s relations with the West. China’s military defeats in these wars forced its rulers to sign treaties opening many ports to foreign trade. The restrictions imposed under the Canton system were abolished. Opium, despite imperial prohibitions, now became a regular item of trade. As opium flooded into China, its price dropped, local consumption increased rapidly, and the drug penetrated all levels of society. In the new treaty ports, foreign traders collaborated with a greater variety of Chinese merchants than under the Canton system, and they ventured deeply into the Chinese interior. Missionaries brought Christian teachings to villagers, protected by the diplomatic rights obtained under the treaties. Popular hostility to the new foreigners began to rise. Link
The FKAA‘s rules say “shall be deemed”. I looked that phrase up and understand it. However the FKAA’s contract (joint agreement) does not grant them ownership of the CRWS or of the parts thereof (grinder pumps) so as a contractor, not owner, how can they grant something that they don’t own or technically have any financial interest in the CRWS other than they are contracting to take care of it? That might be an interesting question for our attorneys for the suit? But then maybe not. Growing up under the tutelage of His Majesty, the Honorable Richard J. Daily Sr. I gleaned a lot from His example. Always, look for corrupt elected officials.



[Review Santero 7 from Cuba] What awful rum. I didn’t even know Cubans could make bad rum! The alcohol fumes were so strong they burn my nostrils. The taste was pretty good, but the fumes, and that’s the only description, are overpowering.

Someone who can have everything, knows the value of nothing.
[Race] Two court bailiffs were killed and a deputy was injured last Monday after an inmate grabbed the deputy’s gun outside a holding cell in a Michigan courthouse. You’ve probably never heard of this murder because it was committed by a white man. If I was a Black man it would have been all over the news. I never saw it reported. The only reason I know about it is because a talking head on NPR pointed out that is wasn’t widely reported because it wasn’t a Black man who did it. Video
birthday card greeting



Great fun greeting card site. Link

[“Internet connection speeds”] There are many things that can alter your connection speed, it does not mean shit. You could be connected at 50 mbps and still look like you’re on a 56.6 k modem. It’s all about a reliable connection. Your modem could be sending back packets as soon as it gets it and you will be going at 50 mbps but just back and forth from your DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer) to your modem, and what filters past that is usable is nothing It’s all about different types of errors your modem corrects and lets pass through and the ones it sends back. Way above your pay grade and most techs won’t tell you.
train bullet

Movies] A woman wakes up on a railroad track and a train or subway train is coming. What does she do? She tries to outrun it! Hey lady, how about just rolling off the track to one side and let the train pass?

[Crooks] Federal prosecutors are investigating allegations that Fiat Chrysler violated securities laws by getting dealers to falsely report sales of new cars in order to inflate the company’s numbers.
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FTR’s nitpicking gun distinctions is another example of the right’s blindness to murders committed using rapid firing long rifles (I’m afraid to name the weapons because myopic 2d Amendmenteers will only focus only on the weapon) and not it’s use. FTR says banning these weapons “will not prevent a single crime”. I say that’s BS. The killer would not have been able to wreak nearly as much death with a handgun. An assault rifle is far deadlier than a hand gun.

Gun nuts are in LA LA Land pretending assault rifles are used for anything other than killing humans. Hand guns are for home defense. Rifles and shotguns are for hunting. Assault rifles are for killing humans, but gun nuts will never admit that. (I know I finally used the description ‘assault rifles’; now you can say I don’t know what I’m talking about.) Everyone else knows the problem, but FTR and his ilk try to shift the blame away from assault rifles. When they are used in mass murders they pretend like it was just a coincidence that the murderer chose an assault rifle. Ban them! Confiscate them!




We are going to have a Party! On July 24th WPBT Channel 2 TV will be filming “Art Loft”. They would like to get a taste of Big Pine Key and the “Coconut Ukulele Orchestra” So we will have a Uke Nite & treat “Art Loft” to a Piners Nite Out. 7 to 9 PM, July 24th. Coconuts will put out some goodies to snack on & keep Happy Hour prices on drinks. All you have to do is Uke Out!

[1855 Diary] It’s sad reading about William Hackley’s daughter. Reading his 1855 diary in the Citizen every day is habit forming. The Key West lawyer’s new baby daughter is dying.
fat guy dancing naked



Kids used to enjoy learning new dance moves, but now they just reach for the ceiling and jump up and down.

[Nut] A 21-year-old Hawaiian man accused of telling Key West police officers that he was going to kill them with an AR-15 rifle was arrested Sunday, according to an incident report. Suspect Austin Wayne King reportedly “told me I was going to be on CNN after he killed me”.
Don’t hate what you don’t understand.  ~John Lennon


Looking for rental or to buy camper, live-a-board, couple’s jobs with living, etc. Hope to leave PA by September 1st. Down payment no problem. Send info and pics to or text/call 717 606 6134. We are skilled musicians who are a working duo with PA system. Also outpatient counseling skills, mechanic skills specialty is transmissions, cooking, management, customer service, general maintenance, book keeping, etc.

Welcome to Marathon. Check out our beach, it’s great. Sorry about the bridge being closed for, uhh, for years. Skip the turtle pools.
slap on wrist


[Power Trip Over] The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary’s top two administrators were temporarily replaced Monday, following an internal inquiry at that agency into claims of “hostile work environment, waste and fraud and abuse.” Sanctuary Superintendent Sean Morton and Deputy Superintendent Mary Tagliareni have been temporarily reassigned.

Here’s something to ponder. FKAA’s rules state something like this–if FKAA is installing something on private property, then that something is deemed to belong to the owner of that private property. I’m sure that the FKAA’s rules were implemented with regard to FKAA’s property. However, in this situation the FKAA is a contractor, working under contract to, among other things, install Monroe County’s infrastructure. Now if perhaps the FKAA was installing something that was owned by the FKAA, then perhaps, this FKAA rule might apply, if it’s actually legal. Just because an official of an agency says that this is legal, is this the “color of the law”? Is this another attempt of the BOCC to take advantage of the little guy? You answer that question voters and taxpayers!
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FTR’s nitpicking gun distinctions is another example of the right’s blindness to murders committed using rapid firing long rifles (I’m afraid to name the weapons because myopic 2d Amendmenteers will only focus on the weapon and not it’s use). FTR says banning these weapons “will not prevent a single crime”. I say that’s BS. The killer would not have been able to wreak nearly as much death with a handgun. An assault rifle is far deadlier than a hand gun.

Gun nuts are in LA LA Land pretending assault rifles are used for anything other than killing humans. Hand guns are for home defense. Rifles and shotguns are for hunting. Assault rifles are for killing humans, but gun nuts will never admit that. (I know I finally used the description ‘assault rifles’; now FTR can say I don’t know what I’m talking about.) Everyone else knows the problem, but FTR and his ilk try to shift the blame away from assault rifles. When they are used in mass murders they pretend like it was just a coincidence that the murderer chose an assault rifle. Ban them! Confiscate them!

whisky swizzle stick


Whiskey is good for you – – good stuff! Link

[“Stock Island development under guise of affordable housing”] The developer isn’t pushing the liveaboards out, the code is. And while you insist that the codes must be followed in another part of the story, you ignore the fact that this part of the code has been ignored.

Sadler claimed that he wasn’t notified about the hearing, yet admitted in your story that he had had numerous conversations with city staff. If Sadler hadn’t come to the hearing to complain about notice, they probably wouldn’t have “noticed” that the liveaboards shouldn’t be in that marina in the first place.

Art In Public Places demands that $120,000 be spent for this project. That sounds like a lot of art. The developer said he was essentially willing to move that into reducing the rents. Ms. Gilbert weighed in on the proposed legal rent limits from her seat on that board—clearly not an art issue. The board uses the “slippery slope” argument, which could mean we will have lots of art, but nowhere to live.

Everyone must remember that more housing of any kind will lower the rents in the community. It is very difficult to build housing for one group or another, or one price point or another. We just need more housing, and fussing over each and every project like this will only delay developing more housing. Video

wrestler seriously



Members of the WWF are suing the areas because they say they hurt themselves wrestling. Stupid is that stupid does.

[Say No To Statins] Forget the statin drugs and fighting for low cholesterol levels. Here’s what the research shows: A 2010 study found that high LDL cholesterol cut risk of death from heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, and more. A 2012 study found that low LDL cholesterol increased the risk of cancer. A 2013 study found that cholesterol-lowering statin drugs doubled the risk of invasive ductal carcinoma and increased invasive lobular carcinoma by up to 250% (breast cancers). Now a new study finds that high LDL cholesterol reduces death by prostate cancer by 47%, by breast cancer by 43%, by bowel cancer by 30%, and by lung cancer by 22%. Spend your prescription money (and subsequent cancer treatment) on steak dinners instead!

The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention. It is the most important product of his creative brain. Its ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of the forces of nature to human needs. This is the difficult task of the inventor who is often misunderstood and unrewarded. But he receives ample compensation in the pleasing exercises of his powers and in the knowledge of being one of that exceptionally privileged class without whom the race would have long ago perished in the bitter struggle against pitiless elements.

My method of inventing is different. I do not rush into actual work. When I get an idea I start at once building it up in my imagi- nation. I change the construction, make improvements and operate the device in my mind. It is absolutely immaterial to me whether I run my turbine in thought or test it in my shop. In this way I am able to rapidly develop and perfect a conception with- out touching anything. When I have gone so far as to embody in the invention every possible improvement I can think of and see no fault anywhere, I put into concrete form this final product of my brain. Invariably my device works as I conceived that it should, and the experiment comes out exactly as I planned it. In twenty years there has not been a single exception. Why should it be otherwise? Engineering, electrical and mechanical, is positive in results. There is scarcely a subject that cannot be mathematically treated and the effects calculated or the results determined beforehand.  ~Nicola Tesla

[also] My mother worked from break of day till late at night, and most of the wearing apparel and furnishings of the home was the product of her hands. When she was past sixty, her fingers were still nimble enough to tie three knots in an eyelash. ~Nicola Tesla

Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys is seeking volunteers to work on a home project on Saturday, July 23rd and on Saturday, July 30th. All skill levels are needed to help finish this project so that a family can move into this home. If you can help on either day, contact volunteer coordinator, Susan Kent, at 305-294-9006 or Link
tbhqtBHQ is a preservative used to prevent rancid oils for frying or in snack foods and prepared foods. It is made from benzene (Naphtha). There is an FDA loophole that allows it to not be listed with other ingredients, but if you are eating non-organic chips with that salsa, you might be getting a dose. It makes your infection-fighting T cells wacky so that they incite allergic reactions to foods you might not even be eating at the time. Stomach cancer is another of its side effects that you can probably do without. Here’s a short article on the research. Link
[Review: Marathon G & A House] $18 and some coins for a chicken parmesan. Absolute slop. Just awful. Never again.
global-warming-keys[Captain Doom and Gloom] DEF: Talent n. Something that occurs too late in life
DEF: Comic n. A person that can hide his sorrows
DEF: Trader n. A disillusioned antiestablishment loser
DEF: Marine n. A Navy servant
DEF: Monitor n. An old boat you search for on your monitor
DEF: Mustard n. Yellow goo you put on dead waste matter
DEF: Ketchup n. Red goo you use to hide bad food
DEF: Gravy n. Distilled waste products that clog drains
DEF: ATT n. Attack Torment and Terrorize
DEF: Airhead n. Anyone who believes terrorism is a TV Soap Opera
[“New spy poles on Key Deer Blvd”] Maybe they are for telemetry to remotely monitor the wastewater collection pumping system. They will monitor the blind brown mullets that will swim through the pipes.
cdc-frieden[FTR] The other day a poster while commenting on the Democrats blocking of emergency funding for ZIKA chose to place the blame for the Democrats refusal to pass the emergency legislation on the Republicans. Then that poster elected to quote the Director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas Frieden. That poster would have us believe that Dr Frieden is an apolitical voice.

He is not. Dr. Frieden was appointed the Directorship of the the CDC by President Obama. It is a political appointment. Prior to that posting, Dr. Frieden had been the head of the New York City Health Department. Frieden had been appointed to the NYC post by Democrat/Republican/Democrat/ever Progressive Mayor Mike Bloomberg.

Frieden is infamous for his campaign to force good nutrition down the Big Apples throat (pun intended). He is responsible for the drive to ban salt and sugar in NYC. Frieden is also infamous for his declaration that banning travel to and from Ebola infested areas would INCREASE the severity of the Ebola epidemic of a few years ago.

Dr. Frieden is a warrior…a liberal warrior that champions fight against sodium, caffeine, meat, dairy, [any] drinking of alcohol and wine. He is in solidarity with those who advocate tax increases on beer and wine, increased restrictions on marketing, even poster-sized warning in restaurants.

The bottom line is that the Democrats refused to vote for the Zika emergency funding that had been put forward on a bi partisan basis. One of their prime reasons was that the funding bill did not give any additional money to Planned Parenthood. Please note that the bill did not cut funding to PP, it simply did not give any additional money.
Lavishing Planned Parenthood with your tax dollars is more important to the left than is the health of our nation, and our unborn.

If you’d like to learn a little more about Dr. Frieden and his politics, I suggest a read of Link

(continued on the National Politics page …)

Is the Old 7 Mile Bridge fixed yet? Have they even started work?
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