Letters to the editor with pictures since 0202. Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage days, Tuesdays and Fridays.
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![]() [Developing the Keys] County’s “Goal 109” proposal wants to amend the law to increase the maximum density for housing throughout the unincorporated portions of the County. They want to knock down the trees and crowd together crappy houses on our islands. These squeezed-together people still have to travel to where the work is, so why don’t they build the thousand living units in Islamorada, Marathon and Key West, and leave the wooded Keys alone? We have enough traffic and noise and lights already. These islands are supposed to be wildlife refuges. What happened to that? A thousand more homes will remove more habitat. Who will benefit? Not us residents. Follow the money and you will see it is the realtors and developers influencing these life changing measures. This influence peddling (election contributions by realtors and developers) explains why the Governor ordered us to build another thousand or so houses, but wouldn’t say where. (Nelson leads Scott by 7 points in Florida. Link) |
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[Mosquito Control Candidates] Where does From the Right (wrong) guy get his info? I would have to say it is second-hand at best. I worked with Ralph. The Feds and state governments were demanding more and more info and Ralph set up the system to do that and saved a lot of man hours. Then he developed a way to get the inspectors out of the helicopters and back into the field, saving many more man hours and dollars. Ralph’s opponent wanted term limits for everyone but him. He said 2 terms was enough. ~gls33@aol.com |
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[Cleanup Cudjoe Bay] Thanks to all who provided boats and kayaks, garbage trucks, and manpower! We met at KOA at MM 20 this morning to help with the clean-up of Cudjoe Bay. 40 volunteers went out on boats and kayaks, and collected two truckloads of ropes, buoys, plastic, painted wood, parts of chairs, old boat cushions, Styrofoam, pails and junk that has been twisted into the mangroves since Sept 10, 2017’s Hurricane Irma. |
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[Developing Our Islands] Fourteen of the major community and environmental organizations in Monroe County
issued a group position statement today opposing the County’s “Goal 109” proposal to amend the law to increase the maximum density for workforce housing projects throughout the unincorporated portions of the County, not the cities of Key West, Marathon or Islamorada (where the work is). This is an unprecedented group statement. High-density housing developments are not appropriate in low-density suburban island neighborhoods. Link |
[Big Pine’s Deer Overpass] Didn’t they say, if after a couple of years if no deer were killed in that fenced in stretch, that they would raise the speed limit above 35 mph at night? Another broken promise. Never trust the government. They always break their word. |
[Murder Most Foul] Boot Key. Are man’s death, woman’s brutal machete attack related? Monroe County Sheriff’s Office detectives are investigating the death of a man whose body was found on Boot Key Friday morning and a brutal machete attack on a woman who lives on her boat in Boot Key Harbor. Link |
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The metric system, which was created in France, is the official system of measurement for every country in the world except three: the United States, Liberia and Myanmar, also known as Burma. And even then, the metric system is still used for purposes such as global trade.
Remember when we were building a rocket or space station from parts assembled from different places in the world and the parts didn’t fit because the Europeans used metric measurements while our engineers used the imperial system. |
The whimsey of Ferron Bell. Link |
[Red Tide] Breathing problems and eye irritation shut down South Florida beaches. Is it red tide? Video |
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I always love a woman for her personality. They have like 10, so you can choose. |
FantasyFest in Nebraska. |
[Video Games and Physical Aggression] Study confirms link between violent video games and physical aggression. A study found playing violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty leads to increased physical aggression over time. Video |
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[“Name that rock”] It is on the road that once looped around Sugarloaf. It is the road that goes by the KOA. If you follow it to the end it stops at the water. There used to be a wooden bridge there but it looks like it burned down. Does anyone know the story behind that? |
Key lime pie was invented by a milk company to sell its products — and not in the Florida Keys. Link |
[“They thought the $350,000 yacht was abandoned“] Remember the low renters that tried to dissemble someone’s dock because they “thought it was abandoned”? Take this trash one-way fishing! |
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[Post-Irma Cleanup] Keys officials said they didn’t need help with post-Irma cleanup — but email says otherwise. federal audit looking into controversial and lucrative emergency debris removal contracts approved by the state after Hurricane Irma blasted the Keys last year was launched by Florida members of Congress who said Monroe County never requested the state come in and help with debris removal. Link |
![]() [Lower speed Limit and Higher Parking Fees] Typical of them to make more money anyway they can. 20 mph is a joke. Most vehicles cannot maintain that slow speed and get in the final drive gear that allows the best fuel millage. They will have to run at a higher RPM and use more fuel. Oh? Is that the plan to make money too? Higher parking fees? Why not just ban all vehicles except deliver trucks and cops’ cars? Bikes, when are they going to “license” them too? How about needing a yearly walking permit? |
Rent your house — or a room — to medical students, earn extra cash. Homeowners have signed up with RotatingRoom.com to rent rooms for up to $1,400 a month to medical students. Link |
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Nationwide water contamination, from non-stick chemicals, fire retardants. The contamination is far more widespread in drinking water than was previously understood – and what’s considered a safe level may be inadequate. Video |
![]() [“Cirrhosis of the liver”] Drinking coffee and tea may prevent liver disease. Cirrhosis, or chronic liver disease, is a serious condition and a leading cause of death among people across the United States. To prevent it, new research recommends that we simply take a break and enjoy a cup of tea. Link |
[Hello, This Is The Donald…] President Trump may soon communicate with you via your cellphone. The Federal Emergency Management Agency will conduct a test of the national alert system that allows “presidential alerts” to hit the majority of cellphones. Video |
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[“Name that rock”] I think it is dredged fill for a failed development, but I don’t know where? |
Tequila shots. Because its Mexico somewhere. Gee, that looks good! |
[Top Documentary Films] You can find thousands of stunning, eye-opening and interesting documentaries. Choose one that suits your interest through navigation system of TDF, watch it, and tell us how it was through comments. Go through this great collection of documentary movies, watch your favorite documentaries, share your thoughts and enjoy TDF. Link |
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[19th Century Justice in Lisbon, Portugal] I was one day walking leisurely along the streets, quite at my ease, when the gathering of a noisy multitude arrested my attention. Looking up, I was shocked at seeing a human head, with a pair of hands beneath it, nailed to a pole! They had just been taken from the body of a barber, who, when in the act of shaving a gentleman, was seized with a sudden desire to possess a beautiful watch, which glittered in his customer’s pocket. The wretched man cut his victim’s throat. He was arrested, his hands were cut off, then his head, and both were fastened to the pole. Upon inquiry, I ascertained that this was the ordinary method of punishing murder in Portugal; a striking evidence that civilization had not fully completed its great work among them. |
[Autumn Weather] October in the Keys. |
[Red Tide Take Warning] Perhaps the disaster that struck Florida’s southwest coast this summer will cause residents to rethink the way they live.
I wonder why we have to rely on an informative piece such as this from a newspaper 4 million miles away? Link |
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[Pig Shit] Could Smithfield Foods have prevented the “rivers of hog waste” in North Carolina after Hurricane Florence? Link |
[Judge Kavanaugh Compromise] I can’t believe that Congress actually compromised on anything! Congratulations Congress for getting your heads out of your political asses! |
[Veterans Administration] VA hospitals canceled more than 250,000 radiology orders since 2016, raising concerns some may have canceled medically needed tests improperly. “I knew something was not right”: Mass cancellations of diagnostic test orders at VA hospitals draw scrutiny. Video |
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[Statin Drugs] They’re one of the most prescribed drugs in the country. But Dr. Bob DeMaria says statin drugs come with plenty of dangerous side effects. You need apples, beets, & carrots! Video |
[Cigars Stink Too] I just found a way to get back at the local distilleries that won’t let men smoke cigars even in the outdoor tiki bars. Hard boiled eggs, deviled eggs, pickled eggs and lots of Budweiser. That should put a “cloud” over the festivities. Mess with old farts, huh!? |
[Clean Coal?] Murray Energy, one of the nation’s largest coal producers, is paying for lawyers trying to block natural gas plants that would support a growing industry. Link |
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[1984] “All that was required of them (i.e. the brain-washed masses) was a primitive patriotism which could be appealed to whenever it was necessary to make them accept longer working hours or shorter rations. And even when they became discontented, as they sometimes did, their discontent led nowhere, because, being without general ideas, they could only focus it on petty specific grievances. The larger evils invariably escaped their notice. ~George Orwell |
[20 MPH in Old Town] Are they kidding? My car rolls at 20 mph just by shifting it in gear! |
[CT Lies] Somebody said the Coconut Telegraph is going under because of all the false BS they print online. Is this true? Hope so! (Ed: Please let me know that was false. Bullshit, yes, but false, I don’t think so. Are you among the bigoted who can no longer distinguish falsehood from humor?) |
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