2022 september

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Letters to the editor with pictures since 2002.
Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days,
Tuesdays and Fridays.

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A magnificently brilliant 9/11 memorial event was held at the Key Largo Elementary School this last Friday. An assembly of loving and devoted supporters to include parents, family and friends lined the parking lot in front of the school by the flagpole for this remembrance. Large fire trucks, with EMT and Fire Rescue vehicles, surrounded and buffeted the event in an elegant and dignified manner. First Responders majestically and honorably blended in with the children during the proceedings. Captain Spenser Bryan and his distinguished Sheriff’s Deputies provided an inspiring and prominent presence throughout the event.

Under the auspices of Principal Darren Pais, Teacher and band director extraordinaire Susan Bazin supervised and directed the students during their extraordinarily gifted performances. The school band, safety patrol and flag presenters, along with the young student poets, artists and authors; provided an extremely lofty and spirited presentation for the assembled audience.

The students were strikingly engaged, superbly behaved and supportive of one another throughout this ceremony. Their teachers and school staff spectacularly prepared these children to excel in their breathtaking and awe-inspiring achievement.

As always, there were those self-less unsung heroes working behind the scenes to make everything just turn out right. The veterans and citizen soldiers in attendance were deeply touched and moved by this refined and respectful service. ~John Donnelly –A Soldier’s Journey

[9/11] I’ve probably sent this to you before, and I’ll probably send it again next year.  It helps me on this day. Video

You know you’re old anytime you’re entering your date of birth with a smartphone and you get to the year and you have to spin that bitch like you’re on Wheel of Fortune.
[Robot Delivery] Are we ready for our Uber Eats orders to arrive via robot? A deal between Nuro and Uber heralds a new food-delivery future. Here’s what to expect. Link
[King Tides] The first king tide of the season was last Saturday when the moon was full, but the days leading up to and following that peak are generally higher too. In South Florida, one of the surest signs that fall is here isn’t changing leaves or a chill in the air — it’s saltwater pooling in the street on a sunny day. September marks the start of an annual series of high tide days, the highest tides of the season. These “king tides” push sea levels a foot or two higher than normal, causing street and yard flooding in low-lying spots along the east coast, like Miami. These high tides are a natural occurrence during new and full moons, but unchecked climate change is making them worse. As sea levels rise, flooding is getting more common and worse. One neighborhood in the Keys saw 90 straight days of flooded streets during a particularly nasty king tide season.


Tsunami Alert!

[“Pervert accusation”] There are no more perverts. Now we just give that behavior a letter and it’s okay. LGBTP.


Agenda 2030 [?]

The capacity of the human mind for swallowing nonsense and spewing it forth in violent and repressive action has never yet been plumbed. ~Robert A. Heinlein (1953)

[Socialism] Most Americans wouldn’t know what socialism is even if it directly deposited a Social Security check in their FDIC-insured bank accounts or used their Medicare.

Me at 18: This radio station is playing my Jams.
Me at 30: This bar is playing my Jams.
Me now: This elevator is playing my Jams.

[Harnessing Methane] Cow poop into clean electricity.

[?] It’s not a pervert accusation it’s physical abuse we saw first-hand and told the league.


[Changing Keys] For you real computer users still out there.  Great tool. Link

[Oil Field] The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska’s Prudhoe Bay and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil
Britney Spears says she’ll ‘probably never perform again’ after ‘trauma’. Singer says she was devastated she had no creative control over her music videos while involuntarily under conservatorship. Link

A large leatherback sea turtle got tangled in a lobster trap line. An FWC officer found it. The officer assigned to that boat freed the reptile from a lobster trap line. Link

[Cruise Ships] Things cruisers love to complain about. Link


[Queen-ish Camilla] Camilla’s new title, explained: What’s the difference between queen and ‘Queen Consort’? Link

(Editor: I’m real happy now that I checked my website visitor statistics. I was feeling low because there are so few people who actually send in comments. I thought people had lost interest in the Coconut Telegraph. Boo hoo. I thought the viewership was going to be way down to around 17,000 since I stopped publishing 7-days a week and stopped all good business practices and just edited the Coconut Telegraph (less pressure, hassle and a lot more fun). I was totally surprised to find that last month had over 55,000 visitors to the coconut Telegraph! That’s a lot of people following the site. When I was hustling and publishing daily, there were about 63,000 visitors a month. Now that I’ve gotten rid of the parts I didn’t like (politics, customers complaining, phones, selling, asking for money, etc.) it’s fun again. Thank you to all visitors and especially to those who have something to say.) Contact Us