2020 July

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Letters to the editor with pictures since 2002. Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage days, Tuesdays and Fridays.

[Flamingos Are Back In The Florida Keys] Fun animal fact from Save Our Key Deer: The recent arrival of 6 flamingos in the lower Florida Keys is causing quite a stir with resident bird enthusiasts and photographers. Presently divided between the salt marshes of Ramrod and Big Torch Keys, the birds offer a rare birdwatching experience. Thought to have been hunted to extinction in Florida for their feathers in the eighteen hundreds, any flamingos sighted in recent decades in the Everglades or the Keys were believed to be escapees from zoos or tourist attractions. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission had them listed as a non-native species. This finally changed in 2018 when scientists from Zoo Miami and the Florida Audubon Society found two flamingos in the Everglades that were banded as juveniles in Mexico and monitored the movements of another bird found in the Florida Keys with a satellite tracker. They also discovered several large flocks in Florida Bay that remain there year-round. Their work reversed the FFWCC’s non-native designation and the flamingo is now considered a native Florida bird, with recruits coming flying in from the Bahamas, Cuba and as far away as Yucatan, Mexico. It is not known where the latest Keys flamingos came from, but hopes are they could be the start of a trend to repopulate their once native habitat. The attached picture was shot on July 4th by our President, Val Preziosi
[Moose Fat] Chicken fat is called schmaltz, beef fat—tallow, pig fat—lard. What is deer and moose fat called?


[Sloan’s Mother] 88-year-old heiress to the Golden Flake potato chip empire is back in control of her $80m fortune after legal battle with two employees who claim she has dementia and can’t manage her money. It looks like Sloan is going to be homeless a lot longer than he figured.  Link

[“Zillow home price estimates”] Yes, their price estimates are as accurate as possible and are based on selling prices of neighboring property.



[Dead Charlie] Charlie Daniels, who famously sang “The Devil went down to Georgia,” passed away in Hermitage, Tenn., on July 6. Doctors determined the cause of death was a hemorrhagic stroke. He was 83. Link

[Cancel Mini Lobster Season] I wrote an email to Governor Ron DeSantis requesting that he cancel mini lobster season this year for the obvious health risks with 30000-40000 tourists trying to catch 12 salt water cockroaches. I seriously hope that he has the common sense to cancel it.



Mexican Key Limes at my local market in western Massachusetts are $2.49 a pound and just right on my watermelon.

[Conspiracies] What a shame that when the facts are stated and links to the actual substantiating documents on the official websites of power brokers like the Rockefeller Foundation are provided, that the posting would be labeled “Conspiracy” and edited to provide no information and no link. Thus, the only source of information that is available to the public without a great deal of research is the absolute bunk spewed by mainstream media that is owned and controlled by those in what George Carlin called “a big Club. And you ain’t in it!” Why not let people decide for themselves? Let them read Rockefeller’s “Lockstep” scenario. Link

(Ed: Many of this poster’s links are incomplete and don’t work. I’ve tried to email him but he uses a false address, which is ok, but I can’t tell him about the bad links. As far as “conspiracy”, if I remember it, the post was about a conspiracy of rich people to control governments.)

[Virus Quarantine] I don’t think most people in the United States realize that they can’t leave their country.



If lobsters could tweet there would be thousands of them writing: “no mini-season”.

Chicago boy, 7, among victims as gun violence sweeps city. Link



How big is the universe compared with a grain of sand? Video

Florida guidelines and directives only help reduce COVID-19’s spread if everyone follows the rules. Consumers who see businesses and organizations ignoring state or local ordinances should report it to FDACS at 1-800-HELP-FLA or
The downward spiral of dumbness in America is about to hit a new low.  ~Hunter S. Thompson



[Amazon] What is wrong with Amazon? I figured they’d have their shipping department fixed and up and running by now. It takes several days to receive anything! No more two-day shipping?

[“COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory”] I think those folks can’t see their hand in front of their face to deny the pandemic or think it was intentionally caused



[“Keys Auto Sucks”] I agree that they suck and the building is a wreck. This picture is the back of their service department. I’ll bet their neighbors love that.

[Political Correctness] Recently I’ve noticed a trend to change the name of sports teams, restaurants, and sundry products. Well if you’re the guy with the money and don’t particularly care for this trend in politically correctness, piss on them. Don’t spend your money on something that pisses you off. Spend it on something else. When enough customers choose to spend their money elsewhere maybe the message will get around.



[“Berm renovation”] FDOT is replacing the 1- 6 feet of embankment that was removed adjacent to the South side of SR5 by Irma. Large keyways were overlain with geotextile fabric, then boulders were placed to stabilize and rebuild the embankment. This type of mechanical stabilized embankment should fare better in the next hurricane or other high water event.

Want to see the post office in action? Whitehead St, main branch. 1/2 the workers know exactly what to do. The other bunch are lost. They are now charging for [boxes] folding cardboard which makes a box, mailers, etc. Ooh, and you can’t use the tape, that is considered priority mail. When I head up central Florida next month, I’m going to bring all my stuff that would have cost over $100 to mail. Oh, and do not have an appt that you might have in say 45 minutes right downtown[?]. You won’t make it. I’m sort of glad I don’t have a job anymore. I’m retired. This way I can waste my time trying to mail a darn package.
I got this information from If there’s something incorrect with their reporting is not my fault. In my opinion the public records on Floyd’s arrest records are available to anyone. Why the mainstream media chose not to include the information is their affair. As for the author of the article, her personal opinion on what the results of the media’s inaction is up for debate. But the fact that Floyd was a thug and his arrest record is evidence. (Editor: no info received)
[New Rules] Attention saltwater fishing license holders. Starting July 1st, the State Reef Fish Survey (SRFS) will replace the Gulf Reef Fish Survey. As part of this program, recreational anglers and divers(including those 65 and older) who fish for or possess the reef fish below from a private vessel in both the Atlantic and Gulf will need to obtain the State Reef Fish Angler designation. Fish include: Snappers – mutton, yellowtail, red and vermilion Hogfish Groupers – gag, red and black Amberjack – greater and lesser Banded rudderfish Almaco jack Gray triggerfish.
Thank you for caring about the future of South Florida and the Keys.  I’m Clint Barras, and I’m hoping to serve as your next representative from House District 120 [wherever that is?]



The carnivorous what?

Event was a gathering of representatives of multi-billionaire world power brokers in October 2019 to simulate a corona virus pandemic with strategic responses—not a prediction, but an exercise. Video



[Sarcasm] The reason our country is having so many heat waves is because we have so many more thermometers. More than any other country. If we stopped looking at thermometers, we’d have very few days over 80 degrees, if any.

[Realtors] We went to look at a house right here on Big Pine and the realtor didn’t even know how many bedrooms. And she wanted 6%!



[Deadly Brain-Eating Amoeba Confirmed in Florida] Poor thing’s gonna starve here. Link



[National Politics] (Editor: I’m receiving so many political posts that I have to put the National Politics page back on this site. Sorry folks.) To post a comment click on Contact Us and type away!