2022 May

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Letters to the editor with pictures since 2002.
Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days,
Tuesdays and Fridays.

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A Memorial Day ceremony will be held in the auditorium of our Upper Keys Government Center in Key Largo on Monday, May 30th, promptly at 11AM.  A United States Coast Guard honor guard, our community band, an accomplished Sheriff’s Office bagpiper, a powerful Memorial Day tribute video and an esteemed Gold Star father delivering our keynote address, will all join together in celebrating this prestigious event. All in attendance will receive a Wounded Warrior poppy. Hope you’ll join us in remembering and honoring the sacrifices of those who gave their all.
[“Killing poisonwood”] Someone said they saw 2 Fish and Wildlife trucks there and people wandering around the acres in question. Maybe its FWS that is killing native vegetation in the Refuge?
[Wetstock 17] A day of peace & music, Sunday May 29 noon (Keys time) South Pine Channel. Bands on a boat having fun. There’s a really good buzz this year. I’m so glad we moved to Memorial Day weekend. So far I have confirmed fans coming from Jersey, Philly, Cincinnati, New England, Tampa, Naples, Lauderdale, and Miami. If you know people coming from out of town, please let us know.
Your friend,
Flip Flop Bob
[Infection by Sloan Bashinsky] Beware MRSA in Key West waters and cruise ship filth. Video


[Bambi and Mom] This little thing just showed up Sunday morning and could hardly stand on it’s toothpick legs.

[“Killing poisonwood”] I wrote the Refuge last week asking about who is killing the poisonwood on Key Deer Blvd, but haven’t received a reply or acknowledgment. I hope it’s not them.
In 2022, Mercury will be in apparent retrograde motion during the following ranges of dates: January 13 to February 3, May 10 to June 2, September 9 to October 1, December 28 to January 18 (2023). The planet Mercury rules communication in all forms—listening, writing, reading, speaking, and so on—as well as activities closely related to communication, like negotiations and contracts. It also rules travel, automobiles, shipping, and mail. Some blame Mercury retrograde for all chaos that happens in their lives. However, this is a good time to sit back and review what you put your energy toward. Link

[Buy Toys Needed] Wife: “Where are you going?” Me, “My country needs me!”

[Protecting You From Scammers That Attempt To Impersonate Amazon] Remember these important clues so that you can identify scams and keep your account and information safe:
1. Never feel pressured to give information (such as your credit card number or account password) over the phone, especially if the call was unexpected. Scammers may try to use calls, texts, and emails to impersonate Amazon customer service. If you’re ever unsure, it’s safest to end the call/chat and reach out directly to customer support through the Amazon app or website.
2. Never pay over the phone. Amazon will never ask you to provide payment information, including gift cards (or “verification cards”, as some scammers call them) for products or services over the phone.
3. Trust Amazon-owned channels. Always go through the Amazon mobile app or website when seeking customer support or when looking to make changes to your account.
4. Be wary of false urgency. Scammers may try to create a sense of urgency to persuade you to do what they’re asking. Be wary any time someone tries to convince you that you must act now.
~Mr Amazon

When I Was Young, the real deal! Let’s get our dux and yoots in a row, or was that a row? Check out Burdon’s Russian Prince jacket. Was he going off to war after singing?
Eric Burdon & The Animals – When I Was Young (1967)

[Salsa Night Commercial] This is so cracking me up!  Video

The biggest joke on mankind is that computers have started asking humans to prove that they aren’t a robot!

[Keys Disease] The WHO finally found out what the disease is that has plagued the Florida Keys for years. ‘The Keys Disease’ cure is to shoot up Imodium every day until you can go out without your Depends.


Dolphin playing with a dog. Video

[Captain Doom and Gloom]
DEF: War, A disease caused by overpopulation!
DEF: Gun, A hand tool that replaces a penis!
DEF: H Bomb, A toy for the insane who want bigger fireworks!
DEF: TV, The original entertainment devise that turned into Big Brother!
DEF: Computer, A devise that collects everyone’s information for the junta!

[Parents Raise LGBTQ kids to be Trendy] If kids knew what they wanted to be at age 8, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. Bill Maher claims rise of LGBTQ may be sparked by need to be trendy. Video

[Clipboard Manager] Windows has a hidden clipboard manager—here’s how to find it. Build an absolute hoard of text snippets and paste them at will. Link

[Clown Car] If a real car hit this the real car probably wouldn’t even notice. Like the old joke. passenger: “Watch out for those 3 kids!” Driver: “What 3, bump! bump! bump! kids?”

[“Killing poisonwood”] Is it Poisonwood or Manchineel? Know your trees.



[Monkeypox] Here we go again.

[Sick Society] The motel room in Indiana used as a hideout by a former corrections officer from Alabama and the capital murder suspect she is alleged to have helped escape has generated a waiting list and is drawing higher prices. Link


Drunk model criticized for waving thong panties mid-flight. The men (and some of the woman) loved it. Link

[Developers] Another Stock Island trailer park is about to be torn down to make room for an affordable housing project, resurrecting the debate about what type of housing is truly affordability in the Florida Keys. Link

Blackbirds and a morning dove. Seen through a porch screen. An oriole was there yesterday, not Baltimore but black with red and yellow wing color.

[Dolphin Spa] Bottlenose dolphins glow-up with coral body scrubs. To keep skin healthy, dolphins will even wait in line for these coral and sea sponge spas. Link
[The New Normal] Whether it’s phone support or email, the message is always the same. “We’re currently experiencing higher than normal volume, and response times may be longer than the normal long wait time.”