Letters to the editor with pictures since 2002.
Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days,
Tuesdays and Fridays.
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Jesse Lee Peterson, the Alex Jones of Niggers. This is the conversation I have always wanted to have with a negro, but it can’t be done. Not yet, anyway. Maybe later when Blacks are ready to face the violent image they project and ask White people why we don’t like them in general. Years ago, Bill Crosby was the first Black to call for a stop to niggerism and Ebonics. Now it’s Jesse Lee Peterson. Hopefully there will be other Blacks who see just what the problem with the Negro-American race is. It’s niggers. Plain and simply that. Yes, Whites will latch on to this video and send it viral because it’s something Whites have always wanted to tell a Black person. Let’s be clear: a Black person is not a Nigger. Trying to describe one is like trying to define pornography in that we “know it when we see it”. Yet, we can’t talk about it, it is the last American taboo. Video |
[“Flooded cars”] A big problem for electric vehicles is that when flooded those big batteries burn. |
[Mustard Water] You would think that after all these years French’s would have found a way to eliminate mustard water. |
[“Flooded Cars”] This is just my opinion but I’m pretty sure that you could put your car battery in a bank vault and your car would still be trashed during a hurricane with its flooding. |
[Overgrown Mangroves Over Canals] Finally, the County has committed to clearing the overgrown mangroves on their Eden Pines canal lots, a hazard to navigation for sure. Thank you! I hope they take action soon in addressing the serious potholes on Key Deer Boulevard before someone is seriously hurt in their attempt to circumvent the dangerous drops by driving into the oncoming lane. The condition of the entire road is worsening but the potholes are becoming deplorable and dangerous. The time they took to post the warning signs should have been used to fill the 3 serious drops between the traffic light and the W/D shopping plaza |
[Friday Joke] Lovers help each other undress before sex. After sex, they always dress on their own. Moral of the story — In life, no one helps you once you’re screwed. |
The guys who call you “commie” on social media. |
[Top End Travel] Luxury vacation villa rentals are all situated in favorite destinations we know and love. Head to our services area to see about the extra concierge services we can also organize to make your holiday absolutely perfect. Link |
[Investing Tip] Float-A-Poo is a unique dog waste disposal system that uses a dog poop bag and a helium canister that allows you to float your dog poop into the sky, never to be seen again. |
[Pet peeve: Waste] I make a 3 or 4 gallon pot of soup or stew. Kids come over and beg for a big bowl. Eat half and throw out the rest. They think they’re out at a restaurant and can do what they want. My parents taught me have small portions as you can always have more. Darn throw-away society emerging! |
[Salon Equipment For Sale] Entire contents of a nail salon in Marathon up for sale. Pedicure stations, manicure stations, nail drying station, chairs, tables. Together or separate. Make offer. They are not going out of business, they are getting new furniture. (305) 902-7746 or (305) 743-8871. Judy at nail salon next to Bealls in Marathon. |
[“Unsanitary Restaurant”] Most health code violations can be fixed in one day. Most places would be open the next day. Usually all they need is a plumber, refrigeration man, some Mr Clean and Raid. |
[Vinegar Baths To Heal Skin] Vinegar soaks are extremely useful for a wide range of skin issues. They are best for healing cuts, sores, scabs, open wounds, or superficial skin infections – vinegar soaks help the skin stay clean and heal quicker. The key ingredient in vinegar is acetic acid, which is a mild acid that chews up bacteria, yeast, and scabs. Link |
[“Keys are dead”] I don’t think that old guy has been to Duval Street lately. He didn’t find any of his old crowd because they are old or dead or moved or don’t party anymore. Don’t fret, the young are still partying and acting stupid at all hours on Duval Street. And the girls are prittier than ever (except for the tattoos). |
Is this irony in packaging? It’s like peanut butter label reading: Contains peanuts inder the ingredients that read: peanuts, sugar, salt. |
[Electro-magnetic-bomb] Ever wonder what it would be like if they shut off cellphones, TVs, radios, landlines, in fact, what if all the electric went poof? No communications, fuel, travel, medical, cops, army, food and water — would all stop! All it takes is to throw the switches. Scary to think we are so fragile on this rock. I think I’ll become Amish ASAP. |
[Someone Special] My Wife’s youngest brother is the most interesting guy I know. He has even been named a Person of Interest by the authorities several times over the years. |
[?] Do Hollywood gold diggers have to pay income taxes? I imagine their lawyer do. |
I bought a bottle of Stolichnaya Vodka and it had a tag around the neck announcing that it was made in Latvia and not Russia |
[“Mangrove Mama’s rodent droppings”] If Channel 10 checks behind your refrigerator, they’re going to shut down your house! |
[Cost of Home Services] I called a plumber the other day and asked how much he charged. $50 per hour with a minimum of 4 hours charged. I laughed so loud I know I hurt his ears. I said no, no, no, I’m not talking about the hit man rate, the install-a-dish-washer rate. He hung up. No wonder people hire workers from Miami. |
[New Forests] Why planting new forests could do more harm than good. Misguided projects to plant trillions of trees distract from the real work of controlling carbon emissions and reining in climate change. Link |
[Chubby] Both men and women in America weigh on average about 30 pounds more than they did in the 1960s. About 40 percent of the population is now considered obese, and projections say it will be 50 percent by 2030. 80% of American women are overweight |
[Captain Doom and Gloom] Take a minute and think about what each piece really is on a chessboard. What the Pawns do, the Castles, the Knights, the Bishops the Queen and King. If reality does not tell you this the way the world is organized, you’re hopeless. It’s all a grand game some useless eaters put together for laughs and world control. Next time you meet a farmer, welder, trucker, baker, etc., thank them for your life. When you meet a ‘suit’, priest, politico, entertainer, criminal, etc., pee on their shoes. |
Menu at Alcatraz on the day of the escape in 1956. |
[Inflation Woe] What makes me really sick about the merchant class is when a disaster strikes their supply chain, like oranges or veggies, they don’t take the hit like the consumer does and cut back. The merchants raise prices to keep their greedy wallets filled and say f**k the little people. Well, I say f**k them too and if you find out that a product is now many times higher priced than before a storm or other happenings — don’t buy their stuff and see how they like it. |
[Republic] I like the sound of the word. It means people can live free, talk free, go or come, buy or sell, be drunk or sober, however they choose. Some words give you a feeling. Republic is one of those words that makes me tight in the throat; the same tightness a man gets when his baby takes his first step or his first baby shaves and makes his first sound like a man. Some words can give you a feeling that makes your heart warm. Republic is one of those words. ~Davy Crockett John Wayne had wanted to make The Alamo since 1945, but the studios wouldn’t let him do it his way. So he formed his own production company and raised the millions needed to do the job. Which meant building an accurate replica of the Alamo at Brackettville. It took two years and well over a million adobe bricks. To say this movie means a lot to many, many Texans is an understatement. For quite a few it sparked a lifelong love for learning about the Alamo. A lot of them can still quote from it, and do. |
The current Coconut Telegraph was published on 10/18/22 at 8:02 am GET THE LATEST WEBPAGE by refreshing your cellphone’s browser. Or if on a laptop just refresh your browser (the icon to the left of your address window). 1. Open bigpinekey.com on your cellphone. 2. Touch the menu icon in the upper right. 3. Touch the refresh circle (open circle with an arrow on one end). That’s it. The Coconut Telegraph is published Tuesdays and Fridays. |