Letters to the editor with pictures since 2002.
Published on Big Pine Key’s garbage pick-up days,
Tuesdays and Fridays.
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[The Real World] Wow! I temporarily move out of the Keys to West Palm Beach Fl. We can actually get a contractor to show up and perform the job to suit. And they’re not on the sheriff website to boot! |
![]() At the time of the incident, Rittenhouse was an altruistic 17 year old boy. His reason for being on the scene has been well established. He was foolish, as are so many 17 year old males. The area had been ravaged by rioters, looters, anarchists, arsonists, all who were completely dedicated to destroying not just property, but the social order as well. Rittenhouse should not have gone to the scene, he should not have been armed, but he was. There is no evidence whatsoever that indicates that he went to the scene to foment violence, rather there is substantial evidence that he went there to offer first aid services and to protect life and property. Had a blood hungry leftist mob not decided to wreak havoc, violence, and anarchy, Rittenhouse would not have been there. He did, in fact, shoot 3, killing 2. But the circumstances were such that Rittenhouse was under attack by a mob and by specific individuals who were laser focused on killing him or inflicting great bodily harm. The evidence on that is also crystal clear and abundant. He had received death threats and the mob was crying out to kill him. Further, there is substantial evidence that he had been the victim of violence from the mob and from the persons that he subsequently shot. Certainly, he was in fear for his life. Think about it, had Rittenhouse been intent on killing, why did he not kill the man who actually pointed a pistol at him from mere inches away, but rather only wounded him. And when the threat of the pistol was neutralized, Rittenhouse did not fire again? Rittenhouse had every right to protect himself by using deadly force. |
![]() Principle Darren Pais and the parents gathered around the event, beaming with pride, love and admiration for the fantastic performances given by these very happy and energetic children celebrating Veterans Day. Ms. Bazin coordinated this superb program flawlessly. The following day at the Upper Keys Government Center supporting another Veterans Day Observance, Ms. Bazin and her Community Band provided a stunning and breathtaking performance for the large audience in attendance. The U.S. Coast Guard Color Guard from Islamorada spectacularly carried out their duties opening the ceremony. “Amazing Grace” was played beautifully by Deputy Dave Campbell. Veterans Service Director Cathy Crane and Veterans Service Officer Jacinto Molina produced two riveting videos that astounded the audience. County Commissioner Holly Raschein delivered an exceedingly awesome speech that primed everyone for the ceremony. Sheriff Ramsay and his Deputies, School Board Members John Dick and Sue Woltanski, State Attorney and VFW Commander Dennis Ward, American Legion Islamorada Post 145, Am Vets, and other dignitaries including Chaplain Tim Linck were in attendance. Veterans Brian Mundey, Capt. Ed Davidson, John Dick and Jacinto Molina gave compelling speeches on what Veterans Day means to them. It was a powerful ceremony. ~Sincerely, John Donnelly |
[Lenticular clouds] This remarkable natural phenomenon is called Lenticular clouds. |
[Too Few Homes For Sale] Investors now snatch up nearly one in six homes sold in America. |
![]() The movie Wizard of Oz is 82 years old. Elvis is dead 44 years. He’d be 86 today. Michael Jackson’s Thriller video is 38 years old. Mickey Mantle retired 53 years ago. The movie Saturday Night Fever is 44 years old. The Ed Sullivan show ended 49 years ago. The Corvette turned 68 years old this year. The Mustang is 57 |
If China can control its social media, why can’t Facebook, Twitter, etc do the same? Never trust what a mega business says or does. No matter what they say it is not in your best interest but for their bottom line and advertisers. |
Wow! The sky was beautiful Sunday evening. |
[“Rittenhouse self-defense plea”] What was an out-of-town teenager doing with an assault rifle and acting like a vigilante? He was walking through protesters yelling “Friend. Friend” while pointing an assault rifle towards them. He left the car lot that he was supposedly there to guard and went down the street into the rioters looking for someone to shoot so he’s feel like a big man even though he was only a kid. Rittenhouse had no authority to be there or even to carry a gun. He had no training in anything, but maybe lifeguard training. He went there looking for trouble. |
Celebrities who have aged the worst. Link |
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Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. ~Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet Union |
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[“House passes $1.85 trillion infrastructure bill”] I wish. Actually it was $1.2 trillion, but what’s $500 billion among friends! I believe the $1.85 trillion is the social spending plan currently being hashed out. |
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[“Rittenhouse self-defense plea”] All conservatives support him. If Rittenhouse wins the law will change and anyone should be able to carry a gun and look for trouble and then claim self-defense when they find it. That’s what will happen if this legal precedent is established. |
[Covid] A picture of a sea horse pulling a mask in the water of northern Greece was taken by Greek photographer Nikos Samaras. The photo was nominated for Ocean Photography 2021. |
Deer Ed, “Newsmax” is a big part of the insurrectionist and “stop the steal” con job. Whether they happened to get an article mostly factual or not, you are wrong for helping to promote their network of lies and treason. You should never lend them the hand of legitimacy. |
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[Realtor Migration] Jimmy and I have moved to St. Augustine. Can we put out an ad? telling everyone we moved and are selling real estate in St. Augustine? ~ Beata Sharpe |
![]() I have 4 different ancient sacred Gold and wooden artifact from Ghana that have powers of charms for Love, Good luck in business, and Power for fame and money. It has been proven for over 100 years to be very powerful to control people and things. It is for sale. You can remold them to any size and shape and sell them. This treasure is worth more than $1,356,000.00 in the open market and if taken to the museum it’s worth much more…bla, bla. |
[Free Everything] Hey millennials, want free college, healthcare, housing, and food? Great, join the military! |
[Red Sky] Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning. Here’s a rare sight. A red sky this deep red. It was taken Saturday morning. |
[Evacuation of Afghanistan] A very moving description of how one veteran – perhaps representative of so many more – stepped in to do the best they could to help our Afghani allies when our military leaders would not. Video |
![]() 90 days of active-duty service Any time period: 6 creditable years in the Selected Reserve or National Guard, and one of the descriptions below is true for you At least one of these must be true. You: Were discharged honorably, or Were placed on the retired list, or were Transferred to the Standby Reserve or an element of the Ready Reserve other than the Selected Reserve after service characterized as honorable, or Continue to serve in the Selected Reserve Apply for an ID card here. Link |
[“Who is a veteran”] This link to the VA may be of use to him or other Vets with similar situations. Link |
Shakespeare was right: Kill all the Lawyers. Great wall hanging or dart board. |
I speak 4 languages: English, Sarcasm, Sexual Innuendo, and drunken Sailor. |
[It’s so cold…] I took this photo this morning through my window on Little Torch Key. |